chapter 85 news of Voldemort returns again

At the Great Hall, it was abuzz with excitement. Sasuke's unconventional teaching methods had spread quickly as the students who attended explained to their friends about experiencing transformation into animals.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with amusement. "I think I made you the wrong teacher. Instead of a self-defense class, I should make you a teacher of transfiguration."

"Dumbledore, you shouldn't encourage him to use human transformation, that was quite dangerous," Professor McGonagall said.

"You shouldn't worry too much; it's a good opportunity for students to learn something new," Dumbledore replied.

After dinner, Sasuke tried to head back but was stopped by Gilderoy Lockhart, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, who seemed particularly intrigued.

"Mr. Uchiha, I must say, your methods are quite... unique," Lockhart said, his smile dazzling. "Perhaps we could collaborate on turning all students into massive dragons?"

Sasuke gave him a dismissive look. "You should talk to Professor McGonagall about this; she has more experience."

Behind Lockhart, McGonagall was angry, staring at Lockhart. "Lockhart, did you even forget the basics I taught you when you were in school?"

Turning back, Lockhart said, "Of course not, professor, but I believe with my intelligence, there shouldn't be any problem."

The night progressed quickly, and Sasuke was in his room, He was caressing Pansy's cheek gently as she was throwing a tantrum since he invited her, Hermione Granger, but forgot about her.

After making up her mind, she started to remove her robes and skirt, stopping her from removing her shirt, He locked at robes and skirt on the ground . While her legs and underwear were completely exposed, instead of taking the next step, Sasuke gently picked her up and placed her on the bed, looking down at her with a mix of emotions.

"I don't know if I should be happy for what your mother taught you or angry," he muttered.

With little effort, after some time, he was able to calm her down. He put her to sleep. She looked tempting, but he controlled himself since it wasn't time for this type of thing.

Making sure she was comfortably sleeping, Sasuke left the room, making his way to Dumbledore's office. The gargoyle leaped aside at the password, and he ascended the spiral staircase. Inside, Dumbledore was sitting with anticipation.

Sasuke approached the desk, pulling out four items: a locket, a cup and a crown.

Dumbledore's eyes widened as he recognized the artifacts. "Your craftsmanship is really amazing."

"You need to replace them as soon as possible," Sasuke interrupted. "As long as these are not tested by destroying them, no one can find out they are fakes."

Dumbledore examined the replicas closely, his expression thoughtful. "This is remarkable craftsmanship, but it's still hard to convince since they don't have that feeling of black magic."

Sasuke leaned forward, his eyes intense. "I just need to extract some black magic from those defects and transfer it into them; of course, only those black magics, not his soul."

Dumbledore nodded slowly, considering the plan. "A clever strategy. But it won't be easy."

Sasuke smirked. "It's hard only for you, Now the only thing left is the snake; we just need to confirm if it has become a Horcrux."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "Very well, I believe we can send some people to check."

"I will also send kin with your combined team; they will have an easier time, even if they meet the Dark Lord," Sasuke continued. "So, did you find anything from Lucius?"

Dumbledore said , "Lucius claimed he had the diary, but someone took it away, Which I still have doubts, even i suspect he might have find a way to transfer that ring to Ginny, as she couldn't resist the ring and succumbed to it's curse."

"Then what about the student who died? Does Voldemort still have a reason to kill students in his current situation."

"That's easy to understand. I guess he used your second bottle of healing potion and then found a way to absorb the life of that student," Dumbledore replied.

"If what you said is true, then why hasn't he made any noise?"

"He has, Sasuke. You might not know, but his mark has appeared on the hands of all his followers."

"If he is back, shouldn't you be announcing it?"

"I can't do that, at least not before I find out what he is planning. It would be harder to track him once I announce his return."

"Then don't you think starting a combat class is a bad idea since most of the students are from Slytherin?"

"I believe it's the opposite. Many people still work for him out of fear. When they realize Voldemort isn't anything special, they would give up on him at the right time," Dumbledore said, taking out a candy and offering it to Sasuke. "Just like this candy, which is very sweet when you first taste it but contains the most disgusting flavor."

Not wanting to be part of his prank, Sasuke refused and left after understanding the current situation.

Teleporting himself back to his home, Sasuke entered the basement and took out a box filled with Dementors from Azkaban. He began working on his new weapon, a puppet similar to a machine doll but without any intelligence—a fusion of both a puppet and a dementor.

During the night, he worked on this puppet, and in the daytime, he spent some time at Hogwarts.

As the week finally passed, it was time for his next class, which he had prepared carefully since he found out there would be a lot of girls attending.