Power of a Billion billion

However, he had seen multiple posts, and he had researched multiple characters, objects, and tools in DC just to win arguments back then.

The Sage Force was one such thing, and from what he knew about it, it was like the Speed Force. The Flashes and all their speedster villains, including Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, Hunter Zolomon, etc. All ran at the same speed.

Well, technically, their legs were moving at the same speed, which logically should put them at the same level; however, people like Wally West are significantly faster than the rest. 

This wasn't about their running style or anything; it was just about how connected the person was to the Speed force and in this case, Wally had the best connection to it.

The Sage Force worked in a similar manner, which meant that, as of now, he shouldn't be able to do this. Matter manipulation should be way beyond him, even if it could be done by any telekinetic person who was smart enough.

"Did Zax mean it literally?" Maxwell asked as he pondered the alien's statement again.

'You are about to take on a power shared collectively amongst all of my people. The power of a trillion minds'

If he was connected to the Sage Force through them then it made sense that he would be able to have such much power. 

"The power of a billion billion people channelling the power of a trillion trillion minds" Maxwell stated as he chuckled. 

He had yet to even begin, and he was already so overpowered. 

Turning his attention away from his own power set, Maxwell finally focused on his environment. 

Smoke filled the skies, the trees were nowhere to be seen, the waters polluted beyond comparison. This was the aftermath of a successful Parademon raid. 

He had never actually seen this part. It was horrifying to look at especially when you saw the planet before the raid began. 

Even though underdeveloped, the planet was still a paradise. It's inhabitants, probably due to their natural connection to the Sage Force co-existed perfectly with nature. 

However now, their once beautiful planet was reduced to nothing but a shadow of its former self.

He didn't know how long he was out for but the planet was nearly dead. Its waters had been transported to Apokalips, all plant life was dead, and its skies had turned black. 

"This is the aftermath of each attack?" Maxwell asked as some sort of burden appeared on his shoulders again. 

It may not have been him directly but even though he felt guilty. He had reduced paradises from they were to nothing but barren and dead planets. 

"Zax, I know you are definitely seeing this, just know that after this most of my debt with you is paid" Maxwell called out, talking to no one in particular. 

As soon as he said so, the massive rock before him divided into several spherical objects, numbering in their tens.

 With a thought more metal slabs flew up from the wreckage as they too, were slowly turned into similar objects. 

Minutes later, there were millions of them floating before him. Each one perfectly spherical and lined up in perfect form beside the one close to it. 


Extra chapter courtesy of @Davis Nguyen

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