
Chapter 73: Introducing Mr. Boring

The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 Dean Hudson found it strange that for the first time since he'd been with Ken Ryker the older man had not been in bed beside him when he awoke that morning he'd spent the night in the master bedroom and awoke with the sun judging by the wafting scent of coffee that filled the rather spacious household. It was an odd thing to make note of but he figured Ken had his reasons, he had admitted that his medication wasn't ideal when it came to his moods and low sex drive. Dean found himself a bit nervous as he filed out of bed in search of the bathroom and Ken who had been nowhere to have been found for quite a while. 

The lad had been so comfortable walking about the house and the previous motel room without clothes on that he'd forgotten that he'd been naked and his pink cock erect as he moved about the winding halls attempting to find his lover and greet him if he could, if not the bathroom had been as good a place as any to begin the day. 

Unable to resist the call of nature for very long, Dean made sure to enter the first bathroom he'd come across. He had narrowly missed Ken who had entered the hall seemingly in search of him. The older man looked drastically different, he'd been neatly groomed and his navy blue suit, which had been brand new was tailor-fitted, his shiny black dress shoes had been heavily polished and well looked after and he had combed his hair and trimmed it a bit. He wore a black tie and a thin black leather belt around his waist. 

There had been a clear indication that he'd recently shaved as well, his face smooth and clear of the usual stubble and five o'clock shadow Dean had been accustomed to seeing him with. His eyes seemed to be focused, heavily so and he appeared to be in the moment as opposed to all over the place when it came to his thoughts. He'd been holding a black mug, one that his late wife and deceased young sons had given him for a long past Father's Day, and was drinking hot black coffee. 

Dean had been amazed at the apparent transformation when he shuffled out of the bathroom to find Ken had been waiting for him. 

"Get showered and get dressed in that suit I brought you the other day, make sure you don't wrinkle it and please don't get anything on it," said Ken his baritone voice seemed to have been devoid of much emotion and he seemed to be in quite a hurry. "Don't forget to brush your teeth and hair, she's very meticulous about appearance and the fine details of a person's psyche that can be picked up by it."

Dean had observed that Ken had gone out of his way not to look at him, due to his being naked. He didn't know what to make of it at first but simply chalked it up to Ken being stressed out due to the upcoming dinner at his parent's estate. He decided to follow his advice and do as he was told, there was no need to upset Ken given how stressed he'd been about the date in the first place. 

Ken left him to get prepared and settled for getting his car pulled around front. 

Dean thought it strange that Ken had been so distant with him, he'd usually been quite affectionate and downright need when it came to physical contact of course he had warned the young lad that his meds did things to him that he wasn't a fan of. 

The young blond lad simply showered and did his best to groom himself once he'd exited and ventured toward the guest bedroom. There had been only a glimpse of Ken as he stood in the master bathroom popping his meds before closing them back into the medicine cabinet and venturing out into the hall where he met a dripping-wet Dean who'd been having quite a difficult time hiding his arousal. 

Ken didn't seem to notice or rather he blatantly ignored it as he walked passed Dean and headed back toward the kitchen for more coffee without a word. It was at this point that Dean had gotten the feeling that Ken had been upset with him for some reason. 

The tension between them had been so thick one could cut it with a knife. It was strange to see Ken so serious and focused, he supposed it was what he meant by the meds changing him. The lad had not been privy to anything about Ryker Kennison, he'd only known Ken, unlike the rest of the people of Baltiney, New York.


Dean's Bedroom, The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 Try as he might to get his tie on and make himself presentable, Dean had been struggling something fierce. He had not been privy to the inner workings of how to tie a tie. Fortunately for him, Ken had ventured into the room to see what had been taking him so long. He struggled rather valiantly to appear to know what he'd been doing but Ken sighed out of frustration and decided to lend him a hand. It was the first time he'd bothered to touch him since the previous night's events and it made Dean realize they had barely said two words to each other as the morning passed. 

The lad had not known how to feel, standing in the suit he'd tried on at Ed's place with his hair clean and combed back making him appear the model young man with rich prospects. He thought the whole thing ridiculous, but Ken insisted he look the part if he was going to be any sort of help to him against his mother's meddling. Dean had simply wished for the whole thing to be over so they could go back to being them and that Ken wasn't so stressed and proper. 

While he looked good, the sloppily dressed horndog had been who Dean had fallen for despite his best efforts to the contrary, the new clean-cut professional version had made him feel inadequate far worse than Clint ever had back in Bushwah. 

"Hold still," said Ken, his voice once more devoid of emotion and thrill. 

Dean attempted to control his nervousness as the older man tied his tie. 

"Let's go over some ground rules," said Ken in a stern tone. "My father's asked us to stop by the office this morning which is why we are getting ready now, before we get there you are to address me by my given surname, nothing familiar especially not around my mother during dinner."

Dean thought it strange to have to call his lover by his surname but if it was meant to go along with the illusion he'd been game, he wanted to help Ken through this awkward ordeal anyhow. 

"There is to be no intimate touching of any kind, you shake hands with everyone you see and that ends there," said Ken still giving instructions. "Don't volunteer information they don't need to know not about yourself and especially not about me or what the nature of our arrangement is....the last thing I need is for sharks to smell blood in the water you get my drift?"

Dean nodded in agreement. 

Ken had finished tying Dean's tie and stepped away from the lad before he could reach out for him. The urge to go in for a kiss had been on the lad's mind since he awoke that morning. He'd been shocked that Ken stepped away from him. 

"Now's not the time for that," he said before walking out and making his way toward the front door. 

The rejection stung a bit but Dean knew the stakes. He quietly shuffled out of the room after Ken and ventured toward the front door, passing the living room and recalling their exploits from the previous night. Ken held the door open as they both exited the house and filed into his midnight blue sports car. Once more Ken had not said a word as he clicked into his seatbelt and Dean had done the same. 

For the first time since Dean had met Ken and been driven in his car, Ken had not played his favorite tunes which included the track from Prince, Dirty Mind. Instead, he'd been mostly listening to classical and focused on his driving as he pulled out of the driveway and onto the main road.