Ch 195 - Demonic Spies

It didn't take long for Albion to find where these demonic spies were. It was as the townspeople said, north of the town, there was a house. One that stood alone from the rest. It was one that looked much better than any of the other homes in the town. The wooden house was well-built and sturdy with supports. The wood was clean and well-kept, unlike the infrastructure in town. If there truly were demon spies in there, they kept a better living standard than the town they were close to. Maybe you could say they didn't want to live in the same filth as other humans.

So Albion alone, slowly walked closer and closer to the house. He didn't use his regular mana sense, a sense that worked by expanding his mana out like a radar monitoring 360 degrees constantly. Instead, he kept his mana close around him, monitoring the natural mana flowing through the air. The consistency of its waves and flow, the elements in the flow of mana.