Killing a sister, ending sixth trial

[Amazon Rainforest, September 10th 2003]

"You." My voice resounded still primordial like, looking at Akhlys' form back dashing when I finally awoke.

"You have to be kidding me." Akhlys my half sister muttered.

I could begin to feel my power start to fade no matter how much I repeated Οπάλιον σβέσον in my mind, so I had to act fast. Summoning all the power from the surrounding darkness, they shot out from almost everywhere ensnaring Akhlys' form.

"You may be a child of Protegonoi, no matter what you're still weaker than even your death mist Titans." My voice spat out.

"This shouldn't be possible I'm eternal I was born before even Gaia herself I was born from the eldest Erebus and Nyx you're only a half-blood." She yelled scratching her sunken cheeks with her claws, trying to use the surrounding mist to enclose me back into those dreams, yet the Mist slipped through me almost as if I were a shadow.

I stayed silent at her wretched screaming summoning my spear into my hand before lunging forward and piercing her head, as the ensnaring tendrils grew barbs and plunged themselves into Akhlys tearing her into shreds as she dissipated into golden dust.

"Finally she was giving me a headache." I muttered my spear disappearing into my tattoo as I grabbed my head with my hands, feeling the power slowly leaving me making me slighlty weaker than before, and my eyes changed from completely black to white sclera and all.

"Still I need to find the Amazons and the Solomoi tribes, I already spent almost 3 months here what a waste of time." But as I felt my overpowering connection to shadows and darkness I finished my sentence "Well maybe not so much of a waste."

[3 weeks later]

"Aaggg!" A yelp of pain reached my ears, "Ares will kill you for this!"

Raising my spear from her torso I simply replied "Add him to the list." The woman who had been bleeding under me (that sounds wrong) turned into a puff of smoke.

"Still who would have thought that the Solomoi and the Amazons would have been so close together, I mean they were like less than a mile apart weird how they didn't kill each other already."

Yet just as I said that an arrow flew at me, but I simply dodged by tilting my head to the side. I mean it was fast but the Golden Hind was way faster than whatever these tribes could throw at me.

Raising my arm, I winded it up slighlty as shadows started entering my heels and strengthening myself.

"Aliup." I muttered throwing the spear in the direction of where the arrow had been shot, a barrier from almost breaking the speed of sound formed at its tips, the spear found its mark nailing the woman and impaling her on the next tree something which was thankfully in abundance here.

"Come on dad take me to your realm how many more of these people do I have to kill before it counts to completing my quest(that sounded slightly racist). "I muttered while I walked over to the now dying woman, grasping my spear and impaling her head which made her turn into golden dust.

As I looked upon the scene which I had caused even though I couldn't see colors, the heat from the fires (not my fault the Amazons put fire on the arrows which burnt their tents), ten black splatters which were probably golden blood, basically it didn't look pretty even in my eyes.

"Still they got it better than the Solomoi." I muttered shuddering at how incompetent that tribe was, I think they killed each other more than I did honestly it wasn't surprising how Bellephoron was able to beat them.

When that thought passed through my head I started feeling sleepy, falling unconscious and hitting the ground with a resounding thud.

{Unknown Place, Unknown Time}

"You know kiddo you did a good job with Akhlys but come on couldn't you have given her a quicker death not like death matters to us primogenitors but Nux gave me an earful so please if you go after another at least tell me before you decide to knock (kill) one out, for a few days."

"Couldn't control myself the hag had it coming." I replied simply shrugging my shoulders.

"Haah okay then , either way your seventh labor is gonna be an easy one. You just need to do something that Achilles once did, beat Hector Tamer of Horses, your tip is simple this time… Underworld. Welp bye cam's wait to finally meet you in person."

A shade portal appeared underneath me, bringing me back to the mortal realm.

"So Underworld huh, that isn't that hard where did dad say it was located, think Odysseus think." I said lightly hitting my head trying to remember, it was at times like this I would have loved to be a kid of Athena since they remembere everything they either heard or saw.

After a few minutes of trying to remember, the memory finally came back to me. The Underworld was in Los Angeles though dad did say that the location changed slighlty depending on the year this is going to be very boring, inn that moment I sunk once more into my shadow.

{Los Angeles, September 28th 2003}

Los Angeles was bad to say the least, it was crowded, smelled like misery which didn't exactly being fond memories to me, basically it was the probably the perfect to hide a demigod, since with the amount of people, bad smell and misery a demigod would be just another person in this place for a monster's sense of smell.

I honestly thought I had confused a few people for demigods given how much the Mist stuck to them, still in the end I was able to get to the D.O.A Recording Studios (Dead on Arrival) after all if the fact that it was written in Ancient Greek wasn't a big enough of a giveaway the line of dead people definitely was.

Cutting in line, hearing the yells of certain Karen souls was weird after all there was no one there but in fact there were hundreds it was a weird feeling. Inside the place souls gathered even more closely expectantly looking at the man inside which slighlty less Mist swirling around him than Akhlys, walking up to the man who was wearing an Italian suit and glasses, hair shaved military style and a smile that enraptured even the dead (get it).

He seemed to notice me walking in (pretty easy when I was the only person who was alive in here).

"If that isn't the man of the hour." He laughed leaving his station and coming closer slapping my shoulders as the dad simply looked at us muttering complaints about the time.

"Uhhmmm thank you."

"No, I should be thanking you , you finally shut up that old hag she was such a bother in here, she didn't stop visiting and distrusting the souls, it would do good on her to reform in a few days."

Seeing his good mood, I quickly asked "Well then can you let me through?"

His laugh stopped dead in its tracks, "Listen kid I can't exactly let you in even if you are family though it could be slighlty different if you know…." He trailed off showing me his open palm.

"Greedy family member." I muttered reaching down into my shadow's inventory grabbing ten golden drachmas and sneakily placing them in his hand.

He looked at the golden drachmas I had placed in his hand with an incredulous look.

"What is this Ancient Greece, these are worth squat I aon't be able to buy a single suit with these give me the real deal." He said handing me back my drachmas and opening his palm once more.

"Stingy." I muttered, before grabbing a few hundred bucks from my shadow, and giving it to him.

"Now we're talking with this you can even get a personal ride." He laughed stashing the money in his pockets without wrinkling any part of his suit.

[Greek Myth Fact: Charon was the Ferryman of the Dead, an underworld daimon in the service of King Haides. Hermes Psykhopompos (Guide of the Dead) gathered the shades of the dead from the upper world and led them down to the shores of the Acherusian mere in the underworld where Charon transported them across the waters to Hades in his skiff. His fee was a single obolos coin which was placed in the mouth of a corpse upon burial, though this notion seems to be of late origin, for it does not occur in any of the early poets of Greece. Those who had not received proper burial were unable to pay the fee and were left to wander the earthly side of the Acheron, haunting the world as ghosts.

Charon was depicted in ancient Greek art as an ugly, bearded man with a crooked nose, wearing a conical hat and tunic. He was shown standing in his skiff holding a pole, about to receive a shade from Hermes Psykhopompos.]

*Author Note: my patreon is Joanjudo Stories, I have advanced chapters, secondary novels and more on there, you can also join my discord through here*