Ch 194 - A Towns Quest

Waking up the next morning was something tense and only Albion and Freya knew why. He had tried to convince her otherwise. He had tried to convince her that her life wasn't something to throw away because he wasn't in it, that he wasn't worth throwing her life away, especially if he ended up as someone evil enough to commit horrific acts. But Freya couldn't have been more serious about what she said. Even the thought of harming Albion, killing him. It was blood she didn't want on her hands. Blood she didn't want to live with or remember. 

Her decision wouldn't change and Albion could see that. He didn't know what to do, or what he should say after they both told each other what was to happen if Albion ended up as someone evil. But Albion was selfish, he might have already been evil. Because he hugged Freya. More than turning into someone he knew he would have previously hated and killed, he was scared of losing those closest to him.