
Nanocytes were, in simple terms, tiny drones or microbots. Drones so small that they could easily interact with subatomic particles, which was a very overpowered thing to have if you thought about it.

Having the parademon body was definitely enough for me to enter the very top tier within the universe, but it wouldn't do for my full plans.

Placing my hand on the head of the destroyed parademon, its eyes immediately lit up, but I had nothing to worry about. It was simply a sign that I had successfully accessed its core programming.

I was providing the power as I reprogrammed it, so even if it were back under the AI's control, it wouldn't do much damage.

Seconds later, its body immediately broke down as a pile of sand formed where it once used to be. This fine sand was the nanocytes that the creature was made of.

With a single thought, I saw the sand slowly begin to move as it snaked its way into my body. As this happened, my body slowly began to return to normal and even grew bigger than it once used to be.

With the nanocytes fully absorbed, i was much bigger, standing at a height of nearly eight (8) feet and was big enough that the room began to feel cramped.

Since my aim wasn't for more space, I couldn't care less about the slightly cramped space as i immediately activated my para-transformer features.

Normally, this would be where the parademon would simply sit back in the air as its upper body would turn into some sort of pot or cauldron from which other parademons would emerge.

However, to activate mine, I needed to lie down as my body slowly began to transform into what looked like a massive coffin.

I had completely rewritten the codes and purpose of the transformer function, so its form would change as well.

After my transformation was done, several tentacles immediately burst out of my body as they grabbed on to the three nearly intact bodies I had gotten, then I added in Zax.

As soon as the bodies were within the cocoon or coffin that I had created. I immediately hid any heat signs from my body to maintain the illusion of everything here being dead.

Now it was time to work my magic; unlike the parademons who could churn out more of themselves in seconds, this could take time - months even.

I was creating this from scratch, unlike the parademons who had a complete blueprint to create it from. I didn't know much about the human physiology so i was never aiming to make myself a human.

Any being different from a parademon would do nicely, and at the moment, i already had the perfect species to copy. I scanned their DNA, completely mapping the entire thing in seconds.

It's weird how experimentation wasn't needed when you had technology as advanced as the New Gods had. Remember when I said that DNA stretches into the spiritual, this is where that comes into play.

Parademons still keep a record of the DNA samples of every creature they have transformed, which meant that he had access to a lot of creatures to choose from.

Picking the best of each race, I began designing myself from scratch, literally.