
Chapter 25: The Art Of The Deal

Room 21, Roadside Motel, Baltiney, New York...

 The blue eyes of Dean Hudson opened to find that he'd been in bed alone in the darkened roadside motel room. He had not seen any signs of Ken as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Dean sighed as he found himself experiencing the sensation of an aching bladder and slipped out from between the warm sheets to the cold night air he'd still been naked and a bit sticky from his earlier exploits with Ken when they first arrived. Dean's bare feet had been uncomfortable against the cold tile in the bathroom as he approached the toilet bowl. He took a moment to take in a breath as he aimed his average-sized pink cock at the bowl before him. He felt a bit of residual soreness from how deep Ken's cock had been plunging into him as he stood before the bowl the yellow stream of his urine splattering into the water as he went through a series of thoughts and feelings about what happened between him and the older man. 

Dean had not been alone long as Ken entered the motel room and took off his shirt and boxers. He kicked off his shoes and took note of Dean no longer being in bed as evidenced by the tossed-about sheets and comforter. He smirked rather wickedly as he moved toward the bathroom where he took note of the thin blond teen standing at the toilet bowl. 

The lad nearly leaped out of his skin when he felt Ken's rough hands move along his exposed pale ass and waist. He let out an involuntary moan when he felt Ken's thick cock once more aroused against his bare nether cheeks as he finished up shaking his own cock just as Ken pulled him back against his chest and walked with him toward the sink where he washed his hands. Ken's hands trailed along Dean's thin pale chest and belly as he gripped the lad's waist. 

"I gotta say Joyboy, I find myself enthralled with the idea of fucking you," said Ken as he planted gentle kisses along the side of Dean's neck. "I want to fuck you again and I'm going to, but first we have some shall we say...business to discuss."

Dean finished washing his hands as he found his body melting against Ken's who had still been gripping him with ease while he continued to kiss and nibble at the flesh of his neck. 

"Business?" asked Dean his mind half fogged by the lust feeling him at the instant of Ken's renewed intimate touch. 

"Mmmhmm," replied Ken still slowly kissing Dean's neck as he squeezed his body and pulled him closer to his own. "You see I'm quite fond of pussy, especially young hot pussy and yours is quite the find...and so I am pressed to propose an arrangement of sorts....I don't like to share pussy no matter the grade and I know you need a means of supporting yourself so I won't rightly declare that you can't fuck anyone else unless you agree to my terms that is."

"W-What terms?" asked Dean curious despite his rebuilding lust as his cock hardened. 

"My terms are simple, I get to fuck you morning, noon, and night, no strings attached and I will supply any and of your financial needs in exchange for you not auctioning my new favorite pussy to any other dick," said Ken with a hint of jealously at the very thought of Dean allowing another inside him. 

"And what about your dick?" asked Dean with an arched brow. "Do you still get to fuck any and everyone you choose?"

"Seeing as if you take me up on my offer I'll mostly be sticking it in you what does it matter?" asked Ken. "Or did you forget the no-strings-attached aspect of the agreement?"

Dean bit back a moan as his eyes closed in reaction to feeling Ken's cock slowly slide along his glistening folds. 

"Fuck...you bastard....trying to distract me..." groaned Dean unable to keep his mind clear. 

"Say yes and I'll fuck you here and now, you'll get everything you need, money, cars, a place to stay you name it?" added Ken sweetening the deal. "Say the word and you won't have to take another dick from strangers and suck them off for money, I'll even get you a job at my company."

Dean moaned at the instant of the deal being sweetened. He had not been happy with the way his life had turned out since he'd been kidnapped from Kansas and his attempts to make something of himself following all that had not gone according to plan. 

"YES," growled Dean much too distracted by his lust to really consider Ken's offer in its full scope. 

"Say it," said Ken now shoving his thick cock fully inside Dean's hidden depths after bending him over the sink. 

"Yes Daddy this pussy belongs to you only to you." whimpered Dean knowing just how twisted Ken's mind had been when he'd been horny. 

"YES!" growled Ken as he began pumping into Dean's hidden sex and slapping his shapely pale ass from behind as the lad gripped the bathroom sink. "This tight pussy belongs to me....only to me."

Dean moaned as Ken continued to pummel his dripping hidden sex making his knees weak as he tried his best to stay upright using the sink as leverage. Ken had been much stronger than he had recalled when they were in bed with how easily he held him up. 

"Fuck....yes....this tight pussy is mine!" growled Ken while leaning against Dean's back and kissing his various visible scars. 

The older man had not noticed them before as he continued to plant long slow kisses along every one of them. Dean had nearly forgotten that he had those scars as his face turned red when he recalled them. Ken didn't seem to mind as he continued to kiss him his pace slowing down a bit as he held the younger lad closer to him. 

"You've made me a very happy man today," said Ken still thrusting inside Dean's hidden sex as he gripped him affectionately. 

"I can tell," Dean said amid a low moan. "You're so deep..."

"All I ask is that you don't break our arrangement," said Ken reflecting a bit on when Valencia had done just that despite her separate set of circumstances. 

The way Dean saw it, he'd been getting the better part of the deal. He no longer had to live in an abandoned house and had all his financial needs met at no cost to himself aside from no longer having to ride or suck strange cock for money to get by. 

"What do you say we take this back to the bed baby, your big dick is making my legs too weak to stand this way for long." Dean whimpered. 

Ken grunted as he thrust once more before pulling out and carrying Dean across his arms and back toward the bed. Ken couldn't put his finger on it, but he'd been unable to get how beautiful Dean had looked to him. His soft feminine features had done a number on the older man's libido as he found himself unable to keep his cock down or out of him as a result of it.