Ch 105 - A Home

Albion and Eve were sure that they were given the wrong pouch so Albion went to quickly fly back. Flying back fast to rectify a mistake. But when he asked he was told he was given the right about. It was as thanks for saving Tarake. He even told Albion that if it wasn't enough he could double it, tipple it or ask for any amount he wanted. But Albion profusely denied it as he accepted the nobleman's very pushy generosity. Not able to give the money back no matter how hard he tried. His mother was likely to be proud of trying to give it back. But he could hear his father saying to keep it. For a family that was very well off owning a clinic, Alekia was very particular about money.

So Albion accepted the money he couldn't give back. Flying back to Eve he told her this was the correct amount and he couldn't give it back no matter how hard he tried to push it back on the noble.