
Chapter 108: To Catch One's Breath

Secondary Bathroom, The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 Rushing water and the gurgling sound of Dean swishing about mouthwash after having brushed his teeth filled the bathroom along with lingering steam from quite a fine shower as the handsome younger blond lad found himself checking his teeth in the nearby mirror once or twice before rinsing his mouth out with water before shutting it off and heading out the bathroom door. He'd been dressed rather casually in jeans and a white t-shirt, both had been quite baggy when it came to his thin pale frame but it would do for the time being. Ken had promised to take him back to school shopping and it was the reason they'd both been out of bed, fully dressed and about ready to file into Ken's notorious blue sports car. The older man had already been behind the wheel and honking for Dean to get a move on and lock up before he'd slipped into the passenger seat. 

Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he looked over at a more casually dressed Ken, it was almost comedic with him being in a more casual range of attire with beige khakis and a short-sleeved polo shirt white in color, he looked every bit like a Dad forcing his son to partake in back to school shopping as he whipped the sports car out of the driveway and down the highway. 

It didn't take Dean long to recognize the all too familiar Prince track Dirty Mind playing on the radio. 

"Someone's in a good mood," Dean remarked. 

"Something like that," replied Ken with a wicked smirk despite knowing all too well that Dean had not at all been looking forward to their shopping trip, nor going back to school for that matter. "Must have something to do with all the grade-A pussy I've been getting lately."

Dean rolled his eyes as if the song had not been enough. 

He sat back and enjoyed having the wind in his already rapidly growing hair and filling the car as the breeze set in. They had been silent for the most part as Ken continued to navigate his sports car along the highway. It had been a pleasant-looking day, the sun had been up and hanging high in the bright clear sky. 

It was the kind of day that Dean used to like when far away from everyone and everything which led to him staring up at the sky and daydreaming to pass the time. It was strange to him to have just about everything he'd ever wished for when gazing up at the sky on those long hot summer days before when he'd met Ken. 

The blond lad sat back against the seat and enjoyed basking in the warm glow of the sun and the fresh air that passed by with Ken's speeding. He'd been more or less content aside from the slight rumbling of his stomach due to him not finishing all of his breakfast due to nervousness about being out and about for the day. Ken had warned him it would be a long trip and it was enough to make him unable to finish before heading into the shower. 

Ken seemed to be a bit more relaxed since the last time he'd taken Dean out shopping, of course, that had been due to the looming stress of having dinner with his family and the possibility of them having him committed due to his mental issues. Dean had not known what the fuss had been about when it came to The Kennisons and Malcolm Reeves being all bent out of shape over Ken's new lease on life. While it was not ideal that he liked to party and had sex like an unruly teenage boy first time through puberty, he wasn't a bad person and was almost sweet once people got to know him properly. 

He and Valencia seemed to be in the minority camp when it came to dealing with Ken Ryker as opposed to Ryker Kennison and it was one of the few things that they could agree on. 

This man had essentially saved both their lives and they had agreed to keep him safe even from his own family's meddling. 

Dean took a moment to look over at Ken, noticing that he'd been focused on the road as he tried his best not to acknowledge the all too familiar bulge in the front of his khakis as he drove with Dirty Mind still blaring in the background. Another reminder that Ken was very much an honest man when it came to his sexual exploits and the desire to have them. 

"You ever been to a beach?" asked Ken suddenly turning down the radio as he shifted his gaze toward the younger blond lad. 

Dean seemed to have been caught off guard by his question. 

"Have I been where?" he asked with an arched brow. 

"The beach...you know sun and sand the whole tropical atmosphere thing without actually having to fork over the dough for the tickets and enduring a long-ass boat ride?" replied Ken with an arched brow. 

"N-no," replied Dean feeling a small layer of shame as if everyone had been beachgoers and he'd simply been out of the loop. 

 Ken noticed how red his cheeks had gotten from embarrassment and sighed. 

"Alright well yet another thing we'll have to rectify after our little shopping trip, what do you say, the weather's built for it?" he asked with an arched brow while driving. 

"O-okay," replied Dean unsure what he'd been getting himself into. 

Ken seemed pleased that he'd been willing to try his hand at beach-going life. They zipped through a few more blocks before Dean recognized the vast structure in the distance as the very same mall he'd taken him to beforehand. He had been none too thrilled about being in such a vast public place but had known all too well that he'd be safe with Ken as he'd been the first time around. 

They whipped into the parking garage and once more filed out of the car. Ken took a moment to approach Dean after getting out of the driver's seat. He pulled him close to him as the lad filed out of the passenger seat and placed a hand on his cheek. 

"You alright, breathing okay?" he asked recalling how much Dean had not been a fan of open spaces with large crowds of people. 

Dean took a few deep breaths choosing to focus on having a good time with Ken as he nodded to convey that he'd been trying to collect himself. Ken leaned down and captured his lips in a heated kiss further settling the lad's nerves as the lad returned his kiss for several moments before they parted and ventured toward the entrance to the mall.