
Chapter 109: A Matter Of Taste

The Sparkwell Ave Mall, N. Sparkwell Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 Dean had been a bit overwhelmed by the bright lights, the numerous groups of strange people, and the various noises that filled the mall but he'd been more or less focusing on Ken as the older man led him through the front entrance and toward the food court. The mixed smells of various foods had been pleasant enough but the blond lad's stomach had been rumbling ever since they'd left the house. Ken seemed to take notice despite the chatter and other noises that surrounded them showing Dean just how much he'd been intuned with him and everything that mattered when it came down to it.

His chosen attire had been as appropriate as ever given his rather father-like expression when recalling that he'd instructed Dean to eat something before when he'd been taking a shower. The lad had been so nervous about their traveling plans and shopping that he'd barely eaten much of his breakfast and now here they were standing in the mall food court with his stomach rumbling. 

"Deanie, what did I tell you about eating before we left the house?" asked Ken with an arched brow. 

Dean rolled his eyes noting what an observed nickname Ken used for him whenever he'd been annoyed even slightly as a means of paying it back in kind. 

"I hate when you call me "Deanie" growled Dean showcasing some annoyance of his own. 

"Case and point," replied Ken before taking a glance at the nearby food court and the various meals on hand. "What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know, a burger and fries?" asked Dean unsure if that had been the right answer. 

Ken looked at him for the longest time and shook his head. 

"I might have known you'd want to order that," he said as he headed toward the booth serving burgers and fries. 

Dean followed after him, looking every bit the awkward teenage boy he'd felt he'd been for the first time in a long time. 

Ken smirked when he saw the lad's blue eyes light up once he'd taken note of the milkshakes on the menu. He paid for their food and bought two chocolate milkshakes noticing how much more relaxed and carefree Dean seemed to have gotten in the wake of his favorite thing being presented to him despite being in a crowded mall. 

The older man led the lad over toward the dining area of the food court and they grabbed a seat where they wouldn't be easily disturbed. Dean had been grateful to be as far away from the biggest crowds despite the noise still being a factor. He turned his attention to his burger, fries, and most importantly his ice-cold chocolate milkshake. 

Ken smirked as he turned his attention to sorting out his own food, which had also been a burger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake. He could see the look of enjoyment file across Dean's handsome young face and had been almost jealous that he wasn't the one that had made the lad quite this happy at the moment as much as his apparent old memories had brought on by the milkshake. 

"Should I be jealous?" asked Ken with an arched brow as he watched the lad make short work of his food in a bid to get back to his shake. "Looks like you're really enjoying yourself Deanie."

Dean looked up at Ken noting his expression and the fact that he'd called him that absurd nickname again and rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to his fries and shake. 

Ken smirked once more having made his point and proceeded to polish away his own burger and fries. It was a pretty decent meal all things considered, but nothing to cry home about, he had not known why Dean preferred the chocolate shake so much, it only served to make him wish he'd ordered soda because he'd been thirsty because of it. 

Dean seemed to settle down a bit as he continued to eat his food and sip his chocolate milkshake. Ken thought it amusing to watch him relax in a public space. He had been quite a handsome kid, if timid, and could have used social skills that had nothing to do with soliciting sex from anyone, despite his apparent aptitude when it came to that. 

"I've been meaning to ask..." said Dean suddenly breaking the silence between them as Ken leaned back in his chair wondering where his line of questions had been headed. 

"And what was it that you were meaning to ask about?" countered Ken with an arched brow. 

"Well I told you about my first time, it wasn't exactly spectacular with Clint back in Bushawah but you never told me how you ended up becoming the massive Horndog you are," said Dean looking Ken over, as a wicked smirk filed across the older man's handsome face at the mention of him being all about sex. 

"Ain't much to remember," replied Ken with a sigh. "Mind's been blank since the accident, but I can rightly say she might have been an older blonde, as you may have noticed I've got a thing for blondes."

"That's another thing, your wife was a brunette and your latest baby mama is far from blonde," said Dean not understanding Ken's taste in women at all. 

"I ain't disputing that any pussy is good pussy, so long as it's good pussy boy," growled Ken in annoyance. "What I'm saying is that when it comes to blondes of any sort I got a fascination with them, of all people you should have noticed by now, yours may have come out of a bottle but my dick likes the look of you just the same....maybe more because you're a fuckin hot ass blonde."

Dean noted the lustful look behind Ken's dark eyes and his cheeks turned red despite knowing all too well what the older man was thinking and that he'd probably been quite aroused beneath the food court table. 

"Now and again I recall bits and pieces of some older blonde bitch riding my dick six ways from Sunday and I can't place her face nor her voice for the life of me, been crazy about blondes ever since but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate good pussy when it's offered no matter the carpet or drapes," Ken admitted before finishing off his french fries and turning up his milkshake once more. 

Dean turned his attention back to his own food and shake as well before Ken once more broke the silence between them with his usual brand of vulgarity. 

"What's the craziest thing you'd ever done while under the influence of Spyder's Kandy?" he asked with an arched brow. 

"You," replied Dean with something of a confident smirk. 

Ken chuckled at this and handed that one off to the lad. He'd been fast becoming quick with his wit when it came to their natural barb trades. 

"Well played brat." Ken conceded before finishing off the remainder of his food and shake. "Now let's see you finish your food so we can hit these stores before the sun goes down."

Dean smiled rather warmly as Ken got up from the table collected his trash with one hand and dumped it into the nearby bin. He proceeded to tousle Dean's messy and rapidly growing blonde locks which had been less blond than when they first met due to the lad's dark brown roots beginning to show. 

The lad seemed to enjoy the small display of affection, unable to help himself when it came to his rather boyish smile as he finished eating and downed the rest of his milkshake before disposing of the empty wrappers and container just as Ken had previously. 

They collectively got on their feet and proceeded to venture further into the mall, the small matter of Dean's rumbling stomach no longer an obstacle when it came to their initial plans.