Chapter 102: fire show with Fiendfyre

-The night in the Uchiha compound was unusually still, a blanket of darkness wrapping the village in silence. Stars twinkled faintly in the sky, their light barely piercing through the lingering smoke from earlier conflicts. Sasuke and Rosier stood side by side, their expressions grim and resolute.

Sasuke glanced at Rosier, a question in his eyes. "How is your Fiendfyre?"

Rosier met his gaze with a smirk. "Well, it's good enough for me to use without dying."

"Then let's do it together," Sasuke said, his voice carrying a weight of finality. "Let the biggest fire show begin."

In perfect unison, they raised their wands, and a torrent of fire erupted from them, engulfing the structures around them. The heat was intense, and the wood crackled as it succumbed to the flames.

House after house burned with unyielding fury, the flames dancing and roaring in the night. The once-proud Uchiha compound was now a sea of fire. Sasuke focused on maintaining his control, transforming the burning houses into monstrous, animated forms. Some were sent towards the Hokage's building, while the rest were directed towards the nearby forests to ignite further destruction.

The combined flames of Fiendfyre created a spectacle of destruction, the heat so intense that it warped the air around them. Sasuke and Rosier stood side by side, watching this fantastic show.

As this was going on, members of the ANBU started to stir. Before they could act, Sasuke took out a small box, cast an expansion spell, and put the ANBU members inside before shrinking the box again.

At the same time, a shadow moved silently through the village, the moon casting a soft glow over the rooftops and streets. The village, usually bustling with activity, was now serene and still. This was Sasuke's shadow clone, invisible to the naked eye, heading towards the Hyūga compound. The clone approached the high walls and observed the guards patrolling the perimeter, their vigilance evident in their movements.

Using an invisibility spell, the clone scaled the wall with a swift leap and landed softly on the other side. It entered the main building, casting noise and smell-dampening magic as it moved. The corridors, dimly lit by lanterns most interestingly electrical bulb where turn off due to tradition, cast flickering shadows that danced along the walls. The clone moved silently, finally reaching a room at the end of a quiet corridor. It slid the door open just enough to peer inside and saw Hanabi Hyūga sleeping peacefully in her bed. A maid responsible for her care dozed off in a chair nearby, her head resting against the wall.

The clone entered the room, carefully lifting the young girl into its arms. It cast a light sleep charm to ensure Hanabi remained undisturbed and then turned its attention to the maid. Finding the maid potentially cute and useful, the clone also cast a sleeping spell on her before picking her up as well. With both in its arms, the clone made its way back through the corridors, moving swiftly and silently until it reached the outer wall of the compound. With a final leap, it cleared the wall and blended back into the shadows of the night.

Back at the Hyūga compound, Hiashi Hyūga discovered his youngest daughter and the maid missing. Maintaining a calm facade, he immediately alerted the clan's elders.

"We have a situation," Hiashi said, addressing the gathered elders. "Hanabi has been taken, along with her caretaker."

One of the elders frowned. "Who could have done this? And why?"

Hiashi, knowing the truth but unable to reveal it, chose his words carefully. "We need to find them quickly."

The elders nodded in agreement. "We will deploy search teams immediately," one elder said, issuing orders to the clan's top fighters.

The shadow clone arrived back at Sasuke's hideout. "Mission accomplished," the clone said, gently placing Hanabi and the maid down.

Sasuke nodded, dispelling the clone and absorbing its memories. He then turned to Rosier and Kin. "Now we can leave and meet our new friends."

Meanwhile, the Third Hokage anxiously waited for the ANBU to bring Sasuke. He stood at the window, looking outside when he saw the monstrous, animated houses making their way toward the Hokage's building. His eyes widened with shock and disbelief as the village erupted into chaos. The villagers, awakened by the commotion, stared in awe and terror at the sight of the burning, walking houses.

Summoning the Monkey King, the Hokage jumped out of the window and landed on the roof of the Hokage's office. He called for all available ninjas to stop the wooden monster houses. The Monkey King transformed into a giant staff, which the Hokage grabbed and slammed into one of the houses, breaking it into many pieces.

Following this, many ninja clans gathered to join the battle, their expressions determined.

"What type of technique is this?" an elder from the Nara clan said, his voice steady despite the chaos.

"We must act quickly," the leader of the Akimichi clan added, his fists clenched. Transforming into a giant, he tried to smash the houses with the staff. The Nara clan restricted the houses using their shadow binding.

Once the houses were restricted, everyone found it easier to deal with them. They started to cheer up, but soon their cheer turned to horror as they looked outside the village and saw the forest burning.

"This is terrible," Hiruzen murmured, his voice barely audible over the roar of the flames.

"Besides the few ninjas dealing with these monster houses, the rest of you follow me—especially those who are masters of water style," Hiruzen commanded.

The night turned into day as village ninjas continuously ran around trying to stop the fire.