Ch 24 - Breaking A Rule (6)

Albion slowly recovered with the help of the woman. It had been another two weeks and he was improving a lot faster. After a week could move his body though it was a bit sluggish. But he felt it. And after another week he gradually got used to it. Then he felt it. The thing that was last to move. The ability to move his eyelids. The heaviness that was there was subsiding.

Albion: You told me to tell you when I think I'll be able to see you again. I… I think I can do it.

Albion said while sitting on the bed. The woman was making food somewhere. Albion could feel the heat so he assumed it was her cooking something.

???: You… you can?! Ok… let me help you. You'll need your eyes… to adjust to the light. So… face this way.

The woman quickly helped Albion to slowly turn around while he was seated on the bed. Turning him left while she sat right of him.

???: Now… slowly open your eyes. But… please don't hurt me… when you see me.

Albion: I would never do that!

Albion slowly opened his eyes as even the small candles in the cave were extremely bright to him. Like looking directly into the sun. But his eyes were quickly adjusting as it became clear, surprisingly fast. Lily was right though. Everything looked handmade. Even the bed he was sitting on. But he wanted to do something. It was important to him.

Albion: Can I look at you? I promise I won't hurt you. I don't know why you think I would.

???: O… ok.

The woman said slowly but obviously scared. Albion slowly turned around on the bed. His heart beating extremely fast with expectation. And then when he saw her his heart skipped a beat. Her hair was just as beautiful as he remembered. Thick, messy, wavy, a raven black colour. Her hair reached down to her lower back. Touching the bed.

Her eyes were also like he remembered. He was staring at them and all he could see was a beautiful sunset in them. A magical experience. Her ears were long and pointed. But they were much bigger than his. His ears were only slightly pointy being part elf. But hers were larger in both length and thickness. They looked cute on her though.

She was small and soft. Her proportions left Albion with only one word in his head. Her larger chest and larger round behind with her small stature and proportional waist were what Albion could only think of as perfect. He found it hard not to blush and look as she was wearing only rags around her body. Her green skin was without flaws. Her face was so beautiful that he couldn't have possibly pictured or imagined how beautiful her real beauty was.

???: I… I knew…

Albion went in and kissed her. A gentle kiss as they parted.

Albion: Why did you think I wouldn't like you?

???: Because… I'm a goblin.

She was. But besides her green skin, larger ears than a normal goblin and smaller stature she looked nothing like one. She didn't have warts. She didn't have a large pointed nose or a longer face. She didn't look rugged or unkempt. To Albion, she looked completely stunning.

Albion: Because of your green skin and larger ears? I think you look beautiful.

She was shocked. She was very well aware of their racial differences and how people would view her. Of what the others of her race did and how disgusting it was. Of what they did to her mother, but her mother managed to see the difference in her. Albion… he could also see the difference. If someone couldn't they would have been blind. She may have been a goblin, but at the same time, she wasn't.

???: You… you do?

Albion: And there's no reason to try and stop your natural sound. You can talk clearly.

???: You… you really don't mind that I'm a goblin Kikiki?

She began to speak more clearly. Not having to try and stop or hold back at the end of each word or sentence.

Albion: I think you look amazing. And I'd be lucky to even meet someone who takes care of me as much as you have.

???: You… you really like me, you're not lying to lure me or capture me Kikiki?

Albion: I love you. I instantly caught feelings for you as soon as I caught a glimpse of you. Looking at you now how could I not love you? Even if you looked different I would still love you because of what you've done for me. I would be dead without you. And right now… I… I don't think I could imagine a life without you.

???: Could… could I ask your name?

Albion: It's Albion. And you?

???: Gozo geevee gobigoso. But my mum… she called me Eve kikiki.

Albion smiled.

Albion: Eve is nice.

Eve: Albion.

Albion: Eve.

They inched closer and closer. This was the closest either of them had been to someone else who wasn't family. They had both been so close to each other these 4 weeks. Eve had seen Albion and every part of him a normal person should never see. Albion saw Eve's kindness, loving, caring and affection towards him. Wanting nothing else but to be with her in that moment. The world stood still for them as they stared into each other's eyes.

Eve: Is it wrong for me to love you Albion Kikiki?

Albion: If it is. Then I'm wrong too. Because I love you, Eve.

Tears fell from Eve's eyes as she got on top of Albion's lap. Sitting on it as they got closer and closer. Making the most intimate kiss they had ever had. It was full of so much passion. Eve's long tongue explored Albion's mouth. Going so deep Albion found himself holding back his gag. She was so passionate about it. She began to rub up and down Albion's leg as she moaned in his mouth. Albion couldn't stop his instinctive nature of getting hard as Eve grabbed it unconsciously but immediately flinched away.

Eve: I'M SO SORRY KIKIKI! I… I find it hard to control myself with my racial skill!

Albion: What is it?

Eve got really embarrassed. While most monsters didn't have status screens. That's what set apart the regular monsters and the variants or the naturally stronger monsters.

Eve: It's… it's better if you just see it.

A blue screen appeared in front of Albion.


Name: Eve

Level: 13

Age: 17 years 2 months

Race: Half Elf, Goblin Variant (50% Elf, 50% Goblin)

Titles: Variant, Betrayer of Kind, Career…

Main Class: Healer

Sub Class 1: Alchemist

Sub Class 2: N/A

Sub Class 3: N/A

Alignment: +34 Neutral Good

Status: Lustful, Lovestruck, Worried

HP: 210/210

MP: 410/410]

[Active skills: Chemical Mixture (D), Clean (C), Condition Analysis (A), Anaesthetic Atmosphere (F), Chemical Gathering (B)

Passive skills: Strong Stomach (B), Survival Knowledge (D), Resistance (E), Suppression (A), Alchemical Knowledge (D), Tracking (F), Botany (C), Stamina Enhancement (D), Accelerated Learning (C)

Racial skills: Creation of Lust, Versatile Taker, Cross Species Compatibility, Quick Growth, Natures Calling, High Nature]

[Magic: Purify (Rare), Heal (Common)

Technique: Cooking (Common), Alchemy (Magic), Aragon Language (Common), Tera Language (Common)]

Albion was surprised looking at such an impressive status screen.

Albion: Oh. Huh. My mum has a similar racial skill.

Eve: She does kikiki?

Albion: Yeah. While I don't have it she's part orc. Look.

Albion pulled up his status screen to show Eve.


Name: Albion Elavore

Level: 15

Age: 8 years 4 months

Race: Hybrid (25% Elf, 18.75% human, 18.75% orc, 18.75% dragon and 18.75% spirit)

Titles: Early Development, Healer

Main Class: Apprentice Mage (Growth)

Sub Class 1: Beginner Swordsman (Growth)

Sub Class 2: N/A

Sub Class 3: N/A

Alignment: +72 Neutral Good

Status: Lovestruck, Happy

HP: 420/420

MP: 3200/3200]

[Active skills: Kill Shot (S), Activate (F), Clean (F), Enhanced Healing (B), Body Mana (A)

Passive skills: Running Level 13 (E+), Gluttony Level 1 (E), Perfect Memory (C), Accelerated Learning (A), Peering Level 1 (E), Accelerated Development (A), Lucky Chance (C), Danger Barrier (D), Monster Language Index (C), Magic Adaptation Level 9 (F), Basic Swordsmanship Mastery Level 9 (F), Pure Mana (B), Tracking (E), Beginner Dagger Arts Level 3 (F), Regeneration Level 8 (F), Resistance Level 4 (E)

Racial skills: Dragon Heart, Mana Lines, Strong Physique, Jack Of All Trades]

[Magic: Purify (Rare), Heal (Common), Sleep (Common), Dull Senses (Uncommon), Static Shock (Uncommon), Barrier (Common), Fireball (Common)

Technique: Suturing (Uncommon), Paladins Basic Swordsmanship (Rare)]

Eve: Your part orc and dragon? But you look like a half-elf?

Albion: And you don't look like a goblin. You look beautiful.

Eve and Albion stared into each other's eyes as they couldn't help but continue to make out. Eve held both of Albion's hands as she didn't want to do something she would regret. Especially since he wasn't ready yet. But she couldn't stop herself from rubbing up and down Albion's leg in love and lust. Her tongue invaded his mouth as she continued her showing of love and lust

After a while they were panting and a complete mess. They couldn't tell how long they had been making out. Minutes? Hours? It felt like time didn't matter with each other. Albion's leg was wet and both Eve and Albion had salvia on their faces. Both very inexperienced. But they loved that they didn't know the technique or the rules of making out. It was just instinct, love and following each other and their lust. But Eve had decided.

Eve: I… I want to go home with you Albion kikiki. I love you!

Albion: Even with me face planting the mud?

Eve gave a small giggle as she kissed Albion on the cheek.

Eve: I've taken care of you for a month kikiki. Your face planting the mud was the least embarrassing thing that's happened between us kikiki.

Albion gave a small blush. The small kikiki and the end of her sentence made him blush even more.

Albion: Do you want me to help you pack?

Eve: No. I'm… I'm not taking it. Only two books one of which is yours and you can drag the goblins Kikiki. I know you need to drop those off at the adventurers' place.

Albion: Let's go then. I'll protect you each step of the way.

Albion and Eve rolled over on the bed. Albion on top of Eve looking into her perfect eyes. Looking at her gorgeous face and admiring her perfect body. Both kissed and began to make out again. Forgetting that they were just about to leave.

Lily: Told you two unique people would like each other.

Albion: {LILY?!}

Lily was already gone. Albion was pulled back from being distracted as Eve and Albion passionately made out.