Ch 10 - Ep. 10 - Blood relation

Shiva looked straight into the eyes of Ustad Ranga Swami and said, "If I can give life… then I can also take back the same life."

Saying this, Shiva took a look at the crowd present there. Nandini, who was showing a lot of arrogance in front of him till some time ago, was now hiding in the corner with her head bowed.

Although Ustad Ranga Swami's body had given way and he could die at any time, yet the greed of his mind was still not leaving him. Ustad Ranga Swami's eyes were still on the bunch of divine fruits in Shiva's hand, that is why he extended his hand and opened his mouth to say something while looking at those divine fruits, but his tongue did not support him.

Seeing this, Shiva again got angry, he shouted angrily, "O head of the Swami family… remember… you have no right on these fruits… that is why to get them you have to sacrifice your life. Stop moving your hand forward... because now if you even try to move your hand forward, I will cut off that hand...."

While lying on his death bed groaning in pain, Ustad Ranga Swami did not listen to Shiva's words and slowly moved his hand forward again and touched him.Divya started trying to reach the fruit, but then Shiva picked up a small stone from the ground and with the help of a special technique threw it from a distance towards Ustad Ranga Swami and in the blink of an eye Ranga Swami screamed.

"Come sssssss".

As soon as a small piece of stone thrown by Shiva hit the hand of Ustad Ranga Swami, his hand was cut and fell on the ground and a fountain of blood gushed out from his severed hand. But then suddenly two guards from the crowd stood in front of Shiva with weapons in their hands. Shiva had never seen such a weapon before, but after thinking for some time, as soon as he recognized the weapon, he was shocked.

The weapon in the hands of those two guards standing blocking Shiva's path was a special type of weapon, made using ancient and modern technology. It required two people to operate, and could fire both modern rockets and ancient arrows in a single strike. It is said that Tipu Sultan of Mysore had developed the technology of making such a special weapon in the 18th century and it was only to get that technology that the British attacked him.

Although due to the boon of Lord Sheshnag, Shiva's body was made of Vajra and even the biggest missiles, let alone rockets and arrows, could not harm him, but Ustad Ranga Swami had such technology. Shiva was shocked.

As the guards tried to press the trigger with their trembling hands to fire the weapon, Shiva picked up some pieces of stone from the surrounding debris and, smilingly, threw them at the guards.

Started watching. Just some time ago, Shiva had cut the hand of Ustad Ranga Swami by throwing a small piece of stone, that is why when those guards saw the pieces of stone in Shiva's hand again, their hands started trembling and he hurriedly tried to escape from the spot. They left the weapon there and ran away.

As soon as those guards ran away, Shiva announced in a loud voice, "Master Ranga Swami, by now you must have understood that if I can save a life, I can also take a life… This time I Only your hand has been bitten… If any of you tries to come in my way again… I will wipe out your entire Swami family."

When Shiva was in the Naga Loka, even the most powerful warriors there used to tremble before Shiva and today some ordinary humans on the Earth Loka had planned to defeat him, Shiva, about this foolish plan of the Swami family. While thinking, he did not realize when he crossed the threshold and came out. As soon as he came out into the open air, he breathed a sigh of relief but then he realized that someone was hiding behind the wall and following him. Shiva was startled and picked up a piece of stone lying on the ground, turned it with a jerk and threw it on the wall. The piece of stone, slicing through the air with the speed of lightning, hit its target and suddenly a sound was heard from behind the wall...


Hearing that sound, Shiva was shocked and said, "Oh…this is the sound of some animal."

But before he could think anything further, a golden colored pet fox fell in front of Shiva, groaning.Although it was difficult to tell by looking at it which species of fox it was, but as soon as he saw it, Shiva started feeling a divine energy in it.

So Shiva was surprised and said, "It looks like a wild fox… It is strange… I don't know why I can see divine energy emanating from it."

Saying this, Shiva moved forward and lovingly picked up the fox in his lap and said smilingly, "I have hurt you, so I will also bandage you… but don't follow me like this from now on." "Understood to come."

Taking that divine fox in his lap, Shiva left from there but as soon as he left, suddenly the figure of a beautiful girl appeared on the roof of that house.

Tall height, slim physique, sharp features and milky fair complexion; There was no comparison to the beauty of that girl, let's just say that just one glimpse of her was enough to make anyone crazy.

Seeing Shiva, a scary and beautiful sparkle appeared in the spiritual eyes of that beautiful Bala. Obviously he had seen what Shiva had done to Ustad Ranga Swami and his goons.

The girl, talking to herself in her intoxicating manner, said, "Who was that young man? He had recognized us. Even after almost killing Ustad Ranga Swami, he Aren't you afraid that Devika will definitely come back to take revenge from him?

Having said this, she stood there watching Shiva go from a distance. When Shiva disappeared from her sight, she once again said to herself, "You are such a strange stranger... you are so cruel inside. You were killing people... and outside you were showing kindness to that pet golden fox of mine.... There is something different in you... I, Bhairavi, will find out this secret of yours."

After leaving from there, by the time Shiva reached his home carrying the injured golden fox in his lap, it was already nine in the morning. He saw from a distance that Meenakshi was standing in the balcony of the house, pacing here and there, looking for someone. Was waiting. She was wearing a captivating night gown with a print of cartoon characters, the transparent fabric of which made her slim body and beautiful long legs visible from a distance.

Seeing Meenakshi so upset, Shiva shouted from a distance and asked, "Hey Meenu… what are you doing there?"

As soon as Meenakshi saw Shiva, tears welled up in her eyes and she shouted from there, "Brother…."

Having said this, Meenakshi came running towards Shiva and lovingly punched Shiva's chest with a light hand and said, "Where had you gone... Do you know how scared Papa and I were? We thought that somewhere You may have lost your way or I don't know if someone has caught you. Such strange thoughts were coming in our mind...."

Saying this, Meenakshi started crying sobbing. Shiva came forward and wiped Meenakshi's tears and caressed her head lovingly and said, "Hmmm.... So it means you did not get the note written by me. Okay Baba... I will take care from now on... Now shut up… Okay tell me, did you have breakfast?

Did? I am very hungry. Come on, let's go eat something first."

Hearing Shiva's words, Meenakshi placed both her hands on her waist and scolded Shiva like Grandmother and said, "What, let's go to eat something... I haven't even brushed my teeth since morning because of the worry about you." ..... Leave alone brushing teeth, I haven't even washed my face yet."

Both Shiva and Meenakshi were talking while standing on the road when suddenly a taxi stopped there and before stopping the car, its driver shouted happily, "Shiva… my Shiva… my son. ..."

As soon as Shiva heard this familiar voice, he immediately turned and looked in front…. His father Narayan Shastri, with long hair scattered on his face and wearing a dirty long coat, was coming out of the taxi and moving towards him.

Shiva was seeing his father after a long time, although the happiness of meeting Shiva was clearly visible on his face, but his sunken eyes, white hair on his head, dark complexion and bent waist were making him scream and shout. Were telling the story of sorrow and struggle. In the last two years, Shiva's father had started looking almost 10 years older than his age.

As soon as he saw him, Shiva chirped with joy and said, "Papa…."

But as soon as he said this, Shiva's throat choked and his body started trembling, it is said that there is no other relationship in this world deeper than blood relationship; Today Shiva was able to understand the real meaning of this proverb. When Shiva was very young, one night his mother left him and went away, from then on he neverNo news came. But as soon as he left, Shiva's father took over all the responsibilities of Shiva and Meenakshi and never let them miss their mother.

Today, after two years, Shiva's eyes filled with tears as soon as he saw his father in front of him, he came forward and hugged his father and said in broken words, "Papa... I... I will come back." I have been… you… how are you?"

As soon as he hugged his father, Shiva started smelling the traffic smoke on his clothes and noticed that his hands were blistered after driving a taxi. But still there was not even a trace of wrinkle on his forehead.

He smiled and said, "I am fine son… I am absolutely fine now."

Narayan Shastri was a man of old ideas but a wise person, from the very beginning it was a difficult task for him to express his feelings. That's why when Shiva hugged him publicly, he felt shy and uncomfortable. He pushed Shiva away from himself and said with a smile, "That... that son... my clothes are dirty, aren't they?" ....Your clothes will also get dirty."

Shiva knew his father's habit, that is why he silently nodded his head in agreement while smiling, then Meenakshi standing next to him, while sweeping away the mud from Narayan Shastri's hand, said...

"Papa, how did your clothes become so dirty today… and how did you get this mud on your hands?"

Narayan Shastri became embarrassed after listening to Meenakshi, he said giggling, "Oh... that... I had gone to the river in search of Shiva... the soil there was wet so my foot slipped. And all the clothes got dirty... Okay, you leave all this and go home... Let's talk about the rest after going home."

Although Narayan Shastri told Meenakshi that he had to go home, he deliberately started moving towards his home by circling the entire locality, whoever he met on the way, he would tell them while boasting about his son's recovery.

"Oh…Murugan Anna, did you have breakfast? Look, this is my son Shiva…"

"Hey Nirmala Amma, how is your health, is your knee pain cured? Look at this, my son Shiva and my daughter Meenakshi…."

"He is shining so much… He has got better… Well, he had to get better… I had already told you that my son is not going to remain in a coma forever. Was. Hey, my Shiva is very smart since childhood..."

"Hey Muttu… stop… where are you going? Look at this, my son Shiva… he has recovered… now don't call him by any strange name and don't trouble him… understood?"

Although Shiva, who was walking quietly behind them, was trying his best to appear normal, but inside his mind was filled with deep sadness. His father had done so much for him over the years but till today he never even said 'uff'. But now Shiva's times had changed, he still had 10 divine banyan fruits left, stained with the blood of that five-headed divine serpent. Apart from those fruits, now Shiva'sHe also had Rs 1 crore with him, with which he was soon going to change the life of his family.

So were the troubles of Shiva and his family about to end?

Or is some new trouble going to befall them?

Who was Bhairavi, the divine girl who appeared on the terrace of Ustad Ranga Swami after Shiva's departure, and why was she following Shiva?

Keep reading to know about Hissus – Rebirth of a Destroyer

To Be Continued...