
Chapter 24: A Virgin Lust

Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 Constant banging from the thick wooden framed headboard had echoed all throughout the motel room as well as the heavy working of the bedsprings as they creaked amid the bodies putting weight on them by giving them a run for their money. Ken Ryker had been towering over the younger pale lad Dean Hudson as the lust and pain-riddled teen moaned and groaned beneath him, his slender pale thighs had been split with Ken's larger body fitted between them both naked and in the wake of their most primal of interactions. Ken's hips continued to pump between Dean's wide-spread legs as he felt the intrusion and plunging of Ken's thick cock filling his hidden sex as the hours passed far from the prying eyes of the outside world. The contrasts of their bare forms had been evident even in the semi-darkness as only the light from the television illuminated the roadside motel room. 

Ken groaned at the sensation of the younger lad's hidden sex clenching around his thick shaft making him all the more eager to delve deeper inside him burying his cock as far as he could inside the moaning lad as if it had always meant to be so. He had not experienced something so profound as what had been taking place with the younger teen who had seemingly defied all logic with his heated sex and sensuous moaning as Ken continued to increase his pace when thrusting inside him. 

Dean whimpered and bit down on Ken's shoulder when he'd been in pain clawing at the older man's flesh on his back as his fingernails dug into the dark-tanned skin that had been exposed to the elements in the wake of the late-night chill finding them despite the previous record heat. He had never felt as much sensation in his young body during sex as when Ken's thick cock had invaded him. He had begun to consider it a mercy that Ken had not elected to invade his pale ass like so many of the other men that used his body in the past. 

While they had been newly acquainted, Ken had remarked that missionary had been his favorite position because he liked looking into the eyes of whoever it was he'd been taking to bed. In the past, it had been one of his favorites with his late wife Sera, and he'd occasionally done so with Valencia but with Dean it had been the correct choice as he looked deeply into the misty blue eyes of the younger blond teen who had surprised him the most when it came to his sexual appetites.

Never in a million years would Ken have ever believed he'd enjoy having sex with another man, let alone a thin blond teenage boy who happened to have been born with a fully functioning vagina. There had been no distinct difference between Dean and the college girls aside from his lackluster average-sized cock, but Ken had no real use for that as he greedily indulged the unused vagina battering the lad's insides with his massive girth laying claim to him in a way no other had ever before despite his profession of taking cock for a living. 

"Does it still hurt baby?" asked Ken leaning in Dean's ear.

Dean's eyes rolled into the back of his head as Ken felt him clench around him and coat his cock in that instant. He smiled against the soft flesh of Dean's neck as he began to trail kisses along it. 

The lad had not known what to make of what had been happening to his body in the wake of Ken getting ahold of him. He had known the older man's reputation due to the gossip from the college girls he'd had sex with in Spyder's company. They all had nothing but good things to say about Ken even with him being sprung out on drugs and usually drunk off his ass when he came by. 

Now here Dean was reeling from all sorts of sensations from Ken's thick cock alone invading his hidden sex and sending him through a frenzy of emotions as he gripped the older man wrapping his pale thighs around him to pull him in deeper. Ken had gotten a kick out of it knowing all too well that many of his sexual partners had reacted pretty much the same way when it came to his thick cock and the experience behind it. 

"Mmmm fuck me..." growled Dean his young voice cracking as it had been dripping with lust. 

"I can arrange that," replied Ken capturing Dean's whimpering lips in a heated kiss. 

Dean's eyes widened for a moment as Ken grinned against his lips during the kiss recalling that he still had the taste of Dean's hidden sex on his lips as he pressed them further into the younger lad's ruby-red lips. 

"Uhhhh." moaned Dean losing himself in the sensation that Ken's thrust had been building. 

His bare cock had been pressed between his belly and Ken's as they continued their frantic coupling knocking the pillows off the bed in the wake of Dean's body being jolted along the motel bed. Both had been slick with sweat and panting from their exchange but Ken apparently still had a good deal more stamina despite Dean's body slowly giving out following another series of releases. 

"I told you you'd beg me to fuck you," Ken whispered in Dean's ear as his pace increased and he began to plunge his cock deeper into the tightness of the blond lad's hidden sex.

Dean had not known what to say to that as his moans continued with Ken finally taking over and getting his feel just as the sensation of his thick cock pulsing filled the panting lad and he knew firsthand he'd reached his end. 

"Gonna cum....fuck..." growled Ken as he continued to pump his hips in a frenzy as Dean attempted to cling to him. He had vaguely been aware that Ken had been inside him raw but cared nothing about it in the wake of the sensation. 

A low growl erupted from Ken as his cock throbbed in the wake of his long-awaited release, as the older man filled Dean's hidden sex with thick ropes of it before grunting and gasping for breath as he collapsed onto the already spent Dean's sweat-slick body. 

Ken took a moment to catch his breath, his head resting against Dean's smaller chest as the blond lad reeled in the wake of various pleasurable sensations. He found himself given to dispensing and craving affection all at once. He had tears in his eyes at that moment as he realized that he had indeed never known the heights of pleasure before Ken and elected to show him despite the countless nights he'd been forced to ride an older man's cock for profit and then some. 

Dean had been shocked that Ken's lips grazed his as he attempted to devour his mouth in a heated series of kisses despite their act being at an end. While Dean had aimed to be careful with his newfound outpouring of emotions, it had been the only time anyone had elected to kiss him much less during and after sex and Ken had not even seemed to care that he'd sucked his cock beforehand. 

Ken sighed as he pulled his body off Dean's and rolled onto the other side of the bed the lad had still been looking up at the ceiling, his pale chest rising and falling as it glistened in the moonlight and dim glow of the television nearby. 

Dean watched as the older man slowly climbed out of bed and made his way over to the table where the food and drinks had been. He watched Ken pour himself a drink and begin eating his food amazed that it hadn't been cold yet. Ken had seemed to be quite pleased with himself as he looked over at Dean who had sat up in bed leaning against the headboard and pillows that remained. 

Ken was quite a strange man it seemed and more than a bit on the odd side despite his kindnesses and tendency to be driven by his less-than-savory nature when it came to sex and gratification. 

"I suggest you rest up, or at the very least get something else to eat," he said his deep baritone voice breaking the easy silence that had fallen between them. "I just may fuck you again before calling it a night."

Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing but noted that Ken's slick cock had already been returning to full mast. The lad had never known that a man Ken's age could be so energetic when it came to libido, he had barely been able to go another round after everything that happened before and now Ken was raring to go after a few short minutes. 

Ken Ryker had been quite the enigma as far as Dean Hudson had been concerned.