Chapter 2

End Flashback, Current Time

Yato POV:

Yato: Finally…

We have arrived at the school.

I got off the bus and looked outside the campus for a last time since I won't see this view in three years.

Yato: The rule that every contact outside this school is prohibited, must be hard for every student who goes to this school. Well it doesn't concern me anyway.

Staying at the entrance of the school campus is useless… the inevitable will come so knowingly I finally decided to step into the school campus.

Yato: Hmm…

As I was walking around I was looking at the installation on the campus.

Yato: I must admit even if I don't want to be here… I'm really surprised with this campus, it's a big place ands it looks really laid out. With all the shops and entertainment places for the students, I should definitely take a tour of the campus but right now I should start heading toward the opening ceremony.

Time Skip:

We were all in the assembly hall in a group that seemed to be our class. I looked around me to observe the people in my class when some teacher was making some boring speech.

Yato: Looks like the girl on the bus is not in the same class as me. That is the first good news of the day. Hum, I don't recognise anyone from my class. Well I'm not suprised, I was not at school for the last three years, it's nearly impossible for me to recognise anyone.

As I was in my thoughts, a man walked towards the front stage and started his speech. It was the president of the school council. I was not listening to his speech but more on the guy itself.

Yato: Hmm, this guy … I must say that the aura this man gives when he is standing there in front of everyone is really impressive.

After a moment of looking at the guy I decided to look around my classmate again… most of them weren't listening to the man until my gaze fell on a certain girl to my left.

Yato: Hmm why this look on your face when listening to his speech? First she is the only one to really listen to him and also.. she not just impressed by him her looks mean more then that.

Yato: …

I continued to look at this girl for a few second until I lost my interest and started doing what everyone else was doing which was not listening waiting for his speech to end.

After his speech the teachers told us to go to our assigned classes. I was on my way to the class they put me in 1-D.

Yato: Finally the ceremony is over . That was way to long… the only positive in this was the president guy… I guess he has the merit to caught my attention.

I continued to walk in the hallway and pass by 3 classes 1-A, 1-B and 1-C and then finally arrived at my class.

Yato: Ah! That's 1-D, I just hope to have a nice class or the year will be long.

When I opened the door, the class was nearly full, it was missing some students out of the 40 per class from what I have counted at the ceremony. Yes I already counted how many student per class, you can call it a habit of mine if to rcamined everything around me.

Yato: well now I have a better view of the face of everyone from my class

I look around my class to choose my place among the remaining ones… but the one I was originally targeting was already taken. The place in the back near window.

I then started to look at the guy sitting at the place I wanted. He was looking through the window while talking to no one… I looked at him momentarily and his attitude didn't change at all.

Yato: He doesn't seem like the more dynamic guy in the class… with an attitude like that I can't say if his happy or depressed.

As I was making a quick idea of this guy from my first sight… I decided to walk towards him.

Yato: Hmmmmm… I guess it's weird if I ask him to change seats so I can sit there.

Just as I was thinking to ask him or not he finally stopped looking at the window and look at my direction… I guess he might felt my gaze on him.

I looked at him in the eye for a moment and just sighed and looked for another seat.

Yato: Go for the last row middle seat then

I sat at my desk and I noticed to my neighbour was the same girl who was looking at the president with a weird look.

Yato: I guess it might be a good idea to introduce myself at least since we will be sitting next to eachother for a year.

I started to look at her with a smile and a friendly attitude.

Yato: Hey it seem we're gonna be neighbours this year so it would be great if we introduced to eachother. I'm Fukuzawa Yato, what about you.

???: …

Yato: …

???: …

Yato: Sigh…

No answer

Yato: What the fuck… she didn't answer me and worst was the look of disgust she had when she looked at me. I don't remember having bad communication skills.

First the incident with girl on the bus, the king ass ceremony and now being ignored by this girl

It can't be worse right?

I then started to look to my right . My other neighbour which was another girl. She has long pink hair with some glasses that look fake… but hey… who am I to judge.

Yato: Hey sorry to bother you but since we are neighbours it would be great if we introduced ourselves right? I'm Fukuzawa Yato, what about you?

Hearing my voice she turned her head to look at me..

?????: KYAAA!

Yato: Wait what?! Did I just scare her?

???: I-I-I-I-I S-S-S…

I heard she was saying something but I couldn't understand since she was stuttering.

Yato: Sigh…

I just leaned against the back of my chair and started at the ceiling.

Yato: This is going to be a long year…

At this moment the door opened and a woman in her 30s walked into the class onto the podium

Chabashira: Ahem, Good morning students My name is Chabashira Sae and I am in charge of class D this year. I teach Japanese History. The school doesn't arrange the classes every year, So over the next three years I hope to get to know all of you. Best Regard. I will now distribute the list of the special rule of this school and the matriculation guide.

Yato: Sigh…Mot only a year but three long years…