Chapter 83: The Combat Class part 1

The Great Hall buzzed with the usual morning chatter as students filled the long tables for breakfast. The enchanted ceiling reflected a clear, sunny sky, casting a warm glow over the hall. Sasuke walked into the hall, his presence immediately noticed by many students who had heard whispers of his return.

He made his way to the staff table, where the teachers were already seated. Dumbledore greeted him with a warm smile and gestured to an empty seat between Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. Sasuke nodded in acknowledgment and took his seat.

As breakfast continued, Dumbledore rose from his chair, and the hall gradually fell silent. His eyes twinkled with their usual merriment as he addressed the assembled students.

"Good morning, everyone. Before we begin our meal, I have an important announcement to make," Dumbledore began, his voice carrying easily across the hall. "As you may have heard, we have a special guest among us. Sasuke Uchiha, and I am pleased to announce that he will be joining us as our new combat instructor."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the students.

Dumbledore continued, "Mr. Uchiha will be conducting extra combat classes to improve your survivability. The class is voluntary and will be available only to students in their fourth year and above."

After the announcement, the students resumed their breakfast, though the conversation was now dominated by discussions about the new combat classes. Sasuke ate quietly, listening to the teachers around him.

As breakfast came to an end, the students headed off to their first classes of the day. Sasuke checked the schedule to see when his classes were arranged. He would conduct one class a week, open to any student from fourth year and up, regardless of their year. He wasn't worried about managing the students.

He also checked if Hermione had any classes during that time. Before his first class, he picked her up from the library.

"If I remember correctly, most of these books have copies in the research club," Sasuke said.

glancing around for the librarian,Finding she wasn't there. Hermione said in a low voice, "I always find the library more comfortable."

"Well, whatever," Sasuke continued. "I checked your class schedule and saw that you have free time during my class. Do you want to join?"

Blinking her eyes, Hermione responded, "If I remember correctly, the classes are only for fourth grade and above."

"It doesn't matter, It's also good for you. Depending on the situation, I might not be the teacher when you are in your fourth year," he said.

After Hermione agreed, Sasuke sent all the books back to their places with magic. He picked up her small hand and led her to the classroom.

The classroom was spacious but not overly large. There were chairs and benches arranged neatly. As he sat down with Hermione, he started to think about how to conduct the class. The first lesson should be a shock, something to grab the students' attention and teach them about the harsh realities of combat.

The first person to enter was, unsurprisingly, Gemma. She quietly sat with Sasuke and Hermione, and they began discussing the class.

As the start time approached, only a few students had shown up. After waiting for five more minutes, Sasuke stood up and took out his Void breaker sword. Amidst the confusion of the students, he pointed the sword at the ground and cast a powerful spell. With the sheer force of his magic, he started to transform the entire room, ignoring all the enchantments meant to prevent such actions.

As everyone looked around, they saw that the size of the room had almost doubled. There were two raised platforms, and Sasuke stood on one, looking down on everyone. The shock on the students' faces was evident. Pleased with their reactions, he began his lecture.

"Well, I'd like to teach you some dark magic, but our principal won't be too happy about that. So, what I can teach you in this class are some spells and their variations to help you survive and block most magic."

Using magic, he started to write in the air:

Disarming Spell: Expelliarmus

Flying Spell (Levitation): Wingardium Leviosa

Transformation Spell: Transfigurate

Petrification Spell: Petrificus Totalus

Light Spell: Lumos

"I'll start with these spells since I don't think we can begin with the Death Spell.

Let's start with the most seemingly useless yet incredibly useful spell: the Disarming Spell. If you don't know which spell to use, this should be your first choice. Imagine someone is about to attack you; this spell would be the best choice, not because it's particularly good, but because the person getting hit by it has a low chance of dying. However, I shouldn't tell you this, but imagine someone is standing on a high place. If you go behind them and use this spell, they'll fall and possibly die. That's why I said 'low chance.'

Then we have the Transformation Spell and Petrification. Use these on someone, put them in a box, and throw them in the sea. Let's see if they can still come out alive.

The Flying Spell is the easiest. Just let someone fly high and then let them fall. The Light Spell is a bit more difficult, but you could still cause a lot of problems for your opponents.

Oh, I almost forgot—I'm supposed to teach you how to fight back, not how to kill."