
Satisfied with what he had done, Maxwell finally decided that it was time to rest. Something he hadn't done since coming to this god forsaken universe. 

Only God knew exactly how long he was here. It was more than a thousand years before he lost count and after he lost count, it was an even longer time. 

All throughout said time, he was on edge, either hiding or fighting against a being he could never win against. It was mentally draining and he planned to sleep. 

The building had everything he needed to make it a home or at least a base for now. As he walked into the building still with the Fatherbox on hand. 

Maxwell immediately took the lift to one of the higher floors, a large apartment that was like three of the biggest apartments on Earth combined in one. 

It had many elements that reminded him of Earth but he had been in this world for so long that even his aesthetics had changed. 

The apartment featured several alien looking features that somehow enhanced the beauty of the apartment. 

"How did Cyborg do this so easily?" Maxwell complained. 

His method of hacking the father Box could be said to be the most hacked way of doing it but even then he wasn't even 30% done. 

It was true that overwhelming the box with his mental power allowed him access to its core programming but it was all for a brief second. 

Well 0.62 seconds to be precise, he had to come up with a virus that could counter the defences of the Father Box within that time. 

And each time he does so, the Father Box simply beats the virus and develops an even stronger defence against him. It was even developing a weird defence against his mind too. 

"If only I had more processing… Wait, why am I doing this like some amateur?" Maxwell said to himself 

Why was he doing it all one by one?. Why overwhelm the Father Box then hack and repeat when he could just continue overwhelming it while hacking it simultaneously. 

"Is this the smart man sickness?" Maxwell asked himself as he chuckled. 

It was the standard mistake that most smart people make. They over complicate things when they could do it in the most common way possible. 

If he didn't think things through, he would have immediately  begun building a whole new processing plant that would bolster his computing power. 

With a sigh, he prepared his mind as he immediately began. Multitasking to its highest order, Maxwell powered all the power flowing through him from the Collective Unconsciousness into the Fatherbox. 

At the same time, he also reached into it using every single neuron he could muster to begin his hack. He didn't need to analyse and create a virus this time because he was the virus this time. 

To many if any was around, all they would see was a bright and stunning light almost equivalent to the twin suns of Drusia shining from his apartment. 

The light shone for hours on end until finally it died down as silence reigned on the entire planet. 

Maxwell had collapsed from exhaustion as he finally got the well deserved sleep he had desperately needed. His body may not be tired but his mind was a whole different thing entirely. 


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