Ch 4 -Ep. 04 - banyan fruits

Before Shiva could understand anything after seeing the convoy of luxury cars and strong bodyguards wearing suits that had stopped near the banyan tree in front of his house, one of the men said, "Oh, here is really that miraculous man." Fruits have grown...look there..."

Having said this, the bodyguard pointed towards the highest branch of the tree. Hearing what he said, the other bodyguard said, "That means Rao Saheb was right. Unfortunately, his calculations did not work out... the poor guy died vomiting blood without talking... Okay, don't delay now." ... Climb up quickly and pluck that shiny fruit. This time we will have to save the life of Ustad Ranga Swami... Anyway, this time the reward money is also very big."

As soon as that bodyguard shouted, five-six musket-like bodyguards started climbing that old banyan tree with the aim of plucking those divine fruits stained with the blood of that divine serpent.

Seeing this, Shiva thought, 'If they want fruits stained with my blood, then they will have to ask me first...'

And he started preparing to jump from the balcony, but then his eyes fell on the windows of the nearby houses. The lights of some houses were on and people were peeking out their heads. Therefore Shiva thought it best to go down the stairs.

Shiva walked down the stairs and reached near the tree and started inspecting the place. He saw that there were around thirty bodyguards present there and all of them seemed to be experts in Kalaripayattu, the famous martial art form of Kerala. Seeing his long convoy of luxury cars, suits and boots and his expertise in Kalaripayattu, it seemed that he belonged to a very special and well-known family.

Among these bodyguards, there was also a tall and powerful woman wearing a red leather coat, who was making all these guards dance on the gestures of her fingers. Just looking at her it seemed that she was the leader of all this, the same girl was the first to see Shiva coming near the banyan tree but perhaps she did not like Shiva's carefree strolling there and she almost scolded Shiva. Said to, "O Hero... Is there some drama going on here or some drunkard's game that you are strolling here... Run away from here..."

As soon as the girl spoke so rudely, Shiva frowned, his nerves started boiling and his whole body started burning with anger. Shiva's eyes turned red with anger and he started staring at the girl. The very next moment Shiva controlled himself and smilingly asked the girl politely, "This old banyan tree is a public property... so why can't I come here?"

The girl did not expect the opposite answer from Shiva, so after listening to Shiva, the girl made fun of Shiva and said, "He is talking a lot. It seems that along with his body, his brain has also got fat." ?"

Hearing what the girl said, Shiva again smiled and asked her, "Why? What did I say?"

But this time, after hearing Shiva's words, the girl became angry and shouted, "Come... come forward, then I will tell you what you said..."

Hearing the girl's words, Shiva moved forward without any hesitation and said, "Okay... you are calling, so here... I am here."

Saying this, Shiva started moving towards that girl. Seeing Shiva's outspoken and aggressive style, the girl got very irritated, she shouted to her goons, "A s s s s... just look at this boy... ."

As soon as they heard the girl's voice, two guards standing nearby started moving forward to pick up Shiva and throw him, but suddenly someone from the crowd stopped them and said, "Wait... wait a minute...."

When Shiva turned and looked in the direction of that voice, an old man emerged from the crowd and stood in front of him. There were expressions of gentleness and decency on the wrinkled old man's face, but the old deep scar on his chin told the story of his past.

As soon as the old man saw Shiva, he could not believe his eyes, he came near Shiva and looked at his face carefully and chirping happily said, "Little master, Shiva... this... It's you, isn't it? You... You are cured...."

The voice of that old man seemed familiar to Shiva, but he was not able to recognize him. How can you even recognize him? Even though it had been 2 years since he left the earth, but for him in the snake world, these 2 years had passed like 2000 years, then Shiva was shocked and said, "Forgive me... but I did not recognize you. ..."

Hearing Shiva's words, the old man said smilingly, "Hey I... you didn't recognize me? I am your Murali Kaka... Murali Nathan... remember? I used to work in your father's dispensary. ..They didn't even tell you that you got better?"

Seeing Shiva healthy in front of him, a glimpse of happiness was clearly visible on Murli Kaka's face, thinking that perhaps Shiva was knowledgeable about Murli Kaka; The guards moving towards Shiva stopped there.

As soon as he heard Murli Kaka's name, Shiva recognized him and said smilingly, "Hey Murli Kaka, how are you? It was as if you had disappeared..."

When Shiva's grandfather had thrown Shiva's father out of his house, he had opened his own small dispensary, Murli Kaka used to work in the same dispensary. Many years ago, once when some goons attacked his dispensary, Murli Kaka risked his life to save Shiva's father. He got that old wound mark on his chin while saving the life of Shiva's father. Shiva's father would often look at that wound and tell Shiva that this wound was a sign of the friendship between him and Murali Kaka.

Shiva and Murli Kaka were talking amongst themselves when suddenly the girl wearing red leather coat came and stood near them. As soon as Murli Kaka saw him, he bowed down and saluted him and said, "Small master… all these are people of the "Swami" family, I have brought them here to pluck the fruits of this tree."

Having said this, Murali Kaka came near Shiva's ear in a low voice and said, "This is Nandini Ma'amsaab... Granddaughter of Ustad Ranga Swami... Try to understand, little master... These are big people." ....We should not upset them."

The Swami family was one of the most prestigious families in the entire Coimbatore. They had no shortage of name, money and power and at present Nandini was representing that family.

Shiva had a lot of respect for Murali Kaka, that is why after listening to him, Shiva said smilingly, "Murali Kaka, you want that branch of fruits, right... so for this, any one of you should climb this tree. No need to climb..."

But before Shiva could complete his statement, Nandini interrupted him and said, "You mind your own business…understood…."

Having said this, Nandini looked at Murali Kaka and said, "Murali, I called you here to identify that medicine, not to listen to your nonsense...."

After that Nandini shouted at her guards, "Why are you guys standing there looking at me? Quickly climb the tree and break that fruit branch…."

The banyan tree was covered with leaves and the fruits on which the drops of blood of that divine serpent had fallen were on the highest branch of the tree, that is why on hearing Nandini's words, the guards present there quickly went to the banyan tree. But started climbing.

A guard was a short distance away from the branch when he shouted, "Got it..."

But as soon as the guard moved forward to pluck the fruit, he suddenly lost his balance and fell down with a thud. It was fortunate that while falling from the tree, he collided with other branches, otherwise he would have fallen straight on his head and died there. Before the rest of the people could handle that guard, the other guard also fell on the ground screaming. After that, gradually all the guards who had climbed the tree started falling to the ground one by one.

Seeing this, Nandini shouted, "What is all this happening? Is it a fruit or some trouble...."

Hearing Nandini's words, a guard lying on the ground groaned in pain and said, "I don't know ma'am.... But as soon as I tried to go near that fruit.... I got a strong electric shock and I He staggered and fell on the ground."

Seeing the condition of those people, Shiva said in his mind, 'Say whatever... but the courage of these people has to be appreciated. Some of them have even had their arms and legs broken… but still these people do not want to step back.

Here Shiva was lost in his own thoughts and there Nandini sent her guards andHad ordered a saw. As soon as Shiva's eyes fell on the saw, he started shaking his head in the negative with a smile, seeing which Nandini's already upset anger increased further.

Nandini looked at Shiva and shouted, "I am laughing a lot… It seems you are fond of getting beaten."

On hearing Nandini's words, Shiva immediately replied, "Now you are so stupid... then you will definitely laugh..."

Nandini got irritated after hearing Shiva's words, she said angrily, "Child... It seems that you do not love your life. If you are so stubborn, then go.... You pluck these fruits and show me. "

Hearing Nandini's words, Shiva smiled lovingly and stepped forward and said, "Okay... if this is what you want, then it is right..."

Nandini was shocked to hear Shiva's words, by now she had understood that the fruits growing on the banyan tree were not ordinary fruits. But the thought of instigating Shiva to pluck fruits and causing him to die started troubling him. However, seeing Shiva's self-confidence, for a moment he thought that maybe Shiva would pluck the fruit, but the next moment he rejected this thought and looking at Murali Kaka said…."Okay Murali... Now don't even try to stop him... He has a lot of arrogance, isn't he... Now he will fall from the tree and break his bones... Then all your wisdom will be lost."

But by then Shiva had reached the banyan tree, he listened to Nandini and said smilingly, "But dear, I will fall only when I climb this tree."

Hearing Shiva's words, Nandini mocked him and said, "Ha ha ha.... If you don't climb this tree... will its fruits come to you on their own?"

Hearing Nandini's sarcasm, Shiva said smilingly, "You are right... these fruits will come to me on their own."

Saying this, Shiva made a fist with his right hand, blew into it and lightly punched the trunk of the tree. Even the punch of his light hand was no less than an earthquake for that hundreds of years old tree. As soon as the punch fell, the entire tree along with its roots shook.

So will Shiva use his power to prove Nandini wrong?

Who is the great master of the Swami family and what disease did he suffer from which could be treated only with those divine fruits?

The Vaidya of the Swami family knew everything about those divine fruits, so did he know everything about Shiva also?

Keep reading Hiss – Rebirth of a Destroyer to know,

To Be Continued....