Ch 11 - Ep. 11 - Cheating lover

Narayan Shastri was very happy today, after 2 years his son had recovered and was walking shoulder to shoulder with him and his happiness was clearly visible on his face. He stopped every walker and told her about Shiva with full enthusiasm, as if he wanted to shout and tell the whole world that now his son, his Shiva, has recovered. After a long time, seeing him laughing and smiling so openly, his neighbors also started congratulating him and praising Shiva.

Seeing all this, Shiva made a promise to himself in his mind and said, "Whatever has happened till now has happened... but from today onwards I will take full care of my family, take care of them and will not let anyone hurt them." "

Whereas Narayan Shastri did not know how to express love, for him love was to feed his children by preparing good food with his own hands. That's why after roaming around the locality, as soon as he reached his home, he changed his clothes and went straight to the kitchen to prepare food for his children. With a lot of hard work and love, she prepared many of Shiva's favorite dishes and the entire family enjoyed the food to their heart's content.

But during all this Shiva felt that there was a strange sadness in Meenakshi's eyes. That's why when it was time for Meenakshi to go to school in the afternoon, Shiva went with her to drop her to school.As both of them boarded the bus to school, Shiva smiled and asked Meenakshi, "Meenu... you know how much I love you, right? That's why if there's anything you want to tell me If yes then you can say it without any hesitation."

As soon as she heard Shiva's words, Meenakshi, who had been sitting quietly till now, lost her patience and started crying bitterly. Seeing Meenakshi crying like this, Shiva lovingly caressed her head and asked, "What happened Meenu... won't you tell your brother?"

Hearing Shiva's words, Meenakshi stammered and said, "Brother... do you remember that diamond locket... which mother gave you... that... I have mortgaged that locket. Gave."

Saying this, Meenakshi once again started crying bitterly, although Shiva did not want to talk about his mother. But in the last 2 years, his soul had traveled a journey of 2000 years and in the meantime he had seen many people, good and bad, that is why his mind had become stable and calm. Now he was not bothered by all these things, so he wiped Meenakshi's tears and said in a calm voice, "No problem Meenu.... If he went to the locket, he went... What is the big deal in it?" "

But even after listening to Shiva, Meenakshi was not relieved, sobbing she took out the mortgage receipt from her small purse and showed it to Shiva and said,

"Mother had left only that one locket for you… that was her last memento… but what should I do, brother… Last year, father had a big accident, at that time you also Medicines were being administered and father was also in the hospital… I felt something.Couldn't understand, that's why I got that locket to pay for his treatment and medicines... "

Saying this, Meenakshi again started crying. Shiva was heartbroken after hearing Meenakshi's words. He had no idea how much innocent 16 year old Meenakshi had endured silently in the last 2 years.

Holding Meenakshi's hand, Shiva consoled her and said with a deep heart, "Meenu, you have handled so much alone... the last 2 years have been very heavy on you... what you have endured at this age. , I can't even think about that."

Seeing Shiva getting emotional like this in front of everyone, Meenakshi stopped crying and shyly released her hand from him and said, "No problem brother… Now we will earn money together and will soon get that locket back." "

Shiva took the mortgage receipt from Meenakshi and kept it in his shirt pocket and said with a smile, "Hmmm okay… but you don't need to worry about that… now your brother has come Nah…that will fix everything."

Hearing Shiva's words, the burden on Meenakshi's heart became lighter and a smile appeared on her face. After this, he talked to Shiva a lot throughout the way. Within some time the bus reached Velliangiri High School and both of them got down from the bus.

Meenakshi took her school bag from Shiva and after saying goodbye to Shiva she went inside the school gate.Shiva had many memories associated with Velliangiri High School, that is why even after Meenakshi left, he stood there for some time, watching the children wearing light green school uniforms going inside. As soon as Shiva turned to leave from there, he heard a shrill voice of a girl from behind….

"Shiva... You are Shiva, aren't you?"

Hearing that voice, Shiva turned around with surprise and looked towards that voice and the pupils of his eyes started tightening as soon as he saw the beautiful girl standing in front of him.

That tall girl, about 5 feet 7 inches tall, with shoulder-length hair, a beautiful face and a modern look, besides being beautiful, she also looked quite young, but her gait showed that she was as young as she looked. Yes, not that much. Seeing his face and the way he walked, his confidence was visible.

The simple, innocent looking girl with long hair, clad in simple clothes, whom Shiva remembered and who was standing in front of him today; Even though their faces were the same, there was now a world of difference between them.

Thinking this, Shiva called her name and said, "Oh... Ms. Jayati Iyer... is that you?"

After beating Chatur that day, Shiva had thought that now they would meet after three months at the wedding of Jayati and Bhaskar in the mansion of Shastri family. But who knew that today itself, he would bump into his old fiancee Jayati outside Meenakshi's school.As soon as Shiva turned, Jayati stared at him from top to bottom and said, "So it means Chatur was right... You have really recovered..."

As soon as she saw Shiva, thousands of emotions started surging like a storm in Jayati's mind. Pointing towards the coffee shop next to the school gate, she said, "Now that you have come to school looking for me, let's sit down. Anyway, we have to talk about the issue between us." "

But Shiva made fun of Jayati and replied, "Who told you that I have come here to meet you… I came here to drop Meenakshi to school. Anyway, there is nothing left to talk between us now." "

Hearing Shiva's words, Jayati said smilingly, "Whatever the reason... you have come here anyway... If you don't care about me then it's okay, but do you also care about Pati Amma?" Don't want to know how she is?"

Shiva was leaving from there but as soon as he heard from Jayati about Pati Amma i.e. his grandmother, he stopped. In the entire Shastri family, his old paternal grandmother Amma was the only one who cared about Shiva, when Shiva's grandfather threw him out of his house, she was the only one who did not break her ties with Shiva's family. She used to inquire about him from time to time and sometimes even used to come to meet him secretly.

Shiva was lost in his own thoughts, standing there thinking in his mind that he had not met his wife Amma for a long time, when suddenly Jayati looked at him with a victorious smile.Said, "You haven't changed even today... you are exactly the same... Come... let's sit and talk."

After listening to Jayati, Shiva did not say anything but silently went and sat with her in that coffee shop. Sitting on the chair directly opposite Shiva, Jayati asked him, "What will you drink?"

Shiva had no interest in sitting and drinking tea or coffee with Jayati. How could Shiva, who drank liquor made from the dew drops flowing from the divine spring of the Naga Loka, have any interest in the coffee of the Earth Loka, but now that he was sitting there, he had to drink something, that is why he casually said, "One Glass water."

But after listening to Shiva, Jayati said in a cold tone with irritation, "Don't worry... this place is not expensive and as for the bill, I will pay it."

Having said this, Jayati gestured to the waiter and said, "Brother, please give me two cups of filter coffee… and yes, please reduce the volume of the music system a little."

The waiter took Jayati's order and left and as soon as he left, there was a deep silence between the two. After some time, Shiva broke his silence and said, "How is Pati Amma?"

Hearing Shiva's question, Jayati's face turned pale, she said in a low voice, "Pati Amma is not well Shiva... Her health has been deteriorating continuously for the last two years... But I have hope." That after marrying Bhaskar, I will be able to take better care of her... No matter how much you hate me... But to be honest, I just want that Pati Amma's health is fine. Let it be done."Having said this, Jayati became silent, after remaining silent for some time, she raised her head and looked towards Shiva and said in a low voice, "Forgive me Shiva...."

Jayati was naughty and arrogant since childhood, that is why as soon as she apologized to Shiva, Shiva was surprised. Shocked, he asked, "What are you apologizing to me for?"

But Jayati avoided Shiva's question and said, "I am very happy that you are completely fine as before... My marriage with Bhaskar is not as you are thinking."

But before Jayati could finish her sentence, Shiva interrupted her and said, "Look, whatever you want to say, say it clearly… there is no need to make up all these things."

Jayati got irritated after hearing Shiva's words, and she said angrily, "I hope you understand that... the talk of our marriage being finalized in childhood was just a joke and nothing else.. .. I can't ruin my life by getting into a relationship with a boy like you… you… you understand what I'm saying… "

But Jayati's words had no effect on Shiva, at this time he only wanted to know about his pati Amma. He was not interested in Jayati's idle talk, so he said carelessly, "Look, whatever you have to say, say it quickly... I am in a bit of a hurry...."

Hearing Shiva's words, Jayati's irritation started turning into anger, she could not understand what had happened to Shiva who was following her like a crazy person.She said to Shiva in a loud voice, "Why have you started hating me so much Shiva? Just because I chose your cousin Bhaskar instead of you? Why don't you understand... the hopes of the entire Iyer family are on me. Tiki Hai... I was engaged to you in my childhood and no one even asked me.... So isn't this wrong with me?..... Last year I gave the college entrance exam and I came second in the entire state… but no… that was also not enough… I should have come first… because I was engaged to the Shastri family… Now if everyone has so many expectations from me, then in return, why shouldn't I think about a better and better future for myself… What's the harm in this…."

Having said this, Jayati became silent for a few moments. After remaining silent for some time, Jayati suddenly remembered something. She slowly opened her wallet and took out something from it and placed it on the table in front of Shiva, seeing which Shiva's anger reached sky high, he felt like getting up and slapping Jayati hard.

After all, what had Jayati presented to Shiva that Shiva got angry on seeing?

After all, what happened to Shiva 2 years ago and what was the underlying reason for his accident?

What will Shiva do to regain his lost honor and respect?

Keep reading Hiss – Rebirth of a Destroyer to know,

To Be Continued....