Ch 104 - An Escort Quest (5)

It was nearing the end of the escort. The gathering of carriages had entered the town, going through the streets as the parties were still on guard and ready. Knowing anything could happen regardless of where they were. But as the carriages got onto the noble estate grounds. Everyone knew the Escort Quest was over. Albion looked out from the carriage and it was quite a nice town, but the estate was even nicer. However somehow, he couldn't compare it to Arthurs and Julie's temporary home.

Everyone began to exit the carriages and groups began to form. Opal on Albion's shoulder. Eve was still in the nobles' carriage and hadn't left it for a while.

Hilly: So are you Eve and Opal going straight back or staying here for a bit? If you're going straight back we could all take a quest together to head back. It pays for the journey.