
Chapter 72: Boys Night

The Living Room, The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 Hot steam filled the air as the scent of hot pepperoni and cheese filled the living room while a content Dean Hudson sat comfortably stripped down to his white underwear and stared at the large entertainment system that lined the back wall of Ken Ryker's living room. He had not been alone for long as Ken came marching into the living room, clad in black boxer shorts with a bottle of beer in one hand and a liter of cola in the other. They had both been plenty hungry given how they looked over at the melted cheese on the pizza with a bit of fascination. Ken slid onto the black sofa beside a rather comfortable Dean and sat the drinks on the nearby coffee table. A separate box of hot wings and breadsticks had been in the center of the table as Dean noted the slices of pizza once more before turning his attention to the remote and the rather impressive wide screen that had been stretched out before them. 

"Don't forget to turn on the surround sound," said Ken as he turned his attention to the pizza box and ensured he grabbed the biggest slice with the most cheese. "I hate when you forget it makes the movies seem muffled to me."

"You sure it's the issue with the sound of the movie and not your age getting to you old man?" asked Dean casually taunting him. 

"Old man is it, wasn't calling me that a few hours ago when I was drilling that young pussy of yours," remarked Ken his dark eyes flickering with lust as he bit into his slice of pizza while staring at Dean's arched white underwear-clad ass while he fiddled with the remote on the side of the sofa. "And last I checked you still haven't learned to keep up."

Dean turned to Ken and stuck his tongue out at him then returned to working the remote to the entertainment system. Ken continued to eat his slice of pizza with the promise to himself that he'd teach the unruly lad a lesson before the day was done. 

Once he'd set up the movie, Ken got a look at the screen and rolled his eyes. 

"Not this shit again," he growled before turning his attention back to his pizza. "You always want to watch this."

 "Last I checked you agreed to let me watch whatever I wanted...and I want to watch this movie," said Dean defiantly as he took a moment to grab his own slice of pizza. 

"What is your obsession with this damn chick flick?" grumbled Ken in annoyance. 

"Oh stop grumbling, Pretty Woman is a classic," replied Dean in defense of his movie choice. "Besides the rich guy kinda reminds me of you."

Ken once more rolled his eyes. 

"Don't expect me to go around picking you up on a horse, horseback riding ain't my style no matter how "cute" you think it is," grumbled Ken before turning his attention back to his hot wings. 

Dean smirked as he turned his attention back to eating his pizza. 

The movie began and they sat in companionable silence eating their food while watching it. 

Ken had been casually sipping on his drink while Dean moved to get more comfortable once he'd had his fill and finished off his own drink. Ken didn't object to the blond lad curling up against him and into his lap as the film rolled on. While he rolled his eyes at the images on the screen, he had thought it interesting that Dean seemed to hang on to the actors' every word. 


Hours Later...

 Ken found himself awakening and the movie had been rolling credits with Dean fast asleep with his head in his lap. The older man sighed as he took a few moments to gather himself and turned his attention to the large clock on the far wall. It was getting closer to the time he'd have to endure dinner at his mother's behest, making him anxious. He did not doubt that his mother had anticipated this, which caused him to forgo his usual pick-me-up and adhere to the prescribed kind. 

Slowly, Ken moved Dean off his lap and onto the sofa, the scent of leftover hot wings and pizza filled the living room and the television had been blank across from them. The older man sighed as he took one last look at the rather blissful face of the sleeping Dean Hudson. He didn't know if he wanted to tell him about what was to come or if he even should it wasn't the kid's problem and had little to nothing to do with their arrangement of sorts. 

Slowly he moved through the messy living room and made his way toward the master bedroom. He had dreaded it more than usual but he'd been in search of his meds. He knew his mother would be watching to see if he'd taken them and it took a moment or two to get used to the side effects so he didn't want to give her any leverage. 

Ken shuffled into the master bathroom and pulled the bottles out of the medicine cabinet. He rolled his eyes after reading the labels and how much of each dose had been prescribed for him. 

Dr. Ian Waller had been on the sides of the bottles and Ken rolled his eyes at seeing the name of the apparent hack who thought he'd been capable of "curing" him. 

Ken shook off the memories of the hack sessions and popped a couple of pills into his mouth before washing them down with water from the sink then placed the bottles back just in time to see Dean standing behind him. 

"What the hell kid," said Ken caught off guard. 

"What was with the meds?" asked the inquisitive younger lad with an arched brow. 

"Nothin' for you to worry about," replied Ken as if it had been no big deal. 

"We share a bed, you fuck me constantly and we both enjoy Spyder's refreshments but prescription drugs are off-limits when it comes to you?" asked Dean looking offended. 

"Drop it alright," said Ken not at all wishing to discuss his mental health issues with Dean of all people, they had a no-strings-attached kind of arrangement, and health aside from not having STDs brought strings. 

Dean stood with his arms folded across his chest as he peered at Ken unwavering. 

The older man rolled his eyes. 

"I'm only telling you this because I believe she'll say something about it at dinner," he growled rather bitterly. "I am supposed to take medication for my apparent issues following the car accident, the side effects leave a lot to be desired so I ignore them most of the time, Spyder's gives me an alternative as well as good pussy, unfortunately, we are going to have dinner with my mother so I'm more anxious than usual and actually need to take the meds so was to throw her off when she attempts to interrogate me...happy now?"

Dean sighed as he let his arms relax and fall to his sides. 

"What kind of side effects and what are the meds for?" he asked unsure if he'd been pushing too far. 

"I can't get it up when I'm on them, and I more or less feel numb in terms of my mood, the constant having to piss is another one and I can't stand the dry mouth effects, that good enough for you?" replied Ken still embittered about having to speak about this to Dean of all people. "As for the why, something to do with Borderline personality disorder, PTSD, and depression, or whatever the fuck."

Dean met Ken's eyes for what seemed like the longest time and nodded. 

"Thank you for telling me," he said softly. 

"Fuck you," replied Ken annoyed. 

"Not when you're on your meds you can't." Dean quipped before turning around and casually walking back to the living room to clean up. 

Ken rolled his eyes knowing full well that he'd been right but he'd go off them once the dinner had been concluded and then he'd make the smart-mouth runt pay for the insult even if it took a full-on day.