chapter 81 curing Ginny And offering her a chance

Sasuke and Dumbledore Apparated outside of Hogwarts, the ancient castle stands tall. They swiftly made their way through the corridors.

Upon reaching the Hospital Wing, the familiar scent of antiseptic potions and the soft hum of magical energy filled the air. Madam Pomfrey, the matron, looked up from her desk, her expression a mix of relief and worry.

"Professor Dumbledore," she greeted, her eyes shifting to Sasuke with curiosity. "Uchiha, did you finally decide to come back?" For Sasuke, she had a good feeling since he was the only student who came to learn healing from her.

Dumbledore coughed a little, trying to attract Pomfrey's attention. "I think you could talk to him after we help Weasley."

"The Weasleys are here." Pomfrey led both of them inside. They found Arthur and Molly Weasley sitting beside a bed where Ginny was lying. Upon hearing footsteps, Molly looked up, her eyes red from crying, but they widened with hope when she saw Dumbledore.

"Albus, thank goodness you are back. I thought you were going to leave," her voice trembling.

Dumbledore approached the bed, his expression softening with compassion. "Molly, Arthur, and Sasuke Uchiha have agreed to help us with Ginny."

Arthur's face became conflicted, remembering how he had told Sasuke not to come near his daughters just a month ago.

Ignoring Arthur, Sasuke turned his attention to Ginny. He took out a small vial of healing potion. Opening her mouth, he let her drink it. As she drank the healing potion, his Sharingan activated, analyzing the dark magic clinging to Ginny.

Arthur and Molly watched anxiously as Ginny's situation started to improve.

"This potion will stabilize her condition for now," Sasuke explained. "It won't remove the curse, but it will give us more time."

He gently lifted Ginny's hand and started to examine her. Unfortunately, he was still not great with dark magic curses. The only thing he could think of that might be useful was his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Molly let out a shaky breath. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

Sasuke glanced at Dumbledore. "Now we need to decide which method to use."

Molly looked at Sasuke with gratitude. "Just use any method that will save her quickly."

"Since it's an external affliction, the best method is to reverse her time."

Dumbledore considered his words carefully. "All time-related magic is quite dangerous. It's better if we look for another cure."

Dumbledore placed a reassuring hand on Molly's shoulder. "Ginny is strong, Molly. We will do everything in our power to save her."

Hearing Dumbledore, Sasuke smiled. "Not all time-related abilities are dangerous." As he spoke, his Sharingan started to spin like a fan and turn into the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Dumbledore saw this Mangekyō Sharingan up close for the first time. Its unique black and red colors and the star pattern inside the eye were mesmerizing, but the most disturbing thing was the negative energy around the eyes, as if they were ready to see blood.

Sasuke, glancing at Ginny, said, "I don't know if you're lucky or unlucky. After all, who doesn't want to get younger?" As he continued to hold her hand, he started to reverse her time by half a year, ensuring she wouldn't lose her memories.

After a few seconds, Sasuke looked at her hand, which was no longer black. He quickly released her hand and closed his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Ginny, who was sitting up, quickly looked at her hand, which was now normal. Feeling a little weird but confirming there was no problem, she burst into tears.

Molly, who was standing aside, quickly hugged her as Ginny cried in her mother's arms. Sasuke's expression was serious. "Ginny, if you ever want to repay me, you can find me in a few days. Join me, but remember, what I plan for you is to make you much stronger than Dumbledore. Joining me won't be pleasant."

Ginny, still tearful, looked up at Sasuke with a confused face since everyone around her had already warned her not to go near him.

Sasuke turned to Dumbledore. "Let's go. You can also explain the student's death."

Dumbledore gave a comforting smile to the Weasleys before leading Sasuke out of the hospital wing. They walked through the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts in silence, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

When they reached Dumbledore's office, the gargoyle leaped aside at a murmured password, and they ascended the spiral staircase. Inside, they found a man pacing angrily in front of Dumbledore's desk.

"Dumbledore!" the man exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration. "What are you doing back here? The Ministry explicitly ordered you to stay away!"

"Cornelius, if I remember correctly, you should be running around to save your position."

Hearing this, Cornelius Fudge replied, "I guess I was lucky they decided to keep me for the time being."

Sasuke stepped forward, his presence immediately commanding attention. "Fudge, you should leave before there is news of your death in the newspaper tomorrow."

"Dumbledore, did you bring this criminal here to insult me?" Fudge growled in anger.

Dumbledore chuckled softly. "I just brought a little help. And for you, I think you should leave."

"It's you who should leave! All the school directors have decided to remove you, don't forget that."

"As long as the students don't want me to leave, I will not leave. If the school directors have a problem, they can come to me," Dumbledore said, his attitude firm, knowing any mistake could cost someone's life, and at this time, he didn't want to play politics.

Feeling Dumbledore's attitude, Fudge stormed out of the office, leaving Dumbledore and Sasuke alone.

Sasuke shrugged. "If you can maintain this attitude, half of your problems will be solved."

Dumbledore smiled wryly. "Perhaps you're right. Let's sit down."

They took seats by Dumbledore's desk. Dumbledore summoned a tray with tea and biscuits, offering some to Sasuke.

"Now, about the student's death," Dumbledore began, his voice heavy with concern. "It's crucial we uncover the truth behind it."

Sasuke nodded. "We can start by looking at all the dark magic items in Hogwarts and also trying to understand what just happened."

Dumbledore sipped his tea thoughtfully. "Indeed, do you have any plans?"

Sasuke leaned back, his expression serious." We can ask Lucius about the diary to see if he knows anything and catch the letter snake and left over black magic items."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement. As they discussed their plans, the night deepened, with the ancient castle of Hogwarts standing silent and resolute around them.