Ch 176 - A-Rank Party Quest (3)

Albion: That's one big-ass dragon.

Albion said looking at the giant Earth Dragon. It's back, something that would normally be just a rocky shell on normal Earth Dragons were the size of mountains. Its feet were large enough to obliterate the village in one step. Even more of the surrounding area. With each step it took the earth beneath everyone's feet shook because of how heavy it was. It wasn't just giant, it was gigantic. Taller than many skyscrapers combined.

Freya: I've never seen one this big in my lifetime.

???: How old are you?

Albion's grandmother asked as she realised Freya was a demon. But Freya looked older. Age wasn't something that applied to any demons and so she was confused about how old Freya was. Able to tell that maybe her age was due to Freya's broken horn.

Freya: Over 50 thousand years old. I don't really keep track though. I don't even bother looking at my Status Screen anymore.