chapter 87 catching Nagini

In the dimly lit room of a secluded safe house in Albania, three figures gathered for a crucial meeting. Kin, dressed in a maid costume; har youthful appearance was strap contrast to other two peoples first being Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, the seasoned Auror and Remus Lupin, the werewolf whose close where completely stitch together if he stay outside of hotel people might even treat him as a beggar.

Mad-Eye Moody grunted, his magical eye swiveling to scan Kin not understanding her because of her weird choice of clothes.

Mad-Eye Moody not letting his gard down spoke"if Dumbledore information is correct we can find Nagini but we should prepare for death eaters"

Remus Lupin nodded,"We must work together to succeed."

"Alright then, let's get moving. Constant vigilance, everyone."Moody said

With their plan set, the trio left the safe house and made their way towards the edge of the forest, the trees loomed ominously, casting long shadows in the fading light.

Kin took the lead, . "I'll scout ahead."making a hand gesture secreted few clones and send them to scout.

Mad-Eye and Lupin followed, their senses on high alert. The forest seemed to close in around them, the sounds of nocturnal creatures adding to the eerie atmosphere.

After some hours as the continue to walk, one of Kin clones returned to the group. "There's is a a place It could be where Nagini is hiding."

Mad-Eye nodded,"Let's proceed with caution. Remember, she's not just a snake. She's a Horcrux. We need to be prepared for anything."

As they ventured deeper into the foreboding forest,The trio moved silently through the forest, their senses heightened and their nerves taut. The trees loomed large and ominous, casting long, twisting shadows in the moonlight.

Mad-Eye Moodysuddenly signaled them to stop, her eyes fixed on a clearing up ahead.

as they move forward they so abandone house as they look around they found Nagini at some distant away from the house, her scales reflecting the dim light. She hissed menacingly, sensing their presence.

Moody followed, casting a series of powerful spells to contain Nagini. Lupin, transformed partially into his werewolf form, used his heightened senses to anticipate the snake's movements.

Nagini lunged at them, but Kin's quick reflexes allowed her make a precise strike with her kunai, temporarily incapacitating the snake. Moody and Lupin quickly moved in, using their combined magic to bind and immobilize Nagini.

"We've got her," Moody grunted, his magical eye still whirling to check for any additional threats.

Lupin, panting slightly from the exertion, nodded. "Let's finish this. We need to destroy her before she can recover."

Kin pulled out a enchanted bag that Dumbledore had given them, as she put the snake inside

"It's done," Kin said quietly.

Moody scanned the area one last time, his magical eye darting back and forth. "Alright, let's get out of here before anything else decides to show up."soon as he said this large number of wizards with black robes and mask appear.

Looking at the missing snake the realise what just happened but watching Mad-Eye Moody they almost had a heart attack since Mad-Eye was famous for catching dark wizards.

As sum of of run away few decided to stay and fight since they don't want to get punish by Voldemort

The Death Eaters closed in, their wands raised and eyes glinting with malice.

Moody his wand already casting defensive spells to shield them from the incoming barrage of curses.

Lupin, cast a series of rapid spells, Kin, meanwhile kin too out her wand, ready to engage in magical combat since this was a good opportunity.

"Let's see how they handle this," she muttered, With a flick of her wrist, she conjured a series of fire spells.

Lupin, moving with the agility of a predator, took down a masked opponent with a well-placed smashing curse. "

Kin who couldn't continue the battle started started to sneak attack

A particularly bold Death Eater lunged at Kin, but tu hi found himself entangle in chakra wires which were almost invisible,"Is that all you've got?" she taunted, her confidence unwavering.

Moody and Lupin finally started to use more dangerous spells . They fought the remaining Death Eaters, their efforts proving too much for the dark wizards to handle.

Lupin, breathing heavily "Let's go. We've got what we came for."

Kin, her eyes still blazing with the thrill of battle, took one last glance at the battlefield.

The trio started to leave, the sounds of the forest gradually fading behind them, dirty thrust wanted to catch them but their initial clash have remind them they were out of their league.

Each Death Eaters, looking at each other in complete loss one of them who couldn't take anymore spoke "what should we do"

"We can only report pack the truth be might get punish but if we run like other or and would be more miserable than the people who had run away." another wearing a mask spoke.