Ch 160 - Elven Kingdoms Quest (3)

Albion and the party had set off into the forest to do their quest. Walking back through the elven forest and to the border. Walking back home, or more specifically to his parent's home. But there was a problem a lot larger than a few corrupted monsters Tura was jumping about dealing with.

The problem was Tura's size.

Albion: What are we going to do?! She can't sleep outside! 

Eve: She's too big for any house or building in the village kikiki. She's too big for the cave either.

Eve said as she thought about the cave, but even Albion at his height now would find it small. Let alone Tura who was currently at a 10-foot height. A full 3 feet taller than Albion.

Albion: No! Our home is also too small for her!

Eve: No! I don't want to have to move kikiki!

Opal: Wait! I don't want to move! I like the fields and the river next to our house!