Ch 54 - Creating A New Circle

After leaving the house Sylvia had lived in for quite some time. She quickly found a new house just as big as her old one. Albion helped Sylvia quickly create a similar training basement with his Mana Lines. Supporting the house with thick roots while digging out the dirt with them. Sylvia took out similar magic crystals from her Spacial Storage and placed them in the walls. Finishing the house they placed all their stuff inside and decorated the rooms with the items they moved. Sylvia tried to relentlessly apologised to Albion for what happened but Albion didn't mind. He wanted to hurt Veldris in some way and felt bad for ruining an already deteriorating relationship. Though Sylvia didn't seem mad about that as she seemed to know he was slowly getting worse ever since becoming an Arch Mage. Though in their new house, she did decide to commemorate the new house by pinning Albion to the bed and drowning him in her love again. Coving him in kisses.

But now, because of Albion's Perfect Memory and Accelerated Learning, today would be Albion's final official lesson.

Sylvia: Ok… So I've taught you Circle Theory, Rune History and Meanings, Mana Connectivity Theory, Affinity Branches, Combination Magic, Circle Layering, Branding, Crests and Magic Tattoos, Combination Magic, Magic Chemical Theory, we brushed up on some magic engineering, Magic linked with Biology, the physics link and alteration that comes with magic, knowledge of demonic magic and your Magic Sphere techniques of which we are drafting up theories… Huh… I've taught you the whole 8 years of my magic theory classes in less than 2. All the basic, beginner, intermediate, advanced and master classes of Magic Theory. Perfect memory is really convenient.

Sylvia said as Albion and she sat on the couch together. She had been staring off into space for a while to see if she missed everything but she couldn't think of a single thing to teach Albion which would come under her academic perspective. Those were all the classes she could teach and all the classes she was adept at.

Albion: You're the one with a genius skill. Learning all of those topics as one teacher to a master's degree is already insane.

Sylvia: That's fair. I am also over 500 years old. But my Genius skill just helps remembering, analysing, learning and some other things. I don't have a completely perfect memory. However, now that I think about it, I guess I can ask you to do one more test before there's nothing more I can teach you.

Albion: Really? What about affinity specialities?

Sylvia: I don't really specialise in anything. I have the nature and wind affinities and you could say I specialise in wind magic but I don't use nature that much. You'll have to find someone else for specialities. I'll give recommendations for the options you can choose from when entering your 3rd year. However, right now we should focus on the test. Which is actually hard as easy as it sounds. Basically, you have to create a completely new magic circle.

Sylvia said looking at Albion. An easy task said but definitely not done. Not when you really thought about it and then thought about the greater world of magic.

Albion: As in… from scratch?

Sylvia: Yep. Magic that hasn't been made before. Not a combination and not from your magic sphere technique. A completely new magic circle. 1 single spell never before seen. It can be anything as long as it's new. I will also not allow you to slightly alter spells. You're better than that.

Albion looked at Sylvia as it all seemed too perfect to him. Not because the task was easy, he knew very well this task was not easy. But it was perfect because the end test already aligned with something he was doing in secret.

Albion: Hmmmm. When is this due for?

Sylvia: End of your 8th year. It's the test we give to the students to see if they can graduate from the master's class of Magic Theory. We usually give them a month to complete the task. Which is a class of usually 3 to 5 students that always fail.

Albion: {Wow that's harsh.} Ok… just give me… a week. {I've already been doing something special.}

Sylvia: A week?

Sylvia looked at Albion confused. A week was way too short to make a completely new type of magic. A completely new circle from scratch. New magic took trial and error. Constant testing which took time. Even a month was harsh but the school and others had strict testing standards for the masters class. But what Sylvia didn't know was Albion had been doing this a lot longer than just a month.

Albion: A week is all I need. I already have something planned. I just need a week to sort out some kinks in the spell.

Sylvia: Wait. You've already been trying to make a new spell?

Albion: Yeah. I thought it would be nice.

Albion smiled softly as Sylvia looked at Albion slightly confused on what he could've been making.

Sylvia: Could you tell me what is it?

Albion: A surprise. {A surprise I've been working on for 3 months now. But god, creating new spells related to the brain are hard. I had to ask Dad about so much biology!}

Sylvia: {A surprise? Ohhhhh. Awww that's so sweet.}

Sylvia had a good idea of what Albion was going to try and do. It was like him to be so sweet. Sylvia placed her hand on Albion's face and gently kissed him. A lingering kiss that Albion embraced. Slowly parting the kiss.

Sylvia: {He's going to try and cure my blindness isn't he? But… that's not going to work. I've tried. But it's ok. He still has another 6 years to come up with another spell.} I love you so much Albion.

Albion: We're did that come from?

Sylvia: Nowhere. I just wanted you to know that wouldn't change no matter what happens. So… do you want to cuddle together?

Sylvia held out her arms for an embrace as Albion felt bad for what he was about to say. But if he wanted to finish the spell within his deadline. So a lot more effort and time was going to need to be put into it.

Albion: I actually have to start working on the magic circle. I said a week but that really pushing it for time.

Albion said rubbing the back of his head with a small awkward smile.

Sylvia: Ok. Just don't overexert yourself. And don't be disappointed if it doesn't work. Some things just can't be done. Some things aren't meant to be solved.

Sylvia gave Albion a deep passionate kiss, grabbing his ass and squeezing it softly. Parting the kiss Sylvia gazed at Albion. Feeling his body with the mana she could sense. She didn't need to see to perfectly envision what he would look like with the colour she had long lost. Even in shades of blue, she could picture him perfectly. Parting from Albion:

Albion: I'll… I'll be going then.

Albion walked out as he left the house. A new house Sylvia was able to buy quickly. Surprising Albion with how well her shop did.

Scene change

Albion landed on the floor falling from the sky. A small girl running to him from a barn. Curly ginger hair and wearing blue overalls with muddy leather boots.

???: I assume you want to use my little piggies again.

Albion: Yes. I'm very thankful for this. I know it was really out of the blue asking to use your pigs for magic. I just… I'm not very prepared to use this spell on myself yet Cassy.

Cassy: You know one of my pigs couldn't close his eyes for 3 days! The poor thing couldn't sleep! I had to water its eyes manually!

Albion: I'll pay you extra.

Albion said going into his bag but looked at Cassy as she laughed slightly. Albion noticed she didn't seem mad about it.

Cassy: It's fine. You're already paying me more than the pigs are worth. Besides it is nice to see someone trying to do something like you are. And I know you're not one to hurt Lass and Troy.

Albion had asked multiple farmers to use magic on their animals. Yet Cassy was the only one crazy enough to let a random stranger do so. Albion would come here often in between classes just to focus on this one experiment. Trying often in secret to fix something. The current spell was the only other method he could think of after trying to fix the problem in so many other ways.

Albion and Cassy walked toward the farm as he entered the pig pen. Walking up to the pig with the numbers 12 and 2.

Albion: Lass and Troy. Are you doing well?

Albion got on his knees in the mud and pig poo. Looking at the pigs' eyes. The pigs blinked and were still able to see. But they seemed unnaturally close to Albion. Rubbing up against him he rubbed their heads. They seemed to get attached to Albion despite his little experiment. Albion unknowingly was also the only reason they were still alive and not bacon. Cassy didn't have the heart to process them after seeing Albion care for the pigs that much. So she decided to just let Lass and Troy live out their natural life.

Albion: Ok guys. Just one more week together. I promise just like the last time this won't hurt a bit. Instead, I'll try as hard as possible to make you feel good during the process.

Albion gently stroked the heads of the pigs and hundreds of runes appeared in the sky. Magic circles above the two pigs. Circles were deconstructed and formed as Albion began to work hard.