
Even during the consciousness transfer, I was with the Drusians as they are apparently called. So this would be the first time I rested since I reincarnated. 

My mind felt renewed, I felt as though I had been reborn for real. It was a refreshing feeling but it was nothing compared to the power I felt. 

With a much clearer mind, my power seemed to have grown even more. I can't tell by how much, I have never actually used my full strength on anything before so I couldn't tell by how much. 

"Ample rest is needed to use my power finely" I noted as I sat up properly from my bed. 

Looking beside me, I finally saw the reason why I was sent to sleep. The small miracle of technology known as the Motherbox. 

Picking up the box, I quickly sent my mind into it again, using the tried and true model. I pushed all the mental energy I could muster into it to overwhelm its defences. 

However that wasn't needed at all, it's internal or core components just laid bare before me. I had killed its semi-sentience. 

"Shit!" I shouted in shock

Jumping up from the bed, I began dancing in the air. I don't know if it was because the Father Box was a cheap copy of the Motherbox, hence, why I was able to overwhelm it this easily. 

So far only a sentient motherbox has been able to achieve a feat similar to this and it's name was Cyborg aka Victor Stone but I had done it. 

"Zax, you guys are really something" I said thinking of the source of my powers. 

Wait now that I thought about it, did it mean that his people weren't dead but were now some kind of Sage Force constructs like the Speed force constructs. 

I could understand their souls being dragged into the Sage Force after death but wasn't it just a new prison, their souls were now forever locked there. 

"Well they did pray and worship it so this should be their own version of heaven" I stated before focusing on the father Box with me. 

Using the knowledge of the God Language, I had learn from Apokalips Net, I began to reprogram it. The God Language was a weird language that honestly had no way to describe it. 

It sounded like gibberish when spoken but all could understand it even a rat would understand it in its own language. 

It was a bit like the Allspeak from Marvel but unlike the Allspeak which was an Odin created ability, this was a full blown language. 

You could actually speak it and somehow the other party would understand it even if they had never heard of the language and above all they would understand it in their most natural language. 

I heard it in English even if I knew clearly that the Furies weren't speaking English. 

Which meant that if I went to Earth now to a non-English speaking country and talk, they would understand me in their own natural language. 

It was a language that really spoke to the soul. 

About an hour of reprogramming and complete redesign, I had to give it to whoever created the Father Box. 

They did pack it with several abilities that it could easily achieve even if it wasn't connected to the source. Funny enough, healing wasn't even part of them.