Ch 4 - Exploring A Small Home

It had been two months and Albion was left on the floor. A mat and a green blanket covering the wooden and waxed floor. He looked around and saw a table next to him. Wooden and polished with four table legs with six wooden and polished chairs. From the living room that was connected to the kitchen, there was an open doorway. Giving Albion the availability to explore.

Albion: {I'm no longer wrapped up. Dad is at what I can only assume is work and mum is asleep. It's time!}

Albion took a deep breath and threw his body weight to the side. Rolling over. He couldn't yet crawl but he sure as hell could roll. Even if it took some effort he tried his best.

Lily: What are you doing?

Lily looked down and giggled at Albion rolling over. Taking small breaks getting exhausted.

Albion: {I'm exploring my new home.}

Albion said rolling over again causing Lily to giggle again. It was really adorable watching such a cute baby rolling around with such drive. She also found it adorable how he was trying so hard.

Lily: Do you want me to carry you around?

Albion: No. I need to do this for myself. Grow… stronger.

Albion said rolling again. He had finally got to the doorway linking the living room to what he looked down, a short hallway. But as a baby, he didn't see it as a normal hallway. This was a marathon. What seemed like miles and miles to him made his tiny baby lungs pant.

Albion: {So… hungry… need to… explore.}

But then suddenly Lily gently picked him up. Holding him close.

Albion: {Lily I wanted to…}

But before he could finish his sentence Lily grabbed her white silk dress on the inside cleavage and uncovered one of her larger breasts. Holding Albion close to her tit. Albion was completely surprised by what she was doing.

Lily: I promise I won't carry you there but if you're hungry… mommy can help you with that.

Albion: {Y-You can make milk?!}

Lily gave a slight giggle. Slightly stroking Albion's head with her hands that were carrying him. Holding his with crossed arms.

Lily: I'm an angel. A being of light, nature and life. Of course, I can make it so I produce milk… even if I haven't had a child myself. So please… drink if you need to. In fact… I-I really want you to.

Albion looked at the tit for a second. Just like all the other angels he had seen it was perfect. Perfect shape perfect colour, areola size. Everything about her tit was perfect. But he didn't know what to do. But he was so hungry. And as he gently put his lips around it and started suckling it began to feel more and more natural. As if he was suckling on his mother's breast. It felt warm and comfortable. Lily's grasp was gentle and comforting. As he kept on suckling she felt more like a mum to him. Another mother. An actual mommy.

[By drinking the milk of an Angel you have gained the passive skill Pure Mana (B).]

Lily: That's it. Take anything you want from mommy. I'll be here for you. You can drink as much as you want.

Lily whispered in a soft tone. As Albion suckled more he felt it again. Whenever he suckled on his mother's breast he had this feeling flow over him. The feeling of never wanting to leave. But he had a clear goal and limited time to do it. Slowly he took his lips from Lily's tit. He so desperately wanted to return. He felt an unyielding desire to stay close, but he overcame it.

Lily: Done already. You can always have more. I can produce as much as you need.

Albion: {Yes… mommy.}

Lily had a massive smile on her face as she gently hugged Albion a little bit more before placing him down back on the wooden waxed floor. Hearing him say Mommy filled something in her. Something that was missing and broken.

Lily: If you're in any trouble I'll help you immediately.

Albion: {Ok.}

Albion went back to rolling. Rolling down the halls and looking at everything he passed. There were no electrical lights anywhere. The hall only being lit by natural light from a window at the end of the hall. The walls were also wooden but there was some sort of whitish paper covering it, stopping at the wooden skirt board. The white paper walls making the hallway a bit brighter and seem more decorated.

As he continued to roll he got to his parent's room. The door open so he could enter.

Albion: {I've got her…} *BLEH*

Albion puked on the floor. A white yellowish liquid fell from his mouth onto the floor. He stared at what just came out of his mouth slightly disgusted.

Albion: {Maybe constant spinning and drinking wasn't the best idea. That was disgusting.}

And even though Albion knew he would most likely be sick again. He rolled anyway. Unable to traverse any other way.

As he rolled into the room ignoring the blue windows that popped up he looked at the room he slept in with his parents. A big bed and a bedside table with a single draw. A bookcase filled to the brim with books. A small dagger on one of the shelves. His crib was on the left side of the bed, closest to the window. The window that he often looked out of open for a soft warm breeze. Whenever he woke up from a nightmare he would often stare out that window at the stars with the close bright moon. It often helped him to calm down. Lily helped him so he could see out it better and so he didn't cry to wake up his parents. He didn't want to be a burden to them with a drawback he chose. Though he found it easy to fall asleep in Lily's arms.

Albion: {I wonder who owns the dagger? I wonder what my parents do as jobs? Maybe they're adventurers! That would be so cool!}

Lily: Sorry to burst your bubble but they're not adventurers. Though when you grow up you'll find out so I won't tell you.

Lily grinned as Albion looked at her.

Albion: {Not fair. You can't just pique my interest like that.}

Lily gave a small giggle but then there were shouts in the house.

Mother: ALBION! ##### ### YOU!

He could hear his mother's heavy and quick steps as Albion saw her rush towards the doorway. Looking at Albion as he tried to sit up.

Mother: How ### you ### ####?

Albion giggled a bit as he knew what she was saying even though he couldn't understand the words. Lying down he rolled over to her feet and giggled. His mother slowly picked him up as she looked at him with surprise.

Mother: ### ###### ##. # ####### # #### ###. I love you so much.

[Congratulations. Rolling has reached max level 5. Rolling has grown to Crawling (F+).]

Albion was giggling more.

Albion: {Cool! I…} *BLEG*.

Albion again puked on the floor in front of his mother. This was the second time. He got his hands and covered his eyes in embarrassment as he heard his mother giggle and laugh. Taking Albion back out of the bedroom as she placed him on the table. Cleaning him and changing him from his small blue top into a green top. Changing his diaper to a new one while she was at it.

Albion looked at his mother. She too was beautiful. She had long ears and was tall. A beautiful pale complexion with green eyes and long straight blond hair. Her build was big and strong. Standing at 6"10. You could see the muscles she had but she also had a soft layer of fat covering it. She was wearing a green loose dress that was still tight around her chest and her arms.

While Albion was lost looking at his mother she kissed Albion on the lips which elicited an instinctive giggle. He saw his mother smile as she then barraged him with kisses and tickles as Albion relentlessly giggled and laughed. Her kisses felt nice and her tickles were to die for in Albion's eyes.

After a while, his father came in. Watching with a smile as he saw Albion and his mother happy. His father was not as tall as his mother. But he wasn't short either. His father standing at 6"4 with a lean build. He too had longer ears and blond hair, but his had strands of red mixed in. Some of the strands forming streaks. His eyes were red too. His skin was clear and pale as well. Not as pale as his mother's though. But neither of them lacked skin tone. He was wearing a white shirt and what looked like suit trousers. But they didn't seem to be of high quality.

Father: ### you ##. ###### ### #### Albion.

Mother: Yes. I ## ##. ###### ### little Albion ### ### #### ####.

Father: ## ###.

Mother smiled as she placed Albion on the floor with a smile. Cheering him on. Albion looked confused but then realised what they were trying to get him to do. She wanted him to start travelling via his rolling technique. So testing out his brand new skill he got on his hands and knees. Doing just this was difficult. Like lifting weights on all his arms, but when he saw his parent's faces of amazement he pushed himself even more.

Moving one hand forward and then one knee. With another hand and another knee, he moved forward towards his parents. It was incredibly slow but they were ecstatic watching their baby boy crawl. And as he got closer and closer he reached his mother's feet. Completely exhausted from crawling two meters he dramatically fell to his side as his mother picked him up. Giving him hundreds of kisses as his father hugged him. He was too exhausted to listen to what they were saying but he could make out the word "love" and that's all he needed to hear.

They began to talk more but Albion was missing so many words he didn't know what they were saying. But all he could do was be happy. Looking at their smiling faces as they held him.

Lily: Well done Albion.

Albion: {Thank you. Mommy.}

Albion couldn't see Lily but he could hear her happiness. He felt her touch as she joined the hug. Hugging him. It was like she was his size hugging him only. Albion loved his family. His mother, his father and his Guardian Angel, his mommy.