
Chapter: 4

We decided to skip the rest of the school day and head to a secluded area where we could train without interruptions. the group heads to an empty field across the road from the school. It was close enough to the school so we could return if needed.

"Ok, let's get started. First thing first tell me your stats" I said.

Shaheem went first.

Shaheem's Stats:

STR: 65

SPD: 70

DEX: 68

NRG: 60

Theo was next. "I think mine are fairly balanced:"

Theo's Stats:

STR: 40

SPD: 55

DEX: 50

NRG: 65

"Here's mine," Danny said

Danny's Stats:

STR: 80

SPD: 45

DEX: 70

NRG: 90

"Okay, then this should be a relatively fair fight," I said, nodding thoughtfully. "We'll start with one-on-one sparring sessions to get a feel for each other's strengths and weaknesses."

We split into pairs. I faced Shaheem first, while Theo took on Danny. Uriel hovered nearby, ready to provide guidance if needed.

Shaheem and I squared off after I handed him a scythe, each of us focused and determined. He activated his Equivalent Exchange ability, his form flickering as he swapped places with a nearby rock. I summoned a Gaster Blaster, aiming it at his new position, but he swapped again, dodging the blast.

"Nice move," I said, grinning. "But let's see if you can keep it up."

Shaheem smirked. "Try me."

"Alright then." I then used the gravity increase to the maximum I could do at the moment (3x).

Shaheem felt the increase in gravity and staggered slightly but quickly adapted. He swapped places with another rock, trying to avoid my attacks while adjusting to the heavier pull. I kept the pressure on, summoning more Gaster Blasters and firing at his new positions. as he swapped around me I noticed something the scythe I gave him was missing.

Before I could react, Shaheem reappeared behind me, holding the scythe with a confident grin. "Looking for this?"

"Impressive," I said, genuinely surprised. "But I'm not done yet."

Dispelling the gaster blasters to save energy I decided on a different form of attack.

"Shikotsumyaku: Dance of seedling fern."

Twenty large bones burst from the ground, heading toward Shaheem. He deftly swapped places with a nearby rock.

"The hell are you trying to kill me?!"

"sorry not sorry."

"ok, you wanna play that game."

Shaheem vanished swapping places with one of the bones and then placed his hand on my arm then said.



In an instant, the world around me shifted. I found myself in a small forested area with plenty of items for Shaheem to switch with. I could sensed Shaheem somewhere in his Lucid domain. Shaheem had created a space where his ability reigned supreme.

"Welcome to my domain," Shaheem's voice echoed. "Here, my powers are at their peak. Let's see how you handle this."

"how about no," I said activating Code Correct! at full blast.

My eyes bled black as my irises became their heterochromic state and my right eye started leaking energy. I summoned all three of the gaster blasters intending to blast the domain to kingdom come.

"What?" Shaheem asked surprised as I opened fire.

The Gaster Blasters unleashed a barrage of energy beams, tearing through the landscape. Trees splintered and rocks exploded as the beams carved a path of destruction. Shaheem swapped places rapidly, trying to stay ahead of the onslaught. But with the gravity increase still in effect, his movements were slightly slower than usual.

I kept the pressure on, pushing him to his limits. "Give it up, Shaheem! You can't keep running forever!"

Shaheem's voice echoed through the forest. "You're right, but I can still outsmart you!"

With a final swap, Shaheem appeared directly above me, the scythe poised to strike. But I was ready. I redirected one of the Gaster Blasters, firing a beam straight up. Shaheem barely managed to dodge, the scythe missing me by inches.

I seized the opportunity, summoning a bone spear and thrusting it toward him. Shaheem swapped places with a falling branch, avoiding the attack and landing a few feet away.

"OK, let's call it a draw," Shaheem said, panting. "I think we've both proven our points."

"Really now?" I asked amused.

"What?" Shaheem turned around to be face-to-face with a Gaster Blaster.

"Gun to head spit a Birdman verse," I said my tone amused

"Nigga, you play too much," Shaheem said, laughing. "Fine, fine, you got me."

We both laughed, the tension easing. I dispelled the Gaster Blaster and Shaheem dropped his Lucid as we both were pretty much out of energy and the area we were in shattered like glass returning to the area where we started sparring. we walked to where Theo and Danny were sparring.

Theo was hovering in the air. She was wearing an armor that was made of silver metal. The upper part of this armor only consists of a small, revealing breastplate that extends along her hips, composed of feather-shaped plates pointing upwards with a large metal flower on the front, leaving the tops of her breasts exposed, as well as her stomach. Her biceps are covered by metal straps and her very large plated gauntlets sport feather-shaped plates at the edges.

Her waist is circled by large, decorated plates reminiscent of feathers that lie on a long skirt. She wears a pair of plated boots which is partially hidden under her skirt, each sporting metal ornaments shaped like wings. Theo also wears a neck guard made of feather-like plates and a tiara with prominent metal wings. The armor also sports two pairs of large metal wings that adorn Theo's back, composed of metal feathers that get longer and larger at the edges, and in her hands were two swords.

Theo was panting heavily while Daniel barely looked tired. Uriel floated over to me and sat on my shoulder.

"so what's been happening?" I asked

"Well, Theo and Danny have been going at it pretty intensely. Theo's Requip ability is impressive, but Danny's All-Fiction is making it difficult for her to land a solid hit."

"Has she swapped armors at all?" I asked

"No, why?" Uriel asked

"that means she's currently restricted to the Heaven's Wheel Armor which is a good armor don't get me wrong but it won't do especially against All-Fiction paired with Danny's combat intellect," I explained

"Let's just see what happens."

Theo and Danny continued their duel. Theo charged at Danny, her swords clashing against his defenses. Danny, using his All-Fiction ability, erased her weapons slipped past her guard, and placed his hand at her neck.

"This is over," Daniel said

Theo sighed, clearly frustrated but accepting defeat. "Fine, you win this round."

Danny grinned, releasing her. "Good fight, though. You almost had me a couple of times."

Theo smiled back, albeit a bit grudgingly. "Yeah, well, next time I'll be ready for your tricks." Theo dispelled her armor and returned to her uniform.

"So Uriel what did you think of the spars?"

"I'm surprised that you four already have such control over your abilities it's only been three days." 

"Well, we picked abilities we would do well with," I explained

We took a break, sitting down in the grass to catch our breath. Danny looked at us, a mischievous grin on his face.

"So, what's next? More sparring or some strategizing?"

"Strategizing," I said. "We need to plan our training regimen and how we can improve our synergy."

Shaheem nodded. "Yeah, we need to figure out how to combine our abilities effectively."

Theo stretched, looking thoughtful. "And maybe come up with some combo moves or strategies."

Uriel nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. Working together will be crucial in the battles ahead."


"Ok let's get started."

Chapter 4: End