Ch 3 - Reborn And Loved

The boy was suddenly in the darkness. Similar to the peaceful darkness of death he had left behind. But everything felt different. It was warm as well as peaceful and comfortable. He felt like he was enveloped and hugged in a soft liquid. Soft walls wrapped around him.

???: {Is this…}

The question the boy was about to ask was quickly getting answered. There was a small bright light emanating from a growing hole. Like a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Something was pushing him towards that gradually brighter light. He felt a small crushing feeling across his body as everything got so much colder. He lost the soft warm feeling of an enveloping liquid and was instead hit by a cold air which prickled at his body. The bright light was blinding and he couldn't help but keep his eyes shut. When the boy asked to go back only crying noises came out of his small toothless mouth. Noises of an unfamiliar language rang in his ears as he was held by the hands of what he could feel was a man.

But the feeling he had lost was soon replaced by another. A soft, warm, wet blanket wiped across his body. What the boy could only assume was someone cleaning him. Then a dry fluffy cloth was tightly wrapped around his body. The more he tried to open his eyes the more he could begin to see. Further and further until he could slightly see a woman who held him in her arms. He couldn't see much as it was still bright but he could see someone. Long hair, feminine features, and a soft chest that she held him in with strong arms.

???:… Albion… #### #### ####### #####. Albion Elavore.

Albion: {Is… Is that my new name?}

He could feel the woman hugging him. And then a man joined the hug. It was so gentle. So warm. Albion didn't understand what they were saying but he felt love in their words. Every word they said was full of love. It was a beautiful moment that he was a part of.

Albion: {They… they love me. They're my new parents…}

Tears began to fall from his eyes as he cried. He rolled close to his mother's chest as tears fell from his eyes. He felt the gentle rocks and small kisses placed on his forehead. The warmth of their lips left a permanent feeling in his body. A long-forgotten feeling of joy. He finally had a family that he had always dreamed of. As he cried more and more he couldn't help but feel tired. Exhausted. He closed his eyes and slowly went to sleep.

Scene change

When Albion slowly opened his eyes he saw darkness. There was light in his room but it was only moonlight out of a single glass window. Shining down on him. Its gentle light softly landed on his face.

Albion: {I-I have a family now. They love me. I have a family now!}

Albion thought happily as his baby body giggled with joy.

Lily: That you do. And might I add you're really adorable! Albion.

Albion couldn't see Lily near the window so he tried to roll over the other way. But there was no need. Lily gently picked him up in her arms as he looked up at her. But he also saw his parents in the same room. Laying on a bed together. The frame was wooden with blue sheets and pillows covering them and the bedding.

Albion: {Lily! You need to be quiet or else they'll see you and think you're abducting me.}

Lily: Don't worry. They can't see or hear me. If they did open their eyes they would only see you floating. Normally Guardian Angels can even be seen by those they watch over. But since I'm a mid-grade angel I can do this much.

Albion: {Thank you, Lily. If… If you didn't help me… I-I wouldn't…}

Albion was on the verge of crying again. He couldn't hold it back as a baby. He couldn't control his emotions like he normally could. But Lily held him close and kissed his forehead which sent a wave of joy down his body.

Lily: Shhhhh. It's ok. Mommy's here. Mommy will always be here for you.

Albion: {You'll… you'll also be my parent.}

Albion couldn't hold it for long. He was about to start crying again.

Lily: Of course I will. I'll be your mommy as well as your other parents. Just get some sleep ok. It's not good for a baby like you to stay up so long.

Albion was close to crying but as Lily rocked her arms gently she sang a small peaceful hum. A tune that stopped his need for tears. He felt so sleepy again. Listening to the peaceful tune she hummed with a gentle smile on her face.

Lily: That's it. Just go to sleep. Mommy will make sure to watch the whole night. I'll make sure you live a nice life. You and mommy.

Albion's eyes slowly closed again as he fell asleep in her arms. Lily looked down at him sleeping peacefully. Kissing his forehead and gently placing him down in the crib next to the bed of Albion's new parents.

Lily: {I've always wanted to have a child. And now I have you. I'll make sure we stay together Albion. I love you.}

Lily watched all night as Albion slept peacefully in his wooden crib with a soft pillow base. Wrapped in a soft white blanket. She admired his soft yellow hair with bright red tips. His pale-coloured skin shined in the moonlight. And his cute face that she couldn't help but stare at.

Lily: I love you so much.

Lily leaned over and kissed Albion on the forehead once again. Disappearing from the room but still watching over him.

Time skip

It had been two months and Albion was suckling on his mother's tit. He was initially really embarrassed to do it but he got so hungry he had no choice. But he couldn't say it was bad. The warm milk coming from it has a sweet taste. It was certainly better than anything he had previously tasted before. So as he was slowly suckling on his mother's tit as he listened to the conversation his parents were having.

Mother: #### ### ### food ### #######

Father: Yes, # #### ## ### market #### # ###…

It hadn't been long but Albion had found himself learning the language a lot faster. He already knew many words but the culture of this new world still eluded him.

[Eating has levelled up to level 2.]

Albion: {Oh yeah! I nearly forgot I have a status. Status.}

A small screen popped in front of his eyes. It was the same blue screen he had seen when customising.


Name: Albion Elavore

Level: 1

Age: 2 months

Race: Hybrid (25% Elf, 18.75% human, 18.75% orc, 18.75% dragon and 18.75% spirit)

Titles: N/A

Main Class: Apprentice Mage (Growth)

Sub Class 1: Beginner Swordsman (Growth)

Sub Class 2: N/A

Sub Class 3: N/A

Alignment: 0 Neutral

Status: Happy, Well fed

HP: 30/30

MP: 1000/1000]

Albion looked at the status screen happy that it looked more proper than how it started.

[Congratulations! You are the first reincarnated to have opened up the status window. You have gained the title "Early Development". You have gained the skill Accelerated Learning (B).]

[You already have the skill Accelerated Learning (B). Accelerated Learning (B) has become Accelerated Learning (A)]

Albion looked at the blue screens in his vision. Confused about what was happening.

Albion: {How am I the first to open up the status window? It's been two months.}

Lily: That's because you were reincarnated 20 years earlier than everyone else who was reincarnated in the present.

Albion: {But how was Early Reincarnation a drawback then?}

Lily: You were very limited in skills and their power due to your small and underdeveloped body. Also, you had the chance of not being born into such nice households because the options shown were drawn from a hundred that were being born at the moment you should have arrived. It was all random. And even with the growth type skills you still need to train them. If you don't they'll end up being weaker than the skills available to the others.

Albion: {Oh. Then why do I have such a high MP stat? I feel like that's not normal for a baby compared to my HP.}

Lily gave a slight giggle as she got down to Albion's level. Albion still sucking on his mum's tit as he was hungry.

Lily: Normally regular Human babies start with 10HP and 10MP. Baby Elves 10HP and 100MP. Dragon babies 200HP and 10000MP. Orc babies 50HP and 10MP and Spirits which don't come as babies but as fully developed entities that start as a low grade 100HP and 2000MP, if they start as a higher grade then they have more mana. There are others but I doubt you want to hear them all.

Albion listened to Lily's soft voice as he then realised. He was all of those races.

Albion: {Wait. So I'm a powerful baby?}

Lily: As powerful as a baby like you could possibly be sweetie. Open your skills up.

Albion: {Skills?}

Suddenly another blue window popped up.

[Active skills: Kill Shot (S), Activate (F)

Passive skills: Rolling Level 1 (F), Eating Level 2 (F), Perfect Memory (C), Accelerated Learning (A), Eyes Level 2 (F), Accelerated Development (A), Lucky Chance (C), Danger Barrier (D), Monster Language Index (C), Magic Adaptation Level 1 (F), Basic Swordsmanship Mastery Level 1 (D)

Racial skills: Dragon Heart, Mana Lines, Strong Physique, Jack Of All Trades]


Mother: Ow!

Albion looked up at his mum as she looked down at him surprised. He had accidentally bit her tit in between his gums and slowly forming teeth. Taking off his mouth his mother could see his surprised look. His eyes wide open looking at her.

Albion: {I-I-I'm so sorry!}

Albion couldn't stop it as his baby body began to cry. Tears streaming from his eyes and down his face. His mouth was wide open as his voice screamed in a high pitch. His mother quickly consoled him and what he could only assume was relentlessly apologising for the sudden shout. Albion knew it wasn't her fault but he couldn't stop crying. The curse of being in the body of a baby. His mother slowly rocked Albion in her arms. Trying to help him either fall asleep, stop crying or go back to feeding.

Lily: {I'll just help him with all of it later.}