Evelyn PT 2

She sat at the bar and ordered coffee. Then she waited for people to show up. Most didn't. They would arrive early and begin their work. But today was different.

Finally, just before nine o'clock, three men and a woman entered the bar. All were middle-aged. None wore suits. One man wore jeans and a sweatshirt. Another sported a flannel shirt.

They seemed like ordinary people. Like anyone else. Except for one thing—they had money. Lots of it. And they spent it freely.

While sitting down and enjoying her drinks, she learned more about them. One worked as a stockbroker. Another company sold insurance. And a third owned a construction company.

"You should do better," one of the men said. "I've heard the prices are low."

"It's true," the woman added. "But not because of anything wrong with our products. It's simply supply and demand."

"And what happens if I don't pay?" the stockbroker asked. He looked angry.