Chapter 3

Yato POV:

Ah yes, on the first day of the school year, roughly during the first period, Chabashira-Sensei had explained the rules the lifestyle for us to adapt to this school. We were forbidden to have any contact outside this school for the next three years. So, it was certain that there will be rules that usually doesn't have in other schools. At this moment I just received a document including the rules of this place.

One special aspect of this school that caught my attention was the S-system.

Chabashira: Now that you all have the document containing the school rules, I will hand over your student ID cards. This card contains all your private points, with this you can buy anything from all shops and facilities around this campus. It worked the same as credit cards, be careful about how much point you use. there nothing you can't buy at this school.

Yato: Wait, there's nothing I can't buy at this school. It seems like I'm the only one interested. If you really could buy anything in this school, it will be very useful. And… when I think about it money can be a dangerous power if I use in intelligently.

Chabashira: Student's cards can be used by swiping them on a machine or you could use your phone to make any payment in this school, it's really easy you won't have any trouble using it. The pints will be automatically transferred to students ont he first day of every month. Eveyoone should already have 100,000 points in their card. The value of the point is, 1 Yen is worth 1 Point. That's is all for the explanation on the students Cards.

When Chabashira finished explaining the private points and the amount of points they received the classroom got excited.

Yato: Wait wait, I know this school is run by the government but 100,000 is not a bit too much for students? Maybe it's just due to my mistrustful nature that I start having doubts about all this... just keep listening to the rest of his explanations to see if there is a catch.

Chabashira: Were you guys surprised by the amount of points given? This school measures the abilities of students. Everyone here, who passed the entrance exam, has shown some level of merit and worth. The amount of money is your reflection of your skills. Use without holding back. After

graduation, however, all the points will be taken back. Since it's impossible to change these points into cash, there's no point in saving up the points. How the points are used is up to you. Use it on things you like or need. If you feel that there is no use for some of your points, you can always transfer them to someone else. However, bullying other people for points is prohibited. The school is very strict on matters concerning bullying.

Chabashira-Sensei looked around the class.

Chabashira: It seems like no one has questions. Well then, please live a good student life.

After that she left the clasroom.

This further confirms my suspicion. First, the amount of money they give to us after they are justified by the fact that we show a certain level of merit and worth. So, if lI start from

this information, if we somehow lose this merit and worth as students, will there be consequences? What will be these consequences?

The other fact that makes me think in that way is that Chabashira-sensei never ONCE mentioned that they going to give us 100,000 per month. The only thing she said is that our

points are deposited in our account on the first of the month. Anyways, I won't ask any questions and will just follow the class flow. ljust going to back up myself by keeping as many points as possible until I have more proof that will confirm that my theory is true and what the consequences would be.

As soon as I finished thinking about all the Points system, I saw at my right the girl who ignored me before class started. She was currently talking to this guy who took the seat near the window...

Yato: This depressed guy over there managed to talk to this girl? Ouch...

I then looked around the class, all my classmates were already talking about how they would spend their money. After all this campus has all sorts of shops and facilities, so it was easy to fall for the temptation to take advantage of their new money.

Yato: Sighs... The other thing that brother me is what Mori said to me when he announced to me that I would go to this school. That it will be beneficial for both of us?? Well. I think

it's a waste of time to think about it more right now.. l can easily read most people, but Mori is something else, it's not easy to predict his intentions.

Just when I was in my thought, a guy stood up in the first row of the class.

???: Everyone, can you guys listen to me for a bit?

Yato: …

Like everyone, I started looking at him...

???: Starting from today, we will be in the same class for the next three years. So, it would be great if we could introduce ourselves and become friends, so what do you think?

After one person had approved his idea, basically all the class naturally followed. Personally, I didn't want to introduce myself because of the two failures that had just happened 15 minutes ago.

Yato: Sighs... I will see how it goes and I will improvise.

Hirata: My name is Hirata Yousuke. Because I was often called by my first name, Yousuke, in middle school, feel free to use my first name. Although I like all sports, I like soccer

in particular, and also plan to play soccer at this school. Please take care of me.

Yato: ..

Aside from his good presentation, there is something else I noticed in the class...This guy with two sentences gained the admiration of all the girls in the class. At the same time... He succeeded in gaining the jealousy of many men.

But from what I saw with his short presentation, the way he talked, his attitude, his gesture.He is probably going to be

the center of the class.

After in order, it was the turn of a girl who stood up, but you clearly saw that she was stressed.

???: M-my name is Inogashira K-ko-.

She tried to introduce herself, but her words stopped in her mouth. While some people tried to cheer her up, my attention was on the girl to my left. The girl with pink hair..

Yato: If she was too shy just to introduce herself to me... how is she supposed to speak in front of everyone?

After a while, the girl named Inogashira finally succeeded in presenting herself.

Inogashira: My name is, Inogashira... Kokoro. Um, my hobby is sewing and I'm good at knitting. P-please take care of me.

After it was the turn of a guy. He has not even started his introduction and l already know it will be...special.

Yamauchi: I'm Yamauchi Haruki. In elementary school, I played table tennis at the national level, then was the baseball club's ace in middle school- had uniform number 4. But since I got an injury during Inter High recently, so I am currently in rehab. Nice to meet ya!.

Yato: Hoi Hoi... how many lies will come from your mouth?! I hope nobody really believed what he said otherwise it's really sad... Brief l just found a top candidate for the person I like the least in my class

???: Then I'm next right?

Yato: Hm?

A cheerful girl stood up ready to present herself..Earlier when Inogashira was struggling to present herself in front

of the class, it was this girl who helped her...

Kushida: My name is Kushida Kikyou, and since none of my friends from middle school came to this school, I want to get to know everyone and become friends! First of all, I

want to become friends with everyone here. After all of you are done with your introductions, please exchange contact

information with me!

Yato: ...

Kushida: Then, during vacations or after school, I want to make memories with many people, so please invite me to

many events. I've been talking for a while, so I'll end my self-introduction here.

After Hirata, it was Kushida who succeeded in catching everyone's attention. All the boys looked at her like she was an angel and for the girl, she was giving a friendly vibe. She

will have no problem socializing with everyone at school. Although, her speech was a bit too much? She really insists

that she wants to be friends with everyone and be part of all events that people make. That's not weird to want to be friends with others that much?

Yato: ...

I looked at her as she was smiling at everyone...until she started looking at me with this same smile...

Yato: Well, I must be overthinking, it's just that she is different from me. Some people are extremely social by nature, she must be one of them.

After her introduction, It was the turn of a guy who was sitting in front of Yamachui.

Ike: I'm Ike Kanji. The things I like are girls, and the things I hate are ikemen. I'm looking for a girlfriend at any time, so nice to meet you! Of course, you better be cute or beautiful!

Yato: Oh wow. That's a trash introduction... How can you come up with that? Still, I don 't know why but I prefer this one to the other one.

Some girls started making fun of his introduction with reason, but I don't think he realized it.

Then Hirata was looking for the next one to introduce himself.

Hirata: Then, the next one is... Hirata was looking at a tall student with red hair, he gave

the impression of being a delinquent.

???: You guys idiots? I don't wanna introduce myself, just leave me alone.

There was a certain tension in the classroom.

Hirata: I can't force you to introduce yourself. But, I don't think that it's a bad thing to get along with your classmates. If you thought I was being unpleasant, I apologize.

All the girls started to take sides with their Hirata-sama by saying he should introduce himself, but some of the boys said nothing because there were probably jealous of Hirata.

???: No. I don't want to pretend that we're good friends.

Red hair guy got up from his seat. At the same time, several other students left the room. They probably had no intention of getting to know their classmates. Same for my two neighbors. That was a perfect opportunity to quit the

class as well... but there was something I wanted to see. More precisely a girl who was sitting in the mid-row. I noticed it when I entered the class, but I still had a slight doubt. Her turn to introduce herself will be soon. I want to be there to confirm if it is really her. The girl who made fun of and broke my little brother back then in middle school..