Now that he thought about it, his entire goal and mission were to simply escape the hell that he was in and nothing else.
Yes, he had learned a lot more than he bargained for, but it was done as a means to kill the A.I.
"Earth?" Maxwell asked himself
For some reason now, he didn't feel like going there was a good idea. It was true that it was the center of the entire DC Universe, but what use or purpose was he to serve there?
There was also the fact that he didn't even know what direction Earth was in, nor did he know which galaxy he was even in.
"What time am I even in?" Maxwell asked as he began looking around
He could be at a time before the creation of Earth, or the planet known as Earth could be forming at that exact moment.
Even without all that, Earth didn't seem to be a very good choice at the moment. His humanity was long gone, and it was one of the first things he lost after the years trapped within the parademon.
He had seen a lot more than his mind should bear, he may have not turned to nihilism as one would expect, but he was very close.
He could admit that much and beside at the very moment, he was an alien not a human and last he checked, he didn't have any ability to shape-shift.
Unless the Sage Force had such an ability, which he doubted. In conclusion, Earth was a no-go for now, even if it was the literal center of this enter Universe.
His goal now was simply revenge, and the best way to go about that was right before him.
"Can I?" Maxwell asked himself as he focused his power and attention on a small slab that was lying on the ground.
Due to his power, the metal slab slowly began its ascension into the air until it was directly before him. The metal was one he was familiar with due to his time as a parademon, but he also knew that it didn't exist on the modern periodic table.
"Let's see," he thought as he focused his power and mind on the metal slab.
In doing so, the slab immediately began to dissolve into sand, almost as though it were disintegrating. Seeing this, a wide smile appeared on his alien face.
His smile revealed a set of pearly white teeth that resembled those of some predator. His blood-red eyes made his smile even more sinister than it actually was.
Looking at the sand that was now floating before him, Maxwell folded his fists as the sand immediately clustered together, forming a large rock.
Opening his palm again, the rock dissolved back into sand before turning into a very large cup, followed by an oversized AR-15 and finally back to a rock.
"I didn't think it would automatically grant me this level of power despite our nascent connection," Maxwell thought.
The amount of power he was feeling and currently had access to didn't make much sense. He may not truly know much about the DC Universe as it was presented in the comics.