Chapter 40 - Yongle's Birthday

In the blink of an eye to Yongle's birthday, which is now the only child of the emperor's knee, the emperor is very loving. The emperor had advocated a big Yongle birthday, but was Wen Jieyu stopped, said the child's birthday banquet should not be organized, that will be folded Yongle's longevity, so this year is also so.

In previous years, the birthday feast, and not lively, only Wen Jieyu and the emperor accompanied Yongle over the birthday, earlier Wang Guiren, Cui Jieyu will also go to Yongle over the birthday, but look at the people of the family of three happy look, always feel that some of their own redundant, it is in the past and then will only send a gift, and no longer come.

This is also good, saving Wen Jieyu from having to greet people left and right. Because Yongle likes Yuan Xi, Wen Jieyu invited Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi also loves Yongle, so these days are seriously thinking to Yongle prepare what birthday gift, Yongle is the princess of the palace, food and clothing since it is not worried.

But that is to eat and wear no worries, eat only ancient things, Yuan Xi very much want to give Yongle do some desserts, but no help Shang Food Bureau nowadays even the rice will reduce the number of instances, not to mention extracting some of the noodles and sugar, Yuan Xi think about it and then give up.

So I thought about what to make for Yongle. Think about it or make a paper kite for Yongle. After all, the only thing in the Hall of Contained Zhang now are those piles of rice paper and watercolor in the study.

When Yuan Xi arrives at the Hall of Hui Zhang, she sees Wen Jieyu fiddling with an embroidered purse with Yong Le.

Yuan Xi looked away, see that the scented bag embroidered a new lotus standing in the middle of the water, lotus leaves on a lotus flower blooming, another lotus flower buds, lotus leaves have a few drops of morning pearl, a dragonfly stood in the bud of the lotus flower above, stitching is tight, the color with the right. The material is also well chosen, is the smoke Luo yarn, this kind of material is light and airy, put the dried flowers in it can be very good through the fragrance.

This scented capsule is a birthday gift from Chen Chenghuang Hall Chen Chenghua.

This day, Wen Jieyu wore a cui color color embroidered palace dress, Yongning wore a chic embroidered saffron jacket, a green and a red is very bright.

"Who embroidered this purse? The stitching is so good!" Yuan Xi exclaimed in admiration.

"It's from Chen Chenghua! How can a child afford such an expensive material!" Wen Jieyu smiled and greeted Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi blessed her body, and Wen Jieyu was busy pulling Yuan Xi's hand, pulling her straight to the couch.

As soon as Yongle saw that it was Yuan Xi coming, he ran over and ran to Yuan Xi, calling out intimately, "Empress Hu!"

"Wingnut, today is your birthday, guess what I brought?"

Yongle shook his head, then glanced behind Qianlan as if he had a ghostly wit, Qianlan put his hands behind his back and held a butterfly with a long tail in his hand.

Yongle suddenly had an idea in his heart, and with a gleam in his eyes, he shouted, "It's a paper kite!"

"What a ghostly wit!" Yuan Xi nudged Yongle's small and cute forehead with her hand and continued, "Knowing that you don't lack food and clothing, Niang Hu gave you this paper kite to paste. Do you like it?" Yuan Xi brings the paper kite from Qian Lan's hand and hands it to Yuan Xi.

It was a red paper kite in the shape of a butterfly, and in order to be able to make this butterfly's colors brighter, Yuan Xi combined half of her jar of rouge with water and smeared it on top.

Yongle took the paper kite and said with a happy smile, "I like it very much! Thank you, Empress Hu!"

Yongle suddenly remembered that he really hadn't put on a paper kite for a long time, the last time he put on a paper kite seemed to be when he was good and small, it seemed that he hadn't lived in the palace yet, and at that time it seemed that his name to his father was not father, but father king.

Yuan Xi sat on the couch, Wen Jieyu's personal servant girl poured a cup of tea and handed it to Yuan Xi, Yuan Xi took the cup of tea, only to see that at this time on the table in addition to the snacks, fruits, tea, there is no main dish.

When Wen Jieyu saw Yuan Xi looking at the table, she knew what Yuan Xi was thinking and said with a smile, "His Majesty sent word that he would accompany Yongle to celebrate his birthday, so let's wait first."

Yuan Xi froze after hearing this, she never thought that she would see His Majesty here, if she knew this beforehand, she would have sent a gift to the others and would not have traveled in person.

Wen Jieyu saw her awkward look and smiled, "What? Afraid to see the emperor?"

Yuan Xi smiled blushingly and said, "It's not that I'm afraid, it's just embarrassing to see."

"What's so embarrassing about that? It's just some misunderstanding with the Emperor! Just bow your head and pamper yourself!"

Yuan Xi also just smiled and did not say anything, at this time a sound of the Emperor's arrival rang out in the courtyard.

Wen Jieyu, Yuan Xi and Yong Le were busy going out of the hall to greet them, seeing Yuan Xi in, the Emperor was also stunned, he also did not expect to meet Yuan Xi here.

Because in recent years Yongle's birthday banquet did not have other people to participate, and Yuan Xi suddenly appeared today, the emperor will inevitably feel that Yuan Xi is remorseful, want to take the opportunity to seek the emperor back to his heart.

"All rise!" The Emperor did not look at Yuan Xi, and then took Yongle's hand and entered the hall together.

Wen Jieyu and Yuan Xi also entered the hall right behind her, Wen Jieyu gave Qian Aoi a wink, Qian Aoi then instructed her to go down, and then the delicacies and drinks were all presented.

"Yongle, today is your birthday, what do you want?" The Emperor still pretended not to see Yuan Xi.

"Yongle doesn't want anything, Yongle only wants Father Emperor to come to see Mother Consort more often on weekdays when he has time!" Yongle innocently said.

Just finished and suddenly remembered recently heard that the Hall has been sidelined by the various bureaus in the Palace, and then added: "Father have time to go to the Hall to turn around more!"

Sure enough, he has enlisted my daughter and wants to use Yongle's mouth to make peace with me, the emperor thought, taking Yongle's words to aim at Yuan Xi, but Yuan Xi only lowered her head and did not look at the emperor.

"Hmph! You want to make peace with me, but you still want me to speak first? But I won't!" The Emperor thought about withdrawing his gaze from Yuan Xi and looked at Yong Le, saying:

"Good! Father promises you!"

The Emperor granted Yongle's request, and Yongle smiled very happily. He continued to say, "You don't know how pitiful Niangniang Hu is, the lackeys from all the palaces and institutes have gone to bully her! Would it be good for you to properly punish those lackeys?"

"That's what she asked for!" The Emperor laughed darkly, but his mouth said, "Good!"

"Let's start the banquet!" After the Emperor finished speaking, the crowd began to move their chopsticks.

Wen Jieyu clamped a rose pigeon and put it into the Emperor's bowl, saying, "This rose pigeon Yongle loves to eat, the Emperor also tasted it!"

The Emperor picked it up with his chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and tasted it and said, "It's very good!"

The rose pigeon was boiled in rose water, so that it didn't smell fishy. Not only that, but the belly was filled with freshly bloomed rosebuds, marinated, and then sliced and plated, with a sprinkling of the SFS's special toppings.

But the emperor actually does not like sweets, so that is just to give Wen Jieyu a thin face.

"Yongle! Try this!" The emperor chucked a soft and crispy glutinous rice cake into Yongle's bowl, the emperor knew that Yongle liked to eat sweets, that since he liked this newly developed pastry from the Shang Food Bureau.

"Thank you, Father!" Yuan Xi smiled sweetly, then took a bite of glutinous rice cake and put it in her mouth, nodding her head repeatedly to show that she liked it.

Yuan Xi finally knows why the concubines do not come here to celebrate Yongle's birthday, at this time he sits here is a little redundant.

Wen Jieyu kicks Yuan Xi from under the couch, Yuan Xi raises her head and sees that Wen Jieyu is handing her eyes to let herself lay out the food for the Emperor, but Yuan Xi pretends to turn a blind eye because she came here originally to celebrate Yongle's birthday, not to please the Emperor, and she does not want to do anything to curry favor.

Yuan Xi's twisted demeanor falls in the emperor's eyes, and the emperor finds it funny. The emperor thought to himself, I don't believe that you won't take the initiative to beg for forgiveness, but the emperor waited and waited and waited until the end of the meal Yuan Xi not only didn't look at him, but also didn't do anything to curry favor.

After the evening meal, Yuan Xi first excused himself and left, the emperor was lost in his heart, but did not show it, continued to accompany Yongle game, until it was time to go to bed before leaving.

Wen Jieyu knew Hanyang Hall was sidelined for many days, so it will be those untouched pastries with Qianlan and brought back.