Chapter 41 - Qian Ning's Death (I)

Although Yuan Xi did not eat a few bites on the meal, but at this time also do not have the mood to eat again, so it will be brought back from the Hui Zhang Hall snacks and rewarded to the minion.



Containing Zhang Palace has been cold treatment for two months long, these two months in the crowd ate all the scraps of cold food, which ate a decent meal, not to mention the food Bureau for the Princess to celebrate the birthday of the special pastries.



"All put down the work in your hands! Come and try the pastries that Cheng Hua rewarded us with!" Qianlan walked over with the food box.



The vermilion-lacquered food box was noble, and as soon as Qian Lan lifted the lid, a sweet and moist fragrance of dim sum emanated from inside. Cui Geng and Chang Yong ran over when they smelled it and silently swallowed their saliva!



Qian Lan from the food box will be exquisite snacks on a plate in the courtyard on top of the stone table, Cui more, Chang Yong reach out to reach, but was Qian Lan hit back to shrink the hand, said: "first clean hands before eating."



Cui more and chang yong after purifying hands hastily return, at this time QianHuo, QianNing just from the food bureau with food box back, also saw the exquisite pastries on the stone table, then asked: "Where is it?"



"Wen Jieyu gave it to me!" Qian Yun replied, and helped Qian He, Qian Ning to retrieve the slave girl's meals from the Food Bureau and placed them one by one on top of the stone table, saying, "You two also clean your hands quickly and sit down to eat!"



The two of them went to clean their hands, and when they came back, they saw Chang Yong yelling, "With these snacks to add color, this meal looks much more decent!" With that, he took a rose cake and put it into his mouth.



"A glutton for punishment? Haven't eaten anything or what?" Qian Ning saw that the people did not sit all together, Chang Yong was so anxious that he twisted his arm.



"Heh heh!" Changyong hemmed and hawed, but didn't delay chewing in his mouth at all.



In fact, Chang Yong has no other shortcomings, only this one is a bit greedy. Not to mention the fact that everyone was there, he just wanted to have a taste before anyone else. Even if they are not here, he can still do the thing of stealing food.



Qian Ning looked around and still didn't see Qian Lan, so she asked, "Where is Sister Qian Lan?"



"Chenghua came back a little tired and wanted to bathe first before going to bed, Qian Lan is still serving Chenghua to bathe!" Qian Yun said.



Qian Ning knew that Qian Lan liked to eat rose cake the most, and then look at Chang Yong's devouring like, I'm afraid that when Qian Lan comes out, there will be no crumbs left, so she said to Qian He and Qian Yun, "You two watch Chang Yong, I'll go to change Qian Lan's coming out!"



"What about you?" Qian He asked.



"It doesn't matter to me, I don't love sweets, you guys just eat it, no need to leave it for me!" In fact, Qian Ning doesn't love sweets, it's just that the pastries on that plate, although exquisite, are pitifully small, not enough for six people to share.



These six people are Qian Ning is the oldest, how can they bear to share their food with some younger siblings, so they went into the soup pool to replace Qian Lan.



Where did Qian Lan know that Qian Ning had not eaten and thought that Qian Ning had eaten before she went in to replace herself.



It wasn't until she finished eating and saw Qian He left a portion for Qian Ning that she realized Qian Ning hadn't eaten yet.



Qian Ning waited for Yuan Xi to take a bath before coming out to eat. In the heat of summer, meals are already easy to search for rot, not to mention the meals that are not fresh in the first place.



Today's dish sent by the kitchen is vegetarian fried bean sprouts and rice, the bean sprouts are a little sour, and the rice is also a little sweet. Qian Ning know some not fresh, but still rely on their young body strong eat down.



What can you do if you don't eat? The food is not fresh every day, and if you don't eat it, you'll starve.



I didn't feel anything when I first took it until the latter part of the night when I started getting up frequently.



This day is Qian Lan on the night, the only two people in the house are Qian Yun and Qian He. The palace maidens are shallow sleepers due to the fact that they all have to be on the night, and they know when Qian Ning wakes up for the first time.



But Qian Ning was still afraid of disturbing the two, so despite her stomach pain and urgency, she tiptoed to take the gong bucket to the outer room, but the plopping sound was out of control.



Qian He rolled over, Qian Yun also woke up, Qian Ning in order to avoid the smell wafted into the room, and mentioned the respectful bucket outside, when he came back to see the two had changed position, he knew that the two had been woken up by themselves, so he was extremely embarrassed to go up to the bed with light hands and feet.



Qian Yun, Qian He saw Qian Ning has returned, a few moments after the two will fall asleep. Who knows just fall asleep, Qian Ning and get up to facilitate, so tossed three times, Qian Yun will also get up, lit a candle, see Qian Ning's face yellow appalling, said: "This must be eating bad things, upset stomach! Pulling like this is not a solution, we should go to the Shang Medicine Bureau to get some medicine!"



"Don't go! Don't toss and turn this late at night, I'll sleep and be fine in the morning!" Qian Ning said.



She wanted to get down and pour water, but she had no strength left in her legs, but she didn't realize that it was due to excessive water loss, so she said rather embarrassedly to Qian Yun, "I'm a bit thirsty, can you pour me a glass of water to drink?"



"Row! You wait!" Qian Yun hurriedly went down to the ground, picked up the cup of water to pour water for Qian Ning, but found that the water in the pot was cool, if there is no disease to drink some cool water, but now is diarrhea, or drink some warm water is good, so Qian Yun said, "You wait, I'm going to cook some boiled water!"



While talking, Qian Ning's stomach ached again and she hurriedly went down to the ground, but at this time, she had no strength in her legs, and when Qian He saw this, she was also busy to put on her clothes and go down to the ground, and took Gong Bucket into the house.



"What are you doing in the house with this filth? I'll just go out!" Qian Ning said in embarrassment.



"Sister is like this, don't be brave!" Qian He helped Qian Ning to squat down and squatted for a while, except for the leakage of water, there was no feces in sight.



Qian Ning is getting less and less strong, Qian He lifts up her pants for her and helps her onto the bed.



The water had boiled, Qian Yun to some cold, handed it to Qian Ning, Qian Ning's lips were dry, but did not drink too much.



"You two stop guarding me and go to sleep! I still have to serve Cheng Hua tomorrow! I'll be fine after a night's sleep!" Qian Ning was still trying to be brave.



"OK!" Qian He and Qian Yun responded, so they blew out the candles and undressed on the bed.



But not a moment later, Qian Ning had the urge to go, Qian Ning did not want to trouble the two, they want to go down to the bed, who knows that the feet are not supported by the force, as if stepping on cotton, Qian Ning's feet are soft, only to hear the sound of flopping, fell on the ground.



The two of them got up at the sound and helped Qian Ning up, who was getting worse and worse at this time. Qian Yun and Qian He both know that Qian Ning's diarrhea is definitely not something that can be cured by sleeping.



So Qian He went to summon Qian Lan, who was up for the night, and tried to get her to take an idea.



Yuan Xi has seen the Emperor, this night sleep is not stable. Although Qian He's footsteps are very light, and Qian Lan speaks in a very low voice, she still wakes Yuan Xi up.



"Who's out there?" Yuan Xi asked.



"Back to Cheng Hua, it's Qian He." Qian Lan replied.



"What happened?" Yuan Xi knows that Qian Yun Qian He has always been very disciplined, if it is not an important matter, it will not come in the middle of the night to find Qian Lan to get ideas.



"Qian Ning is not well!" Qian He replied as she tried to hide her sobs as much as possible.



"How can it be? She served me a bath in the evening!"



"After that, I ate something rancid and rotten, and this time I can't get up anymore!" Qian He can't help but shed a tear drop at the thought that Qian Ning, who has taken care of herself like a sister since she entered the palace, is now about to leave her hand.



"That serious? I'll go take a look!" Yuan Xi said and put on a piece of clothing and got up, following the duo.