The more of them he created, the louder and more powerful the voices sounded in his mind but thankfully his mind was too much like a computer.
Partitioning and isolating the noises was easy, getting rid of them entirely was impossible but saving a file named 'Noise' was very easy.
Without the noise, his mind was multitasking at a very high degree as he designed, plotted and reached out with his powers to calculate just how much force is needed to detach each Atom from its bond with another.
As well as how much force is needed to bond it with another. The process was long and incredibly difficult but Maxwell could just be seen waving his hands as his will was done.
Soon there were millions of said spherical objects floating before him. It was sort of straining his mind but he could handle it.
Turning back and looking up towards the sky, Maxwell immediately took off as he blasted his way through the clouds.
Flying even higher than before at speeds that should be impossible for a small being such as himself. Seconds later, he was floating in space and looking down on the planet.
It now looked like hell compared to the planet he had seen when they first arrived to attack it.
"Go" Maxwell said as each of the objects that had been following him immediately pulsed with energy before they began to fall and soon, move on their own.
Each one immediately flew towards the planet before falling into geosynchronois orbit around the planet.
Looking at it now, it was as though he had covered the entire planet in a light blanket of metallic objects. It didn't take long for each of them to come online
As soon as they did so, Maxwell felt a strange connection to them. His mind was theirs and theirs was his.
He could see it all, every single thing on the planet. He could see it all.
The objects weren't just metal balls, they were tiny satellites, created for the purpose of helping terraform this planet back to what it once was.
Yes, he was going to terraform the planet to restore it. It was the least he could do.
Battling Darkseid to avenge them was more of a personal mission. He will kill Darkseid and wear his skull as a trophy but Zax and his people were the reason he had this fighting chance and this power.
Without them pushing the A.I as well as they did, it would never have resorted to Kamikaze attacks and if it doesn't resort to such tactics then he would have still being stuck within said Parademon.
Using his newly enhanced senses, Maxwell could see everything in and around the planet. Such information should be overwhelming but thankfully he was packing enough hardware to put even the most advanced Quantum computers to shame.
He wasn't just smart on his own, the Sage Force enhances said Genius to even greater levels. Fed him ideas and then there was also the fact that he was techno-organic.