chapter 86 another failed mission

following day, as Sasuke prepared for his next class, a sudden notification from the system interrupted his thoughts:

[Mission Failed: Let Ginny Weasley join your harem in 7 days.]

Sasuke sighed. "The mission was no good from the start. System, you need to understand that the current Ginny Weasley isn't going to understand the implications of joining a harem, especially since her parents would never allow her to do such a thing."

The system remained silent for a moment before responding, "But you didn't put in any effort. You could have just said some sweet words, given her some expensive gifts, or shown her how awesome you are."

Sasuke dismissed the system's notion. "According to you, I should have spent 7 days with her, wasting my time by on a useless mission, which both of us know we are going to fail."

"Wouldn't it be better if you cured her once she joined your harem?" the system queried.

"Because I've tried once and failed. Now, I'm not going to try something this boring again," Sasuke continued. "It would have been different if she had joined and got automatically cured. Then I would have considered it, since I could save some effort."

"The next time, if you find a girl who needs help because of some injury, you could recruit her, since I could optimize everyone's body. But external forces such as black magic are not included."

Noting this, Sasuke started to look in the system mall for the Lucifer bloodline, since even if Ginny joined somehow in the future, it would take him 5to 10 years to train her, which is too long.

As he started to look for Lucifer templates, he discovered there were a large number of Lucifer bloodlines and templates, ranging from 10,000 system points to 100 million system points.

10,000 system points sounded affordable. The problem was, he would become Lucifer in name only without any benefit to his strength, while the 100 million option would give him the full Lucifer template but without his unnecessary emotions and memories. This was important because having Lucifer's billions of memories could be too much for anyone.

Feeling like his second mission might also fail or take too much time, Sasuke started to think of a way to acquire a strong template or bloodline.

"[Host, you have two choices. If you really want to buy a strong template, you could go and capture some goddesses, which should give you around 1 to 20 million system points for every goddess. Alternatively, capturing a large number of cute girls will also work. You can also take the next step with your girls to earn more system points.]"

Ignoring the system's suggestions, he kept looking at all the choices until he found the Lucifer template upgradeable for 2.5 million.

"What about this one?" Sasuke inquired.

"That's not a complete template; it's only 10%. If you want to upgrade, you would have to use system points, making the total cost 106.55 million. With 6 million, you could definitely get a good weapon or skill from the system mall."

While the deal wasn't bad, the problem was he didn't have that many system points. So, instead of focusing on this template, he started to prepare for his class.

As he opened the door, he saw Penelope standing with many girls from Ravenclaw, her eyes scanning the Slytherin boys, giving them a clear signal that she now had a backup.

While the boys also wanted to bring girls from Slytherin, they were always worried Sasuke would take all the girls, leaving them single for the rest of their lives. Because of this, all the boys had a tacit understanding to make sure all the girls thought that if they entered this class, they might be exploited.

For Penelope, there wasn't any problem in bringing them, since even if all the girls fell into Sasuke's clutches, her life wouldn't be affected.

Sasuke looked at all the new faces. He noticed Pansy, who had also sneaked into the combat class. Well, it's not that he didn't want her in the class, but her skills were just not enough. But he decided to let her stay.

Raising a few more platforms, Sasuke started his class. This time, he took out his wand. "Today I am going to help you improve your ability to cast the Disarming Spell. My requirement is simple: your spell must be able to knock out your enemy." Sasuke paused a little. "In case you don't know this basic spell, I will only help you one time. If you are a girl, I might help you a second time," he added in a very low voice that nobody could hear.

First, he took all the boys onto the platform and let them stand. Then he started to guide the girls on how to point and cast Expelliarmus.

Girls like Hermione and Pansy, eager to cast the spell, their wands pointed to the boys.

As following Hermione and Pansy girls too cout there wants and started to prepare to cast spells.

Watching lots of wands pointed at them, the boys took out their wands to defend themselves, but Sasuke cast Expelliarmus, removing all the wands from the boys' hands. Looking at the girls, Sasuke said, "I think this should be a good example. But what you have to do is instead of their wands, you will need to treat their bodies as a weapon and try to knock them out,So now you can start."

Finding their feet stuck on the ground, all the boys looked at the spells coming at them, trying to knock them out.

Many wanted to protest, but their protests were invalid. The room had 30 girls and only 10 boys, so they didn't even have a majority. Because of this, they had one miserable day .