Chapter 10

Yato POV

As I said that everyone seemed more annoyed now but I just ignored them and walked back to my desk.

Everyone was visibly angry at me but they could only blame themself. After all... It's basic knowledge to listen in class, you learn that before going to high school.

Hirata: Sensei, I still have a question. Why is there such a big difference in points between the other class and us?

Chabashira: Why? 127 total absences and tardies. Four hundred thirteen incidences of talking or using cell phones in class. I counted every infraction. In this school, your class

performance is reflected in points. As a result of your behavior, the 100,000 points you could've gotten went down the drain. That's all that happened. And..

She suddenly stopped what she was saying and she started looking at me again...

Yato: ...

Chabashira: I'm glad to announce to you that we got a new record this year! With a total of 29 absences and tardies. You can be proud of yourself Fukazawa Yato... I don't think this new record will be broken in the near future!

I could have answered her that I could beat my own record next month but my classmates are already mad at me. I have no choice but to defend myself otherwise the class will hate me forever.

Yato: Hoi wait sensei... even if I would have been a model student like Hirata... Would that have changed the outcome of our class?

Koenji: Hahahaha well said latecomer-boy!

Koenji surprisingly took my side and Chabashira just nodded and continued.

Chabashira: Indeed, even if we remove Fukazawa's infractions during the first month. You will still have zero points. This school ensures the abilities of its students. This

time around, you guys were valued to be worth 0. There's nothing more than that.

Hirata: But Chabashira-sensei, I don't remember ever hearing that explanation before... There was no mention of reducing the number of points transferred to us at the beginning of each month. If it had been explained before, I'm sure that we would've tried not to be late and not to talk during class.

Chabashira: An interesting argument, Hirata. I also don't remember explaining the rules about the points received at the beginning of each month. However, haven't you guys learned not to talk in class and get to class on time since

elementary school? I'm pretty sure you guys have learned that. In the nine years of compulsory education, they've always told you that such things are frowned upon. Talking

in class and being late to class is bad.

Hirata: …

Chabashira: After becoming first-year high schoolers, did you really think that you would get 100,000 points every month without any restrictions? In this school created by the Japanese government to train excellent people? That's impossible, just use your common sense.

Hirata debated unnecessarily with Sensei... as she said it was just common sense not to talk and don't being late for class. What was already done was done, they now had to think about what to do from now on.

Hirata understood the situation quickly but I was curious about the others...

Hirata: Well then, can you at least tell us the details about how points are increased or decreased? We will always try to do our best from now on.

Chabashira: That's not possible. We are not allowed to divulge the details of how we assess merit to the students. It's the same as the real world. When all of you enter society and find work in some kind of business, they probably

won't tell you how you're assessedthat's up to the company, though. However...I'm not trying to be cold, nor do I hate you guys. This is such a pitiful sight that I'll tell everyone here one thing.

A faint smile was on Chabashira-sensei's face.

Chabashira: For argument's sake, if we say that everyone stopped being late and stopped talking in class... your deduction would be zero, but that doesn't mean you'll get more points.

So in other words, our next month's allowance is also 0 points. This necessarily means that there is another way to earn points. I do not see this school making sure we can't make up for our mistakes of the last month. Hirata and the

majority of the class had a dark expressions with all this news.

With that the bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom.

Chabashira: Looks like we had too much idle chit-chat. Hopefully, you understood. Anyway, let's move on to the main issue at hand.

She pulls out a white poster and puts it on the board. On this poster, there was a ranking with all the classes. With A- class: 940 points, B-class 650, C-class 490 and D-class 0

That means that my theory was correct, the only thing I didn't know was that there were some class points. That would mean that we all started with 1000 class points. The other thing we now know is the value of the class points... 1 class point = 100 private points. But now that lI saw the two other classes I didn't know how many points they had..this confirmed my doubt that I didn't share with the class. The placement of students is probably not random in this school.

Students: Hey, don't you think this is strange?

Students: Yea... the numbers are too clean.

Some noticed that there was something strange about the results.

Chabashira: For the first month, all of you have been doing as you wanted. Your actions, such as talking during class and being late to class, just affect the number of points you get. It's the same with how you use points. You have the

freedom to use points how you want. We haven't restricted how you use your points.

Ike: This isn't fair! We can't lead a normal school life like that!

Ike and Yamauchi were crying out loud... they probably spent all their points already...

Chabashira: Look carefully, you stupid kids. Every otherclass except class D got some points. The number of points you guys have should still be plenty enough to last for a month.

Yato: Not for everyone it seems...

Students: H-how does the other classes have any points left? That's strange...

Chabashira: I'll tell you, but it's not like this is some kind of fraud. For this past month, all the classes were judged by the same rules. Nevertheless, they didn't lose as many points as you guys did. That's a fact.

Hirata: How... how is there so much difference in points between the classes?

Hirata started to see something odd about these results. There was too much of a gap between the other class and us.

Chabashira: Did you guys finally understand? The reason why you guys were put in D-Class!

Student: The reason we were put in class D? Isn't that because we were appropriate for this school?

Student: Eh? That's how ordinary classes work, you know?

It seemed like there were still some students who were still not catching what Sensei was trying to say.

Chabashira: In this school, all the students are divided into classes by merit. The best students are put in class A. The worst in class D. Well, it's a system that is found in major cram schools. In other words, class D is the collection of

leftovers. That also means that you are the worst students, the defective products of this school. Just like Fukazawa was saying earlier, defective"

Wait she just wants to see me suffer and make me hated by the class right?

Hirata: After hitting zero points, does that mean we will always stay at zero points forever?

Chabashira: Yeah. Your points will stay at O until graduation. However, be at ease, since you can still use your dorms, and there are free meals in the cafeteria. You won't die.

I had already seen the free items at the convenience store so it did not surprise me and I can't imagine a school run by the government giving us nothing for our survival.

Ike:... Will we be made fun of by the other classes now?

It's true I can imagine the other class starting to make fun of us because they have points and not us. There is going to be a feeling of superiority that will settle in this school for the class at the top.

Suddenly Sudo kicked his desk with his foot. The fact they

will make fun of us has touched his pride.