
Chapter 110: A Rather Dirty Bargain

The Clothing Store, Sparkwell Ave Mall, N. Sparkwell Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 From the moment they entered the clothing section, all eyes appeared to have been on them, which made Dean's stomach churn given his lack of enjoyment of such full-on attention from anyone who had not been Ken Ryker directly. It had been a strange little paradox when it came to him, he'd been more than willing to sell his body to strangers as a means of scratching an insufferable itch as far as his need for sex had been concerned and the indescribable craving since the moment he'd ridden his first cock, but he wasn't much for casual conversation with anyone aside from Ken himself when it all came down to it. Valencia had possibly picked up on how timid he'd been but was determined to assist Ken and keep him out of the sanatarium by any means.

Ken seemed to be in his element, as people stared at him, his infamous reputation be it from when he'd been Ryker Kennison saving those from the flight wreck and taking on the airlines in court or when he'd been up to no good given his newfound lease on life as Ken Ryker partying the night away and closing rapid business deals in the wake of all the things that happened to him since awakening from his accident. Either way, Ken wasn't intimidated by people watching and whispering about him. 

He'd been his usual take-charge self as he moved about the seemingly endless racks of clothes instructing a rather nervous and timid Dean to follow him as he carefully selected what he believed would be fitting for a young man of Dean's age, build, and height when it came to giving the lad a fighting chance at some form of popularity despite his outward demeanor when he'd finally attended school. 

From Dean's perspective, the clothes had not been too bad, and not as far from his brand of personal taste as he anticipated. He had liked their look and, eventually, the feel of them when Ken forced him to hold out his arms and carry the many selected outfits as he pulled from the rack without regard for who'd been watching him. The sales clerk, a young woman in her early twenties had not taken her eyes off them since their arrival as she and a fellow young adult co-worker attempted to gather why Ken had taken such an active interest in the likes of a timid younger boy like Dean Hudson. 

Ken had merely been a casual shopper, all the implication of being a father back to school shopping for his young and timid son as far as the blonde clerk had been concerned. Dean had known better and it was one of the few times where his age had given him pause when it came to being seen in public with a wealthy older man like Ken Ryker. He had already felt so small and insignificant when wrapped in the older man's arms but also wanted and needed. However, the comforts of their home had been far from the open shopping mall, and once more, the lad had been feeling a bit uneasy about all the undue attention he'd been getting. 

Attention had usually led to unwanted things happening to Dean such as being bullied for his size and stature, he'd been on the receiving end of being kidnapped and drugged by strange men more powerful than he could have ever imagined, even Clint Hudson had managed to have his way with the lad on more than one occasion. His nerves once more getting the better of him, Dean felt his body tremble and sweat began to pour off him in waves. Ken's keen dark eyes observed him momentarily before he walked toward him and motioned for the blonde clerk. 

"Hey I need a moment to talk to my boy, he's kind of shy and in need of a changing station any idea where that might be?" he asked rather casually. 

"It's down the aisle and to your left sir." replied the blonde who had appeared to have been focused on other things despite Dean's innate paranoia when it came to people judging him. 

"Thanks," replied Ken casually. 

He escorted Dean, who had been quite flushed and trembling despite his embarrassing moment of believing the young clerk had been out to get him as if she'd been jaws lurking in deep water at the beach.

The lad had been pleased to see that it had been quite far from the vast portion of the shopping area and private, very private as Ken continued to escort him into one of the empty stalls before closing and locking the door behind him. He seemed to be just as relieved as Dean when their booth had been quite empty as he turned his attention to Dean once more with a look of concern filed across his handsome face. 

"You alright?" he asked his deep baritone voice filling Dean's ever-alert ears like so many times before. 

The lad's nerves seemed to melt away in that instant as he began to relax in Ken's presence. He'd been embarrassed that he'd reacted so badly and they'd only just begun shopping. His pale cheeks turned red and he seemed to be on the verge of tears. Ken had been trying to do something nice for him, something not many people would have bothered to do for someone like Dean, a sexual plaything for rich men and horrible people alike, and here he was making a mess of things because of his nerves. 

The blond lad couldn't help the tears that began to fill his blue eyes as he felt more and more like he'd been letting Ken down. He had known all too well that Ken needed him to go to school, it was the only chance they had at keeping his family from asking too many questions and carting Ken off to a sanitarium. Dean had felt so weak and so helpless in that moment as the wet and warm tears continued to trickle down his pale cheeks. 

"Hey, what's with the waterworks?" asked Ken kneeling to meet Dean's downcast eyes. He wiped away the tears and pulled the younger lad close to him as he sat down on the conveniently provided bench inside the changing station. "So you got a bit nervous, big deal, it's not the end of the world you know."

Dean sighed. 

"That's easy for you to say, you're like a walking rockstar when it comes down to it, people don't make you feel uncomfortable or judge you." replied the blond lad in annoyance although it was more to do with himself than Ken. 

Ken sat back with his arms folded across his chest with an arched brow as he looked over at the pitiful younger man for a few moments. 

"Bullshit," he said catching Dean off guard. 

"What?" asked the lad with an arched brow. 

"You heard me," replied Ken unfolding his arms as he pulled Dean closer to him for a moment and then finally into his lap. "I call bullshit on your little temperamental meltdown."

Dean resisted the urge to moan feeling how aroused Ken had been with just the mere aspect of their bodies touching despite the clothing between them. The memories of their time together before the shopping trip and then some had been more than enough to arouse the timid lad as well. 

"I don't know what the fuck happened between you riding my dick and us coming to this mall, but ain't no way in hell I'm gonna believe that you're some timid little shit that doesn't know how much you turn me on," growled Ken in Dean's ear. "In case you haven't noticed it, but you're a long way from Kansas Deanie, and you're more than capable of holding your own in more ways than one."

Dean sighed as he leaned back against Ken's chest feeling safe once more in the older man's arms despite being in a dressing room in the middle of a crowded mall. The older man's breath in his ear had taken him back to their time together before venturing into the mall. 

"But..." he began unsure of what to say to that given his nerves. 

Ken slowly slipped a free hand in front of Dean running his fingers along the bulge in the front of the lad's jeans. 

"You wanna play this game then we'll up the antie, you find a way to work up the courage to be who I know damn well you can be and I'll not only take you to the beach but I'll fuck you in the ass right there in the sand just like you like and if you can manage to get through school without flipping out, I'll fuck you in the ass every weekend." Ken offered. "Now as much as I prefer pussy, we both know you need me to fuck your tight little ass from time to time...now what's it gonna be, sport?"

Dean rolled his eyes at being referred to as "Sport" but the idea of Ken finally giving him what he'd been begging for, just to get through their shopping and the prospect of regular occurrences had been much too much to pass up as Ken no doubt knew it would. The blond lad bit his bottom lip as he shifted some in the older man's lap feeling the friction of Ken's thick cock bulge beneath the lad's shapely ass. 

"Mmmmm." he moaned thinking of the latest pounding he'd received from him as the anticipation of more began to get the better of him. "O-Okay."

Ken smirked before kissing along Dean's neck gripping him for a few moments as the lad's weight pressed against the older man's aroused cock for a few seconds more before he allowed Dean to get back to his feet and instructed him to try on the outfits he'd already picked out. 

While Dean had been quite uncomfortable with stripping even in a changing booth in a crowded mall, he'd been reminded of what Ken had promised him as the older man made it a point to adjust his massive bulge in front of him. Dean smirked and stripped out of his clothes as if they'd been back at home, hoping in some small measure to entire Ken and tease him back for getting him so worked up with shopping. 

It wasn't long before he'd been half-naked, aside from his white tight underwear shifted due to the bulge of his smaller cock jutting out before him as Ken's dark eyes filled with lust and he approached him caught up in the seemingly effortless intoxication of their union. 

The flicker of lust behind Dean's blue eyes had not been lost on Ken following their shared heated kiss before the older man stepped back allowing Dean to slowly get dressed, the nervousness of having to change in such a public place long forgotten when the lad had been more or less consumed with his ever building lust and the anticipation of getting what he always wanted as a result of his efforts to combat his nerves here in the mall. 

Ken seemed to delight in the little strip tease show Dean decided to put on, once more demonstrating that he'd been a lot braver than he'd realized since meeting Ken, of course, a lot of his previous bouts with nerves had to do with his poor body image. Clint and the bullies at school had done a number on him by making him feel weird and outcast due to the peculiar aspects of his body's development. 

Ken didn't have a problem with it at all, in fact, he often complimented him on his looks whether they'd been between the sheets or out in public. Dean began to feel confident about his appearance, despite his pale skin and thin frame due to how much Ken seemed to appreciate it. He knew all too well what the older man had been attracted to and then some but to be counted among those beautiful women that Ken had taken to bed more often than not as someone that made Ken's thick cock stand on end had done wonders for the lad's previously lacking self-esteem. 

A handsome wealthy businessman found him to be attractive even when boys at school thought to tease him. It showed how much they knew given that Ken had been a man, a real man with considerable tastes and a high aspect of opinion on things especially when it came to sexual attraction. 

Dean felt a bit silly being worried about the opinions of people that didn't matter in the grand scheme of things when he'd been in the company of the biggest horndog known to man and knew all too well the very sight of his naked body made Ken as hard as stone. He treated the handsome older man to a small smile, grateful to him for instilling some manner of confidence in him despite the bribe being the real reason he'd opted to ignore the ghosts of his past.