Ch 175 - A-Rank Party Quest (2)

Albion had accepted the rank-up quest from the Adventurers Guild and was flying in the air as Eve sat on his back holding a very large map. Opal was sat down on her lap in her small cat form. All the while Albion continued to fly, with a barrier cast around them so they didn't feel the intense winds of flying so fast. Flying just below the clouds so they could see the land below them.

Albion: Are you sure we're going the right way?

Albion said looking at the ground and around him. He had been flying for a while and he couldn't see anything but grasslands and forest. Looking at it all, one might have assumed they were lost or that someone didn't know how to read a map.

Eve: I can read a map! {I think.}

Opal: You think?!