Ch 161 - A Stop Home

It had been a long walk, killing the corrupted monsters they passed through was a lot easier as they were spread thin. They were no longer bundled up as an army and were only thoughtless roaming monsters. But when they got out of the forest, passing the border of Tera and Aragon, they went straight home. To Albion's childhood home and his parent's house.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Albion tapped on the door, standing in front of his home with everyone after walking through the forest. But even standing in front of the house, it was clear to see Tura was not going to fit. No matter which way he tried to think of getting her in, she was much too big for the front door. Too big for the halls, too big for the rooms and she would definitely break the beds. For the first time, size was a problem.