Ch 5 - Ep. 05 - Mysterious yogi

As soon as Shiva made a fist with his right hand, blew into it and lightly punched the trunk of the tree, the entire tree shook along with its roots. Although all the guards present there were experts in the ancient art of Kalaripayattu, they did not have the strength to shake the entire tree with just one blow of their hands. When Shiva did this, all the people present there started looking at him with tight teeth, although Nandini was also shocked to see Shiva's ability, but she explained herself in her mind and said…

'Huh... so what if he knows a little bit of Kalaripayattu? Our Swami family is also no less than anyone. We have a crowd of such people here."

Nandini was busy talking to Shiva's palm. Seeing this, Nandini once again made fun of Shiva and said, "I thought you had come to pluck fruits... but you started showing tricks. Even our servants play such games."

Murali Kaka did not like Nandini making fun of Shiva like this, but still he heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Shiva failing because he did not want Shiva to put himself in any way while trying to pluck the fruits of that tree. Cause harm.

But Shiva had not even tried till now, so what can he say about failure, that is why seeing Nandini laughing he said, "Okay….it is like that…so here it is."

Seeing Nandini laughing, Shiva said, "Okay...if that's the case...then take this."

Saying this, Shiva caught the leaf that had fallen on his palm between his first two fingers and laughed at himself and said in his mind, 'Wow, what a thing Shiva Babu... By using this technique in the world of snakes, I myself I used to break even the enemy standing thousands of miles away from me into pieces and today I am breaking the fruits of trees with this technique... ha ha ha...'

Thinking all this, Shiva, with a special technique, threw the leaf stuck in his first two fingers on the banyan tree and flying faster than the wind, the leaf went straight and landed on the branch of the tree where the divine fruit grew. Were. As soon as that leaf hit that branch of the tree, that branch of the tree along with the bunch of fruits got cut and fell straight into Shiva's hand.

All this happened so fast at lightning speed that no one had a chance to understand anything. People thought that they did not know how but in the blink of an eye the banyan fruits automatically fell into Shiva's hand, that is why everyone was left wide-eyed after seeing the banyan fruits in Shiva's hand.

Nandini's condition had deteriorated after seeing Shiva's miraculous technique and such an excellent performance of Kalaripayattu, which So till date I had heard about such technology only in anecdotes and stories, I did not even know that such a technology actually existed.

Nandini, lost in her own thoughts, was searching for words in her dictionary to talk to Shiva, but was unable to say anything to him, then suddenly Murli Kaka came forward and said to Shiva, "Little master... can we Can we talk for two minutes?"

After listening to Murli Kaka, Shiva nodded his head in the affirmative, then Murli Kaka continued his words and said, "Young master... the great master of the Swami family is very ill. An old doctor prescribed him this divine fruit. Had told about.... His health will be cured by eating this.... I came here on behalf of Swami family in search of this fruit... If you give this fruit to me, then in return I will get you a reward of Rs 1 crore from the Swami family."

After listening to Murali Kaka, Shiva got thinking, there was a strange situation in front of him. On one hand, there was a reward of Rs 1 crore, which could change his family's life forever, while on the other, there were powerful fruits soaked in the blood of the divine serpent, which he could not just hand over to anyone. .

When Shiva, demonstrating his miraculous technique and excellent art of Kalaripayattu, plucks the fruit from the highest branch of the banyan tree with just one leaf, Murali Kaka goes ahead and offers the fruit to Shiva as a reward from the Swami family. I talk about getting him Rs 1 crore. Shiva gets thinking after listening to Murli Kaka.

However, Rs 1 crore is a huge amount of money. With that, Shiva could change his family's life forever.

But those divine fruits were priceless. Anyway, there were only 11 such fruits on that tree, on which the blood of that divine five-headed serpent had fallen and Shiva could not hand them over to anyone just like that.

Thinking all this, Shiva looked at Murli Kaka, shaking his head in the negative, but as soon as Shiva's eyes fell on the mark of the old wound on his chin, which he had got while saving the life of Shiva's father, Shiva I remembered the words said by my father….

"This mark on Murali's chin is not of any injury but a symbol of the depth of our friendship...."

Shiva's heart aches as he remembers his father's words and he agreed to give the divine fruit to Murli Kaka, but Shiva knew both the advantages and disadvantages of that divine fruit, that is why he explained to Murli Kaka and said, "Uncle, it is not a matter of money. You may not know but this fruit has such divine powers that no one on this entire earth except me can possess it. You had seen, how as soon as you went near this fruit, The guards of the Swami family started getting electric shock. If any person ate this fruit, he would die instantly."

After listening to Shiva, lines of worry appeared on Murli Kaka's forehead, and after thinking something he said to Shiva, "Little master, I don't know what is so special about these fruits... but I "I know for sure that Ustad Ranga Swami is very ill at the moment and he is in great need of these fruits. Let us do something, you come with me and see with your own eyes."

Saying this, Murali Kaka becomes silent, but seeing the expressions on his face, Shiva understands that if Swami destroys the family,What will he do with Murali Kaka if he does not get those results? Understanding Murali Kaka's helplessness, Shiva said, "Okay Kaka, if you say so, then I will come with you. Just give me 5 minutes, I will I will change my clothes and come back."

Hearing Shiva's words, Murli Kaka takes a sigh of relief and smiles and nods in agreement. On getting his signal, Shiva quickly goes upstairs and after changing his clothes goes straight to Meenakshi's room. Meenakshi was still sleeping, so Shiva did not think it right to wake her up. He picked up the paper lying on the table and wrote a message for Meenakshi on it and came back down.

As soon as Shiva arrives, they leave from there in three different vehicles. About half an hour later, Shiva's car stops outside the door of an ordinary house.

Seeing the condition of that house, Shiva is shocked for a moment. The Swami family was a well-known and prestigious family in the entire Coimbatore, but looking at the condition of that house, it did not seem so at all. There was neither any settlement nearby nor was there any guard to protect the house. Yes, of course there was a chicken farm nearby. The house looked very dilapidated and old; it did not look like the house of any big and rich family.

Seeing Shiva so shocked, Murli Kaka explained to him gently and said, "Little master, a few days ago the enemies of the Swami family had put a huge bounty on the head of the master of this family. Since then, he has been attacked many times. There have been attacks, so he is staying here to hide his identity. You should also speak with caution in front of him."

All this was not new for Shiva, that is why he just nods his head without saying anything and enters the house. But as soon as Shiva reaches the hall of the house while walking, he is surprised to see the sight in front.

Shiva is shocked and thinks in his mind, 'What are these people of Swami family trying to do?'

The big drawing room in front of Shiva was smelling of the foul smell of blood, in one corner a table was lying broken on the ground. There were blood splatters all over the floor and someone's severed hand was lying right in the middle of the hall. Shiva looked at that hand with oblique eyes and as soon as he saw it, he understood that it was the hand of a doctor.

In the snake world, with the blessings of Lord Sheshnag, Shiva had mastered sixteen arts and Ayurveda and medicine were one of them, that is why on seeing that severed hand, Shiva understood that that hand was the hand of an old and skilled physician, who was It was cut just a short time ago.

As soon as he saw that hand, Shiva said in his mind, 'A doctor saves people's lives... If these people can cut off a doctor's hand then they can do anything... Something strange is happening. Over here.'

Reading the expressions on Shiva's face, Nandini said very casually, "What happened? Aren't you scared? That illiterate and uncultured doctor was boasting in front of us... If you look at it, only one of his hands was cut off." The Kar Swami family has done him a favor. Just the day before yesterday we had killed two such careless physicians."

But Shiva responded to Nandini with equal ease and said, "I have nothing to do with what you guys do and how you do it."

After listening to Shiva, Nandini said with a wry smile, "This is a good thing."

Having said this, Nandini looked at a servant standing nearby and said, "What are you looking at while standing there! We have guests coming here… please arrange tea and breakfast for them."

Saying this, Nandini goes towards the inner room. Before the servant standing there can serve tea and breakfast to Shiva, Nandini returns again and extends her palm and says to Shiva, "Where is that banyan fruit? My grandfather needs that fruit right now. "

Nandini's attitude had changed a bit since she returned home. Now that she was at home among her own people, her confidence had increased a bit.

Reiterating her words, Nandini said again in a strong voice, "Hand over that banyan fruit to me quietly."

Seeing Nandini's attitude, Shiva said in a serious tone, "Look, I have already said that only I know how to use this fruit as a medicine... If you tell me now. If you take this fruit from him, then whatever happens after that will be the responsibility of you and only you."

So will Shiva hand over the fruits to Nandini after this?

Or will Nandini consider Shiva's words and think about her decision?

Will the people of the Swami family be able to save the life of Ustad Ranga Swami?

Keep reading Hiss – Rebirth of a Destroyer to know,

To Be Continued...