Ch 25 - A Return (1)

After making out a lot. Something Eve couldn't stop and Albion could barely catch up with. Wishing he had more Orc skills now. Albion and Eve left the cave. Albion with his clothes on. His sword and dagger were sheathed and fabric wrapped around him because it was cold. Eve said goodbye to the cave, a home she had lived in for years after she left her prison with the Goblins. Albion was carrying the corpses of the goblins which Eve had mummified and tried to preserve their quality. Preventing any decaying gas from building up through well-placed incisions. Keeping them in a dry place in the cave covered and covering them in salt. Albion was dragging them in a very large bag they had made from the bed sheets and the fabric sheet Albion was previously laying on. Walking through the forest as Eve walked beside him. Albion had a blue glow surrounding him and Eve was a bit more covered as a sheet of fabric was wrapping around her.

As they made their way through the dark quiet forest they entered the village Albion had been away from for a while. The village was quiet because of how late it was. Even the stalls that were usually open late were closed. Albion and Eve made their way to the Adventurer Guild and to Eve's surprise, it was busy. The only place with lights. Albion knew it would be open. While adventurers were unlikely to hunt so late, people still wanted drinks and others arrived from escort missions.

As Albion walked through the doors there was a silence that filled the room. Everyone looked at him dragging corpses. Having some fabric wrapped around him no one could quite tell who this person was with someone much smaller following. Everyone was slightly on edge. The blue aura was still around Albion as he made his way to the desk. Only then did that aura fade.

Albion: 12 goblins. Complete corpses, armour and daggers. 2 are variants. One a warrior and the other a mage.

Jolene who was standing in front of the desk looked closer at Albion. Only then did she realise it was him.

Jolene: A-Albion?

Jolene looked at him with teary eyes. Everyone looked at him. Albion looked up to look at her.

Albion: What? It looks like you're seeing a ghost.


Jolene jumped over the desk and dived into Albion causing him to fall back as Jolene was on top of him. Hugging him tightly. Tears slightly falling from her face. Everyone else heard Jolene as all jolted up surrounding Albion and Jolene.





Everyone began to ask questions as Jolene was still hugging Albion on top of him. It made sense they couldn't find him. The cave was surprisingly well hidden.

Eve: Please get off him. He's exhausted from using Body Mana and not being used to it kikiki. He's also not as physically strong yet due to the paralytic poison.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and noticed it was the small person following Albion. Eve. When they saw her they quickly drew their swords, daggers, war hammers and other weapons. Eve looked frightened before a barrier formed around her.

Albion was on the floor with an outstretched arm.

Albion: Please wait! She helped me! Don't attack her!

Albion pleaded with everyone as he kept the barrier up. Everyone looked down at Albion and then back at the goblin. Then again to make sure it was him protecting the goblin and being serious.

???: A goblin helped you?

???: Wait… That goblin spoke our language?

Everyone was confused. Nearly every one of them had met a variant before. Goblin variants weren't unusual. It would be unusual if there wasn't one in a group. But they had never once seen a goblin that could speak their language. When they took an even closer look at her she didn't look like a goblin either. Further questioning the fact the goblin was female. Female goblins shouldn't be a thing. Goblins typically capture weakened female monsters or females from other races to breed. If they had females that would cause chaos and massive overpopulation.

Albion: Please. She's the only reason I'm alive. Please don't hurt her.

Jolene who was on top of Albion looked at Eve. Then looked at Albion who was begging. Albion wasn't at his peak with the small effect of the paralytic poison. Even more tired due to using Body Mana. Jolene took one more look at Eve who looked worried for Albion.

Jolene: She doesn't seem like a normal goblin. She looks a lot different. Is she unique among the variants?

Albion: Yes! So please put away your weapons!

Albion would have said anything to make sure Eve could live. Even if he had to fight all of the adventurers while exhausted. Which he knew he would ultimately lose.

Jolene: Hmmmmm. I guess if Albion trusts her… and he's still alive. There's no reason not to let her live. Did she help you defeat the goblin variants? {I mean she is really pretty when I look at her. She definitely isn't a normal goblin.}

Jolene got off Albion as everyone put their weapons away. Albion got up as the barrier was dispelled by him. He rushed to Eve and stood in front of her as she clung to him, just behind him. The whole adventurers guild sounded.


Everyone in the adventurer guild looked at the two seeing it as adorable. Albion developed a blush as Eve stuck closer to him.

Albion: She's a healer. I took on the goblin group myself. One had some magic that stopped my spells. So I couldn't purify the paralytic poison. She saved me from the mage and healed me for the four weeks I was gone.

Everyone looked in surprise as they looked at Eve. She was small for a goblin.

???: She healed you from a goblins paralytic poison that had already spread? She must be very impressive. Even your father has trouble with that.

Everyone began to discuss Eve. Albion coughed hard to get their attention.

Albion: Please promise me you won't hurt her.

The adventurers smiled as they looked at the two.

???: Awww this is just too adorable. Little Albion has a crush.

Eve: We're actually in love.

Everyone: Awwwwww. Your parents are going to kill you.

Albion froze as he gulped. All the adventurers from the Adventurers Guild were looking for him. He could only assume what his parents were doing. And if they all had similar thoughts. Albion knew he was going to be punished for breaking a rule.

Jolene: I guess I won't keep you waiting. Full goblin corpses with weapons, 20 bronze each. 10 of them so 2 silver coins. And an extra 2 silver coins for each variant and related equipment. {I won't tax him for this. He suffered a lot if he was gone for a month. Though… I don't think he's too sad he was gone.}

Jolene smiled as she stretched over the desk and into a draw. Rummaging through it as she threw a bag of 4 silver coins. Albion catching it. Then Albion caught a collar. A leather collar with two halves of a magic circle on the back of a clip. A small metal ring on the front. Albion stared at it knowing exactly what this was.

Albion: This is…

Jolene: I know you may not want to. But if people don't know she's not like a regular goblins they won't be so kind like us. You need to show she's different. And this will show it. Universal among all kingdoms.


Eve gently tugged on Albion's clothes as he looked over at her.

Eve: It's fine Albion kikiki. I'm happy to belong to you. {It's like we're getting married.}

Albion: But I…

Eve lifted off the hood as there were some wows and gasps. Adventurers who couldn't see Eve now saw her. And how beautiful she was even compared to other humans or other species. Eve held Albion's hands and put the collar around her neck.

Eve: Please channel your mana into it. Albion kikiki. I want to be yours.

Albion looked into her perfect eyes as he then heard Awwwws all around. Blushing as he channelled his mana into the collar. Hearing a click as the magic circle quickly glowed a bright blue and then disappeared. The collar around Eve's neck as she was now his. Eve smiled as she looked up at Albion. When Albion saw her smile he gently smiled too.

Jolene: Now head home. Your father's… been… hmmmm… really down. And it's the fifth time your house has been destroyed. We don't want to remake your home again.

Albion: My house was destroyed 5 times?

???: Your mums… not been dealing with your death, technically disappearance too well. I'd recommend you go home before she tears the place apart again.

Albion widened his eyes. Picking up Eve in his arms princess carry style. Eve looked up at Albion as she smiled. Kissing him on the cheek. More Awwwws coming from the adventurers as Albion blushed. Channeling mana through his legs.

Albion: I'll go home now then! See ya guys!

Albion ran out with Eve in his arms. Albion was fast as he left the Adventurers Guild. Everyone going out to see him rushing away.


Albion blushed more as Eve gave a small smile. Kissing him again as they ran away together in the night under the bright stars.