Ch 37 - A Week So Far

Albion was in his room sitting at his desk. His room had slightly changed as he brought himself a bookcase given that Sylvia gave him a lot of books when he was shadowing her. Though he kinda liked the weird master, disciple, and friendship he had. He was learning a lot more about magic because of her. Sylvia even told him with how fast he was learning he may let him teach a class as practice. But right now nothing besides listening to his parents was on his mind. Albion tapped the glass ball on the left.

A blue holographic screen of his mother, father and Eve popped up.


Souvee was right next to the screen as she shouted Alekia pulling her back. Placing her back down on her chair.

Alekia: We've discussed this. He even told you in his last message. He's fine.


Alekia: We do miss you. It feels a lot different without you. More work at the clinic without you. Though I guess it's my regular before we had you. Oh by the way Marcus and the rest miss you. I think Jolene misses you a lot. You're often visits to the Adventurers' Guild. They all miss you a lot.

Eve: I miss you a lot Albion. Your dad's teaching me more about magic and healing kikiki! Though I can't say I'm that good at it. Hopefully, I become great when you come back. And then we can go adventuring together kikiki.

Alekia: She's too humble. She's very good around the clinic. And the potions and medicine she makes are really helpful.

Souvee: I hope you're enjoying your first-ever school! Heart came back and promised me it was a good one! But if you don't enjoy it feel free to come straight back home or tell him! He promised us he would take you back if you wanted to. Oh yeah! Apparently, he's a teacher there! I really really miss you!

Alekia: I miss you a lot Albion.

Eve: We miss you so much kikiki.


His father walked over and tapped the glass ball twice as the connection cut off and the blue glow from the glass ball disappeared. Albion pressed the glass ball on the right. As Eve appeared in their room alone completely naked.

Eve: I know you were expecting something perverted after my last message were you? You were hoping for it Kikiki.

Albion couldn't say he wasn't. Looking at the person he loved. Her and her 3ft tall beauty. Her large breasts, thick thighs and behind with larger hips for her figure. Beautiful, full, long messy hair and sunset-like eyes.

Eve: I can almost feel you staring at me. But you know these messages are going to get a lot better Kikiki. I learned Barrier. I can now do it. Though I won't do it every week. More of an unexpected surprise Kikiki. But right now I need help with something.

Eve quickly went out of view and then back in view with two outfits. As she put on the first one and showed off.

Eve: You see I really like this one. It's open so it doesn't feel too restrictive. And it makes my chest look good. And I know you like my chest Kikiki.

Eve whispered into the ball as she pressed her chest up close.

Eve: But it feels long as a dress Kikiki.

The dress was a black open-back style dress. A string going around the back. It was held by her neck and the piece that went around the lower back with the lower part of the dress. The dress had a completely open back and if positioned correctly which right now the dress was. You could see a lot of side boob.

Eve then got changed again. Getting completely naked as she placed on her new clothes. Bending and posing in all the right ways. All was planned as she had a mischievous grin.

Eve: Or there's this. They didn't have a skirt my size so I had to stand there while Gell measured me kikiki. But I like how it turned out. And if I roll it up by even one kikiki.

Eve rolled the skirt slightly as he saw that her behind was barely covered. The perfect crease where her behind protruded outward. Eve gave a small bend down as he could see everything.

Eve: You can get a great view of what you like to grab so much kikiki. But I couldn't find a matching top besides this and it really covers my body a lot and feels weird kikiki. I just wanted to ask what you think looks better. I love both.

Eve walked closer to the glass ball as she picked it up.

Eve: I also love you too. By the way, I thought about what I said and I'm not forcing you to find someone else kikiki. I'm just saying it's normal, I accept that there may be others you like, and want you to be happy, but if you do find someone send them over kikiki. But remember I'm your first my not so shining knight.

She kissed the crystal ball twice as its blue light faded.

Albion went back to the left one and tapped it twice. The glass ball glowed a light blue.

Albion: Hey! I really really miss you guys! But I'm fine mum. Don't worry. My weeks have just been really really eventful. Though also kinda boring. Not the magic or swordsmanship but the learning of mathematics, language, history and things like that. They sometimes repeat the same stuff to "solidify knowledge" but it's kinda pointless for me. You know perfect memory.

Albion giggled slightly as he knew that would make some interesting faces out of his mother for what he insinuated.

Albion: But I'm glad to know everyone misses me. I miss all of them too. And Eve I know you'll make a great healer with my dad teaching you and an even better alchemist! I love you all! Hear from you next week!

Albion tapped the glass ball twice as its blue light faded. Going to the glass ball on the left. A blue light coming from it.

Albion: Eve… I was expecting something perverse. You got me. Though what I'm learning will make our lives a whole lot more perverse if you want. And you know I can't help but stare at how beautiful you are. I love you. Also if you want my personal opinion they both look amazing but I lean more towards the top and skirt. It seems great. And more practical… covert wise. But as I said. Eve… I'm absolutely in love with you and you'll always be my first.

Albion kissed the glass ball. Making him blush as it was extremely embarrassing. But he had already committed to it so he thought he might as well finish it off.

Albion: And I'll always miss and love you.

Albion kissed the glass ball again as it lost its blue glow. Albion closed the blue box and walked towards the door.

Albion: Was it four or five times for post? Yeah, the postbox was four, post out was five.

Albion raised his hand.

*Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock*

Albion opened the door. With a small platform in front of him. He placed it on the box.

Albion: To Heart.

The platform disappeared. A delivery service that only worked transporting small goods around the school. He didn't know how it worked nor did he question it. All he wanted to do now was sleep.

And rest for a new day. A new week.