Seventh Trial Starts

{Underworld, September 28th 2003}

"So how long have you been in this gig?" I asked trying to make some idle conversation with the ferryman of the dead, who was also my half-brother weirdly enough.

"You don't have to talk, I am accustomed to be alone with my thoughts in these rides."

"Ok." I replied shutting up, though there was still an awkward silence at least for me. Trying to take my mind of thinking about a conversation I started looking overboard. The boat slowly and steadily made its way through the River Styx, the river was way more polluted than anyone would expect, with stuff like broken toys, ripped up diplomas, which made everything kind of depressing.

Still the distinct thing about the river weren't the physical manifestation of broken dreams, but that the river kept on calling me to jump in, not in a malicious way in fact it felt that if I jumped I would be where I belonged.

"You shouldn't jump." Charon's voice interrupted my increasing want of swimming in the rivers.

"The rivers in here always try to get new souls but the Styx is even worse for children of divine beings related to death, so don't jump. I also wanted to do so at first but a nice slap on the back of the head from mom, broke that dream pretty quickly and I've grown accustomed to its call."

"Understood, I won't swim in the river." But as I said those words my hand shot out into the river almost instinctually, mere inches away am at Ross from the river hitting my hand before it could enter the river.

"Aughh!" I yelped in pain which was weird since I had been punctured, slashed and thrown around like a ragdolling but this hurt just as much.

"Dude, I just told you not to do it, come on at least try a bit."

"Sorry." I replied cleaning the burning drops of the river from my hand.

A few more minutes of peaceful yet awkward silence, the boat came to a stop.

"This is your spot just make sure you are careful with the doggy he is still too young and acts like a pup."

I simply nodded at his words, though my attention was simply enraptured by the giant walls, that encircled almost the entire realm, the Walls of Erebus.

I walked closer to the main gate and by consequence the walls themselves. My eyes were still looking at the walls even as Ai got closer to the main gate with rows of dead souls. As I kept looking at the walls, hundreds of familiar looking eyes started appearing across the walls.

"Hi son." My father's primordial voice echoed in my head, "Stay there for a second I'm gonna come get you for your seventh trial."

Finishing his sentence from one of the biggest eyes black tears (well I saw everything in black and white) started dripping, collecting itself and forming the shape of a handsome man if his features were anything to go by, tendrils on his head that acted as his hair slicked back, wearing a jeans and a hoodie, he was my godly father one of the eldest Protogenoi the embodiment of darkness itself, Erebus.

"Sup." His voice thundered now his body only a few feet away from me.

"Sup." Was the only thing I could reply as I was in complete awe since my control from darkness and shadows minimized the closer he got, no matter how much I willed it, the powers that had always had my back now travelled back to its origin.

"Welp I guess we should get your seventh trial done as soon as possible kiddo after all your girl is still waiting." My father smirked.

"She isn't mine." I yelped back

"Your Misery Dream begs to differ let's just hope she actually reciprocates your feelings." My father replied as he laughed, before placing his hand on my shoulder and we were teleported to another place.

{Hades' Palace, September 28th 2003}


A man wearing a helmet appeared before us at my father's call, Hades, wait a damn minute I could actually see an Olympian how was that possible I hadn't been able to see Dionysus, Artemis or any other Olympian in the camp's visits to Mount Olympus.

"Don't worry I upgraded your sight in your fifth trial, it's also the reason you were able to see Akhlys, had to do some tweaking to their shadows since they showed their true form and that would have burnt your eyes out, which while you can't see yet I woul still feel slighlty bad if that happened after all you're my first mortal son."

My father's voice thundered at his words, slighlty scared if I had actually seen the Olympian's true form because my eyes were already disturbing enough from what the campers said, if I had no eyes I couldn't even fathom how many kids would have nightmares from my empty eye sockets.

"Erebus, what do you need." Hades inquired in front of us.

"Bring us Hector's soul from Elysium."

Hades nodded in reply, snapping his fingers making a man appear in front of us.

"Huh, where am I come on I was in the middle of a drinking contest." The man looked around for a second before kneeling in front of Hades "Lord Hades, you have summoned me."

"Yeah they need you." Hades replied pointing at me, probably since pointing at my father his direct superior would be disrespectful.

"Indeed young Hector, you must spar with my son on a one on one, until he bests you in all forms of combat. So your cooperation in this endeavor would be most helpful after all bending the wills of souls is always bad for the soul in question."

Hector's face whitened?, I honestly couldn't tell at my father's words probably because of his voice I mean I had grown accustomed to it, but it was powerful if anything.

"Understood sire."

"Ok then Hades take them both to Elysium , my son will stay there until the end of his quest."

Hades nodded and before I could even get a word in he snapped his fingers and both Hector and I reappeared in a new place (well at least for me), the place was beautiful to say the least, it looked like an idealized suburban district with houses from differing eras.

{Elysium, September 28th 2003}

"Soooooo, what's your name kid?" Hector asked me his gaze slighlty nervous.

"I'm Odysseus but you can call me Ozzy."

"Odysseus huh, that brings back some not so fond memories, so I think I'll just call you Ozzy, I also need to call Odysseus that the next time I see him." Hector replied making an eerie face unbefitting of a 3000 year old Trojan hero.

"Ozzy is that you!" A familiar voice yelledin between the crowd of heroes surrounding us.

I looked at the person whom the voice belonged to, his blue aura shining brightly against the green of every other hero, it was Hugh a large smile on his face, yet my face fell when I immediately came to a conclusion Hugh and probably Kevin had died on their quest.

[Greek Myth fact: The next few facts will be about the different parts of the Underworld, today it will be the river Styx.

The river Styx is the principal and best-known river of Hades, circling the Underworld seven times, thus separating it from the land of the living. The Styx flowed out of Oceanus, the great river of the world. In Greek, the word Styx means to hate or abhor, and it was named after the nymph of the river, a daughter of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys.

Cerberus, a monstrous dog with multiple heads and the tail of a serpent, waits on the further side of the Styx where Charon lands with the shades of the departed.

Homer called Styx "the dread river of oath." Zeus used a golden jug of water from the Styx to settle disputes among the gods. If a god swore falsely by the water he would be deprived of nectar and ambrosia for a year and banished from the company of other gods for nine years.(Left out the part of Achilles cause I feel that everyone knows that lol)]

*Author Note: my patreon is Joanjudo Stories, I have advanced chapters, secondary novels and more on there, you can also join my discord through here*