Ch 58 - A Quick Dungeon Run (3)

It was a complete bloodbath on the ninth floor. Albion was being absolutely brutal and not wasting his mana if there was something strong on the next floor. Only using his brute strength and his weapons. He even sheaved his dagger and sword to go barehanded. Bare knuckle brawling the Goblins.

The Goblins were surprisingly all normal. Not a single variant among them which confused Albion. But he didn't question it. It made sense after he kept on going through the cave. It was meant to exhaust parties. Thousands of goblins in a long cave line. Parties having to push through all the Goblins because they wouldn't be able to pass them.

While passing, weaving or flying over the Goblins would have been possible Albion didn't see a need to. Instead he thought it would be great to test himself. Making sure he killed every single goblin on the ninth floor. Though he did not go through such hordes without getting badly injured himself due to the sheer amount of Goblins there were.

Though his main goal wasn't to test himself or see how far he could go without magic. Instead he was trying to see if he could get his mother's main class. Berserker. But it didn't work. Even after going through thousands of Goblins he couldn't get it. He got skills but not a single class. Albion tried everything to get his mother's class. He knew the conditions to get it because Berserker variants had been documented in the Monster Encyclopaedia.

Albion first severed, sliced and stabbed every single goblin he came across. Cutting their heads off, their arms and legs. But that wasn't enough. He started mutilating their bodies cutting open their guts. Even when dead he would take the time to mangle the corpse. Painting the cave walls a dark red. Large oceans of blood covering the floor before it could disappear.

But when that didn't work Albion moved onto the next method he could think of. That's when he started the bare knuckle brawling. Punching Goblins, punching them past the point of death until their skulls caved in. Ripping them apart with his bare hands. Smashing their skulls into the walls and floor of the cave.

He terrified the Goblins, ones he thought didn't have fear but could see it so easily paint their faces. He scared them so much that they all tried to run away. Trampling over one another to get away from Albion. Goblins that didn't display actual emotions, pain or intelligence knew what overwhelming force and violence was.

But when bare knuckle brawling didn't work. He went to using Goblins as his weapon. Grabbing Goblins by the head and beating other Goblins with living Goblins. Using Goblins as flails and beating other Goblins with them. He did everything he could. But not a single class received.

Albion just sat there as his wound slowly regenerated. The bodies and blood of the Goblins disappeared. They always did. After a minute something died it would disappear and any trace it had died. That's why the cave was so clean despite how gruesome Albion was. Otherwise the cave would have drowned in the blood of Goblins. Albion didn't have a problem being so gruesome. None of this was real. So he could try all the methods he wanted to unlock the class. But it seemed his luck wasn't that good.

Albion: Maybe I didn't get a class because they weren't real goblins? That would explain why I don't level up in here. Then that would mean skills and titles are based of intent, actions and experiences. No matter how real or fake it is.

Albion looked at his status screen. During the whole slaughter there was a pinging in his ears. A constant ringing.


Name: Albion Elavore

Level: 15

Age: 10 years 2 months

Race: Hybrid (25% Elf, 18.75% human, 18.75% orc, 18.75% dragon and 18.75% spirit)

Titles: Early Development, Healer, Merciless, Bloodthirsty, One Man Army

Main Class: Advanced Mage (Growth)

Sub Class 1: Swordsman (Growth)

Sub Class 2: N/A

Sub Class 3: N/A

Alignment: +72 Neutral Good

Status: Excited

HP: 1900/1900

MP: 12000/12000]

[Active skills: Kill Shot (S), Activate (F), Clean (F), Enhanced Healing (B), Body Mana (A), Fear (D), Weapon Mana (F)

Passive skills: Sprinting Level 1 (D), Gluttony Level 8 (E), Perfect Memory (C), Accelerated Learning (A), Peering Level 13 (E), Accelerated Development (A), Lucky Chance (C), Danger Barrier (D), Monster Language Index (C), Magic Adaptation Level 12 (D), Intermediate Swordsmanship Mastery Level 7 (C), Pure Mana (B), Tracking (E), Beginner Dagger Arts Level 2 (E), Regeneration Level 4 (E), Resistance Level 2 (D), Mana Body Level 8 (E), Meditation Level 9 (E), Spell Weaver (A), Combination (E), Battle Instinct (F), Basic CQC Level 3 (F), Strong Body (F), Bloodbath (B), Out Numbered Warrior (S)

Racial skills: Dragon Heart, Mana Lines, Strong Physique, Jack Of All Trades]

[Magic: Spell Deterioration (Unique), Phoenix Lance (Unique), Lightning Storm (Unique), Volcano (Unique), Marionette (Unique), Gaia (Unique), Geo Storm (Unique), Acid Rain (Unique), Spiked Hail (Unique), Meteor (Unique), High Pressure (Unique), Absolute Zero (Unique), Great Flood (Unique), Star Fall (Unique), Dryads Love (Unique), Broken Sky (Unique), Dead Zone (Unique), Barrier Will (Unique), Lightning Bolt (Magic), Flight (Magic), Electro Cage (Magic), Summons (Magic), Crest (Rare), Purify (Rare), Steam Explosion (Uncommon), Aphrodisiac (Uncommon), Magic Bolt (Uncommon), Dull Senses (Uncommon), Static Shock (Uncommon), Water Jet (Common), Earth Mould (Common), Concussive Blast (Common), Barrier (Common), Fireball (Common), Contraception (Common), Heal (Common), Sleep (Common)…

Technique: Magic Sphere Formation (Unique), Instant Cast (Magic), Paladins Basic Swordsmanship (Rare), 3 Basic Mana Sword Strikes (Uncommon), Erogenous Biology (Uncommon), Silent Cast (Uncommon), Suturing (Uncommon)]


Albion looked at his status screen amazed and annoyed as he looked at his new titles and skills. Checking through the changes of his skills.

[Sprinting Level 1 (D)

1. You are able to control the orientation of your body.

2. When moving about with your hands on the floor you are 60% faster and stamina consumption is reduced.

3. When on two feet you have a great balance.

4. When running you can use mana to easily increase your speed.

5. You can quickly exhaust your stamina in exchange for significantly enhanced speed, reflexes and a perception to match.]

Albion: That sound… too good to be true. When it says exhaust… does it mean me passing out? If so that's kinda useless.

[Strong Body (F)

1. Your body is stronger. Your skin more durable, your muscles more efficient, your bones much harder.]

Albion: Nice. Basics are always good.

[Bloodbath (B)

1. When you see blood your strength increases by 0.1% for every litre seen. Lasts for 24 hours.

2. When you kill something your strength increases by 1% for every litre of blood spilled. Lasts for 24 hours.

3. For every litre of blood you consume your body is strengthened permanently a little bit.]

Albion: I… I'm never going to use that last option. This is kinda a brutal skill. Though… maybe go overboard.

[Out Numbered Warrior (S)

1. When facing against more than one opponent your strength increases by 1% for each opponent.

2. When facing against more than one opponent your speed increases by 1% for each opponent.

3. When facing against more than one opponent your mana recovers faster.

4. When facing against more than one opponent any regeneration skill you have is strengthened. If not your natural regeneration is strengthened.

5. When facing against more than one opponent you take less damage.]

The last skill Albion got caused him to stared at the screen. Confused. Confused how this S rank skill and Kill Shot were in the same category. While this was only useful when fighting large groups. He viewed this skill as completely insane compared to Kill Shot.

Albion: This… This is crazy. I get I fought thousands of goblins by myself with my bare hands. But… this is insane. They couldn't even take me on all at once because of the width of the cave. This… this reward too… wow. *Sigh* But I guess if my wounds have regenerated and my staminas… ok. I should probably enter the boss room.

Albion stared at the large steel door. It had no handles and Albion assumed it would be a push open. Locking him inside once he got in. That's why he waited to recover a bit. Though he planned to one shot the boss with magic anyways. After seeing what it was of course.

Albion stood up. Going into the next floor. The boss room.