
Chapter 114: The Drawbacks Of Being A Lightweight

Dean's Bedroom, The Kennison Estate, Latimer Ave, Baltiney, New York...

 A wave of nausea and a pounding headache had been the first thing that greeted a formerly slumbering Dean Hudson after endless bouts of tossing and turning in his sleep while his stomach churned and ached through the onset of his sleep. He had been alerted to the pain and anguish brought on by the ingesting of booze when he'd not been used to it in the slightest as his blue eyes opened bright and early in the morning and he scrambled to make it toward the nearest bathroom. He did not fully comprehend why he felt so lousy in that moment but he couldn't help but spew his guts into the nearby toilet bowl.

The sound of his heaving had echoed from the bathroom and into the bedroom where he found himself unable to leave the toilet bowl for quite some time since barely making it. He had not known how long he'd spent spewing his guts before he turned his attention to brushing his teeth and hovering over the sink once he'd been done. All he knew was that his world was shifting and his now empty stomach made him feel several pounds lighter. 

Dean gasped for breath momentarily, feeling his body's heaviness from his still being tired despite being grateful that he could brush his teeth. He had not been in the bathroom alone long as his shuffled movements began to get the attention of a formerly slumbering Ken. 

The older man sat up in bed, his dark tanned skin glistening from the lingering sweat from their previous act and the relative heat that filled the room after the fact. He took a moment to slick back his wild hair. He managed to scoot up off the bed revealing his equally naked body in the process as he moved toward the bathroom, his large cock pulsing and twitching with each brisk step as he made it toward the bathroom where he took note of Dean's naked pale ass bent over the toilet bowl once more as he struggled to keep himself upward as he took to leaning into it to empty to the content of his aching belly. 

Ken's dark eyes had still been filled with immense lust as the alcohol that was still present within his already taxed system further fueled it despite the situation with the naked younger lad. His cock stood on end as he stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower adjusting the water for a few moments before scooping a weak and limp Dean into his arms and carrying him toward it. 

Dean had barely registered Ken's presence, the sensation of being outside of his own body while the booze seemed to take effect on his senses and motor skills as he was led by Ken into the shower and held beneath the rushing cool water. 

The older man smirked as he noted how weak and helpless Dean seemed to be in this condition and how much it reminded him of the first time he'd taken a drink, the memory had been strange to recall, thought fragmented due to his accident but he had known the otherworldly feeling of being outside of his body and unable to raise so much as a finger when he'd been hammered out of his mind at the age of fifteen. 

The details had been fuzzy but Malcolm had been there to provide a refresher course on the reason behind it and where it happened, bits and pieces of what transpired after a drunken Ryker Kennison had been dropped off at home by his best friend in a bid to avoid getting into further trouble with his then baby sitter and godmother Beth Chapman, while his parents had been out of town visiting relatives. 

He had elected to stay behind given the party Malcolm had been stoked about them attending and wanted to impress a few girls, the invite had been well and good but the spiking of the punch bowl had not been what Ryker planned for when he'd elected to only sipping from that as opposed to everyone else and Malcolm himself sipping his first beer among the older boys that had attended and threw the party. 

He'd believed to have been a safe bet only to be proven so very wrong when it was all said and done. A drunken night of dizziness, a churning stomach, and rapid vomiting had been his reward for going out that night, so much so that Malcolm had dropped him off and hoped he'd sober up enough before Beth or his parents ever found out about the incident. 

Sadly that had not been the cause as far as Beth Chapman had been concerned. 

Ken recalled very little after managing to climb into his bed after discarding his clothes until he was stripped down to his boxer shorts. Then there was nothing aside from blankness and hazy visions of a strange blond on top of him and the sensation of incredible tightness and heat where his cock had been concerned. 

The fractured memory faded as Ken found himself with a naked young blond of his own to attend to as Dean leaned against him desperate for comfort as his dizziness continued to get the better of him. The drunken younger lad barely registered when Ken took it upon himself to get him washed and rinsed while he wavered between consciousness and unconsciousness, he'd been light as a feather in his own mind but Ken had been doing all the heavy lifting. 

The instant of the older man's touch against his young boy had made him aroused even with his head pounding and the room spinning but he couldn't seem to help it, occasional moans and whimpers escaped the ailing lad as Ken carried him from the bathroom and back to bed. 

All Dean had registered in his hazy mind was that he'd been amid soft sheets and was desperate for Ken to be near him. He'd nearly thrown a fit when Ken attempted to leave begging him not to leave him alone as if he'd been a small child in search of a father figure that had been long eluding him. 

He finally settled down when Ken climbed into bed with him, his equally naked body on top of Dean's both soaked from head to toe from the recent shower as the younger lad settled back down and drifted off to sleep. It seemed even when he'd been much too sick to understand the world around him, Dean had been dependent upon Ken and his presence for comfort. The older man simply kissed Dean on the top of the head and lay with him in his arms allowing Dean to nuzzle himself against his chest as the rapid snoring that had come from the ailing lad beforehand began again.