Chapter 9

Yato POV

Just as I entered the classroom after being late, everyone switched their gaze to me standing in front...

Chabashira: Oh what a surprise...look who gave us the honor of his presence. Usually, you are not here before past 10 a.m., Fukazavwa-kun.

Yato: Haha well everyone has their flaw right? Anyway guessed that today being late wouldn't be a benefit...

As I said this with my usual nonchalant attitude, she looked at me in silence for a if she was trying to read me.

Chabashira: Oh... you don't seem surprised and in shock like the others about your points for the month. You even said it wouldn't be a benefit to come late... It's interesting. Would you mind telling us why?

Everyone listened in silence to our conversation.

Yato: ...

With no intention of answering her question, I started to walk to my seat. I knew what she wanted from this and ignoring her was the best option... But as I started to walk toward my desk...

Chabashira: Where do you think you're going Fukazawa- kun? Do I tell you you can go sit at your place?

I stopped and looked behind me with my usual attitude...

Yato: Well I didn't know I had to ask to sit in my desk…

Chabashira: Indeed, but today if you go to your place without my permission... you're expelled from this school!

Classmates: EHHH??

Yato: ..

Everyone was visibly shocked when they heard the word "expulsion"

Yato: Is that just a threat Sensei? First off...have you really the power to expel students just for that?

Chabashira: I don't know. Try it if you want to find out!

Yato: ...

Her attitude...she is really not acting as at the beginning of the month. Her personality has changed completely.

Yato: Now, what should I do?

I wouldn't really mind getting expelled but the real problem is that Mori gonna be mad at me. If I have to choose between Mori and Chabashira-sensei, the choice is easy...

Yato: Sighs...

I retraced my steps and went back to the front of the class and leaned against the wall…

Chabashira: Good let's pick up where we left off. The points were deposited. Without fail. The likelihood that this class was left out is very low. Do you understand?

Hondou: No, even if I say I do understand, we haven't received our points...

This guy, if I remember correctly, hangs out with lke, Yamauchi, and Sudo. He didn't seem to understand what Chabashira-sensei was saying. In fact, he wasn't the only one, many people still don't understand what was happening.

???: Hahaha, I see, it was like that, teacher. I've understood this riddle now.

Yato: ...

This voice... the one who said that was Koenji.

Koenji Rokusuke...he already had my interest for a few reasons...

He stands out with his arrogant and self-entitled attitude. So he would also have found out how the school system works huh?

Koenji: We didn't receive any points because we're in class D.

Yato: Yeah but it's not the only reason why we got zero points.

Hondou: Hah? What's that supposed to mean? They said we'd get 100,000 points every month...

Koenji: I don't remember hearing that. Right?

Chabashira: Your attitude has some problems, but what Koenji is saying is on the right track. Not many people seem to have noticed my hint. How sad.

As I smirked, the classroom erupted in uproar and confusion.

Koenji: Hey latecomer-boy, if you have something to say don't be shy and talk!

My gaze then landed on Koenji who said this...I looked at him for a few seconds until l just sneered.

Yato: hmm I don't know blondie-boy, I'm fine at enjoying this little circus. Anyways, Chabashira-sensei will end up explaining everything.

But as I said this to Koenji, I noticed the Chabashira-sensei who started to smirk...

Chabashira: If you tell me your thoughts on the situation, I will let you go sit down at your desk.

Yato: ...

The day will be long if she doesn't give me the permission form going to sit down. I also have the feeling that she would be able to make me stand all day for her personal pleasure. So just telling everything to these idiots can be

worth it if I can go back to my seat..

With my annoying face, I accept her condition.

Yato: Well, if that can allow me to go in my place, sure...

I then started looking at the class and noticed all the gazes were on me...

Yato: Well it all started when Chabashira-sensei introduced the rules and the system of private points in this school. She told us that the 100 000 private points given were in

relation to our merit and worth as students. So from this fact, I reached the conclusion that we could lose them if we lost this "merit" that she talked about.

My seriousness seemed to have surprised the majority of my classmates. Most of them were looking at me still unsure about the situation... except Chabashira-sensei and Koenji who had a smirk on their face.

Yato: The second interesting fact, is that this morning I asked some students from the A-Class how many points they received. Their points awarded for the month were around 90K. They did not receive exactly 100 000 but a little

less. With this information, we can imagine something.

I went to the board and took the chalkboard pencil to writesomething. Everyone was silent and listened carefully to what I was saying.

Yato: A sort of class ranking..We know that we have 0 points and the A-class has 90k. We can imagine that the C- Class and B-Class are in between.

With the chalkboard, I write the ranking.

A-class: 90k

B-class: ???

C-Class: ???

D-class: 0

Yato: So, in theory, we could become A-Class but in the end... but we lost all your points because we are D-class like Koenji said. We are the class of defective haha!

I just started to laugh out loud as I dropped the chalk close to the board...

Yato: Sensei I finished my explanation, can I finally go to my desk?

I haven't said everything that I noticed during this first month... but with what I just told her it should be enough to satisfy her...

Chabashira: Wow l'm impressed. You noticed all my hints but you kept them for yourself and did nothing. Haha, yes you can go to your place.

I could finally go and sit down at my desk.. but as I was walking back to my seat, someone stopped me by asking a question.

Hondou: Wait, you said you know all this and yet... you didn't say anything to us?! Why?

Yato: Why?

I just started looking at him puzzled...Hondou and the majority of my classmates were looking at me with an annoyed attitude.

Yato: Hmm I guess because no one asked me.

Everyone: !!!