
"You read my mind, didn't you?.... Well in this world we live in, I think everyone wants to do that" I joked a bit, knowing that I still had time - a lot of time actually

"Promise me" The alien shouted as he telekinetically dragged me closer.

"Then what is your name, Alien?"

"Zax Thyreic"

"Then Zax Thyreic, I promise you that I shall put an end to Darkseid's terror... eventually," I replied

"Thank you," he said before his body clattered to the floor.

"No, thank you for giving me your body" I replied, immediately carrying the body as I began scanning the planet for hidden locations.

Most wars lasted seconds, but when the opponent was powerful enough, like these aliens, they typically took months to years, so he still had time.

He knew that because the A.I had resorted to kamikaze attacks to kill them off, their telekinetic attacks were too much of a problem to deal with.

Carrying the body and a few others I picked up along with a parademon body, I began my journey towards freedom.

Heading towards an abandoned site on the planet that was completely devoid of all life, I began my plans for freedom.

Even if I had taken control from the AI, I wasn't so naive as to believe that it wouldn't be able to take back control when it sensed that I was still alive but rogue… Well, if it cared enough to try to regain control.

My plan was simple, and it was one that I had spent years making. I simply planned to create a whole new body for myself.

Parademons had the natural ability to create more of themselves by turning organic matter into nanocytes and uploading the Parademon program into the nanocytes.

This process was completely under the parademon's control; in fact, I have seen it use said ability many times in the past, acting as a para-transformer.

As I flew, I began changing the design and purpose of said function. It allowed one to reconstruct organic matter into basically anything they wanted, which meant that apart from its matter conversion ability, this thing was basically a super advanced 3D printer.

An hour later, I was within the hidden location as I immediately began to completely pad the place to create some barriers between me and the other parademons.

They will never come here on their own to plunder because their scans will show them that it was devoid of life, which means that there is no use coming here, but this was purely just in case.

After spending another hour doing that, I began my plan, but first I needed to have nancytes to fully repair my body to its original form.

Parademons may be the absolute fodder within the DC Universe, but in reality, they were still within the top tier of power.

The nanocytes alone put them in a position of power that was way beyond most androids we all knew in the DC Universe like Amazo, but unfortunately, their programming completely limited them to such power levels.


Another extra Chapter courtesy of
